It CAN be done
ok... ok.... ok.... the Uber Barb is finished!!!! He's at lvl 86 He has:
Helm: pdiamond arreats (only 16x ed, with 5ll)
Armor: perf fort (30 all res)
Wepon: ebotd cb (365/12) <--- low but it's still ebotd

Shield: ss
Belt: verdungos <----- 39 vitality, 15% DR
Boots: gore riders <----- 173 ed
Gloves: drac's <----- 10 str, 8ll
Ring 1: raven frost <------ 250 ar
Ring 2: natures peace
Ammy: highlord's wrath ammy
vita and ar charms, also has a low 12/16 barb torch, no skill gc's yet
his main attack is
Concentrate... I know I know u guys are wondering... "wtf?! concentrate!!! zerk/frenzy/ww is WAY better!!" BUT concentate is an attack that is
NOT INTERUPTIBLE. anyway... he deals 7k concentrate damage 1 haded and 11k 2 handed. Has 21k defence with war cries. (I didnt max zerk and yes i know its a synergy of concentrate... I decided to put the points into shout, and sword mastery for def and damage) and has a total of 5.5k life with bo and oak sage. Me and my girl friend (its her barb) did uber trist about an hour ago with him. I had my hammerdin<-- typical cookie cutter hammerdin (for the salvation aura) and used him to keep the minions in check. The uber barb completly OWNED uber trist! He never casted life tap on mephisto and still
without life going under 3/4!!!! Uber baal seemed to be the most trouble as he kept on using his "wedge" to knock us away, but we eaisly killed him as well. And ofcourse uber diablo was the last to get his ass handed to him. In total the entire trist run took a maximum of 10 min.

My girlfriend said she only had to use 1 pot the entire time. I'm going to post screenshots of us killing the uber in about 15 min. (for all of you who are still "oh a barb cant kill ubers")
Anyway... I highly
HIGHLY recomend this build as an alternitive to the cookie cutter smite builds. He
complely rapes uber trist, and personally did much better than a smiter. (even with lw/greif, exhile, coh, etc... I still see smiters have problems i.e they die) --- this was not the case with this barbarian. I'll post a complete breakdown of how to build this kind of character if anyone asks... but again... if you're looking for a character that can kill ubers... tank souls and dolls... pk... and just about anything else u want him to do... I think
this is it. thanx again for all the imput guys and I'll get these screenshots up asap
oh... the torch was a 15/13 assasin :/