Originally posted by AHappyChineseBoy
wow talk about old thread, but its a fact, fiends own wyvs. because web traps the army.
why? Becuase fiends at 270 speed, and web is 40 range. wyvern attack range is 45. fiend has to run up, web and run out of range to truely be effective, but suprisingly, they cant cause of the large collision size, speed and how sucky they are. So really, even if u web the whole wyvern army, they still throw the spears at ur fiends, and air units are more effective at targeting units than fiends are.
you can nuke the fs/sh which ever is lower, GG HERO. you can repeatedly retreat your army, while sme of their wyvs stay on the ground. and you can even nuke their wyvs also. Don't forget you can heal a fiend that's focused fired on.
The thing with nukes is, they are nonexistant. because first off, SH hex and wyverns focus on the low-hp, slow lich while the DK cnat heal. if they do manage a nuke, healing wave is off and heals all the units around.
Wyverns have 570hp. you really think even 2 novas are going to phase that army?
[/quote]Oh, don't forget you can mass fiends quicker then you can wyvs [/QUOTE]
I am saying htis now, IF web was tier 1, I would agree with you. but seeing as how u either a)Stay at tier 2, and have a larger army of ground range units, or b)move to tier 2 to counter wyverns, but pretty much end up with the same army size as wyverns.
265 gold 40 wood. not much more than a 215 gold 40 wood fiend. Wyverns also dont build much slower than fiends, wyvenrs taking 35, and fiends taking 30.
Then u factor those numbers in with the fact wyverns are a 320 speed air unit with 570 hp that can deal up to 40 damage with poison alone, agaisnt the 550 hp, 270 speed large ground unit that can burrow with good micro(though 8 tiems outta ten by the time it burrows its dead.)