Uber Barb Build


Oct 30, 2004
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How well can Mercs survive? I plan on being crowd-control and that Holy Freeze was a good idea. I looked completely past it. Would even equiping a merc be fruitful? Will they die from the massive hordes of Meph minions? If so, you said stick a Pride on there. Anything else that may work for body/helm?

Also, Holy Freeze. I know those immune to cold can now be frozen. Since this will be my active aura and I will be getting Might from my Last Wish (and my buddy's), Fanat from my buddy, and Defiance from my buddy... should I raise the synergies of Holy Freeze? I mean I really don't have anything else to put the rest in after Zeal, Holy Freeze, Holy Shield, and their prereqs.

Thanks so far to everyone for the helpful hints. This build is looking great so far.


Oct 28, 2005
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try this build i have one single player and he owns.
20 zeal, 20 holy shield, 20 blessed aim, 20 holyfreeze, 20 defiance-maxed last
with all those auras stacking and lifetap,slowed monsters i think mercs would be able to survive fine. as for items, i like to go with a Gaze with um or res jewel, and a leviathan with a -req jewel, gives you a boost in str to equip merc with whatever polearm you want, res will be maxed when they are around lvl 85, Damge reduce and leach. I forget how much IAS is needed in conjunction with a phaseblade with no WIAS to achieve 4fps zeal, i think you need 63% with phase blade for 4,fos, can someone confirm this?


Just make sure to trade in the two +3 warcry weapons for two p bo cta's. ;)


Oct 28, 2005
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can someone confirm the ias needed for a pally using a PB, and not using fanat for 5 and 4 fps attacks


May 2, 2005
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Wow, it's been like 239087641038497 year's since i've gotten on d2, or anything that deals with d2 for that matter, and fancy i find someone inquiring about the tried and true uber-barb build. :D excelent choice, much funner to use than smiter imo :D anway, i'll try to help you out by posting the exact build i was using in this thread: http://www.battleforums.com/showthread.php?t=110172&highlight=whirlwind where i post my build is just what i'm currently using on the uber barb, its not what must be used for it to be effective, and yes i realize that it's not as "gg" as it could be, but... like I said, i'm using it now, and it's working great for me.

Uber Barb / PvP / PvM / Barb vs ne thing build guide:
**Max Concentrate (why? cuz it cannot be interupted, AND, it raises AR, AND DEFENCE with each hit!!!! <-- nice to have soloing uber meph!)
**Max Bo (synergy of concentrate)
**Max bash (synergy of concentrate)
**xx points for weapon mastery, 1 iron skin, 1 natural resist, xx for shout (i put like 12 into shout for def, and 2 or 3 into mastery for dmg ;D)
Note: we dont put any points into beserk (yes I know its synergy of concentrate, but it add's magic damage, and in ubertrist we want PHYSICAL damage, so skip beserk, and distribute the points into mastery, nat. resist, shout, etc.

**Helm: pdiamond arreats (only 16x ed, with 5ll)
**Armor: perf fort (30 all res, 1530 def dusk shroud)
**Wepon: ebotd cb (373/15) <--- low but it's still ebotd
**Wepon switch: Either, 2x hoto's, or.. 2x 6bo cta's (or atleast 4bo or better)
**Shield: ss (i have a ber in it now, but used this same sheild w/o ber, and still successfully solo'd ubertrist, i cant really tell the diff with it ber'd lmao)
**Belt: verdungos <----- 39 vitality, 15% DR
**Boots: gore riders <----- 173 ed
**Gloves: drac's <----- 10 str, 8ll
**Ring 1: raven frost <------ 250 ar 17dex CANNOT BE FROZEN!!!
**Ring 2: natures peace
**Ammy: highlord's wrath ammy (now i'm using a crafted +2 barb skill, 4ll, 10 all res ammy)
vita and ar charms, also has a low 12/16 barb torch, and 2xmastery gc's, and 2x bo gc's

**Str: XXX (X = whatever your highest str requirement item is minus (-) the strength bonuses from gear, torch, charms, etc.)
**Dex: 100 (For some reason i put 100 base dex in every char i make so i did the same on the uber barb to :p )
**Vit: Rest!!!!
**Energy: who cares about energy... concentrate only costs 2 mana hehehe

**Armor: Give him an eth fort if you can afford it, ebugged preferably :D
**Helm: anything with life leech imo
**weap: whatever you want :p (cuz he'll die in ubertrist ne way)
really u dont need a merc for an uberbarb, this is just for pvm, or pvp :D
oh, and i like the act 2 nightmare offensive merc's for the might aura, (11-12k concentrate damage :D )
Now... I'm not saying that with this build you are going to waltz into ubertrist, and come out smelling like a rose. You'll need atleast 4 - 6 full rejuves depending on how hard the ai wants to fight on that particular trist run. Dont worry though if you wind up fighting meph and baal or diablo in 1v2, dont pannic, just keep concentrating on meph, your life tap + life leech will keep you swinging, and thats why we bring a few full juvs. But.. if you get the uber's all in 1v1 combat, then you've already won

It takes me about 5 min to solo ubertrist with this build, sometimes closer to 10 min (depending on alot of things: LAG!! <-- an uber warrior's worst enemy!
how the ai fighting (its different for me almost every time), and in my own personal case, how much weed i've smoked prior to uber trist ;) )

any questions just post here, and i'll try to help best I can. but right now i feel like doing key finding talking about ubertrist and all

ps... this barb finds keyz ez, just put 2x hoto's on weapon switch for fcr + bo weapons. (if you can afford use 2x 6bo cta's fo ubers), and tele your ballz to the wall...
a good uber barb is hard to make, you have a better chance going melee druid
....use the barb :D


BattleForums Newbie
Aug 14, 2009
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I got an uber barb, lvl 89, the only prob with soloing is the ghosts/blood lords that are phys immune, since frenzy attacks other targets. He can solo pretty well though with arreats, 2 edeathz, highlords, coh, tgod, raven, natures peace, gores, dracs. The ar is a little low on this build, but i rarely die doing ubers, 65% crushing blow on both weps with gores, max resists, i think around 75% deadly strike plus the axe mastery. I was thinking of swapping an edeathz for lw and the dracs for rends.


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