So...did we decide that he's black?
Nostalgia, I think that I have made many more friends/"allies" on this site for one reason. I don't flame people just because I have nothing better to do. I used to nail DateRape, but he left. I respect Vegeta Clam now, as opposed to my once-closed-minded self. You're just a jerk . If you had a single brain cell in your head, you'd realize that all you do is waste space on this once-worthy forum. You and others like you, *cough* Jiggy, Zsqaured *cough* need to calm your flames down and stop ruining this for everyone. If you stopped flaming people back for flaming you, they would lose intrest, and get bored with insulting you. Grow up.
*Notice I got my message through, and I did not swear once.*