Basic - Moving a camera around
Before beginning, you need to know that cameras will move from one to another, so you will not create the cameras using triggers. In order to move from a camera to another, use
Camera - Apply Camera Object (Timed)
Let's say you want to apply a camera automatically, and then move it to another's position, here's how to display it in the trigger editor:
Camera - Apply "Name of your starting camera" over 0 seconds
Camera - Apply "Name of your second camera" over x seconds
wait x seconds
The "wait x seconds" is there to make sure the camera isn't interrupted by anything else.
Camera - Apply "Name of your starting camera" over 0 seconds
Camera - Apply "Name of your second camera" over x seconds
Camera - Apply "Name of your third camera" over y seconds
in this situation, the second camera movement would be ignored because the third camera is instanly issued a command. You would have to display it like this:
Camera - Apply "Name of your starting camera" over 0 seconds
Camera - Apply "Name of your second camera" over x seconds
wait x seconds
Camera - Apply "Name of your third camera" over y seconds
wait y seconds
Giving cameras good locations
If you've ever noticed, you can move the World editor's camera around by holding the CTRL button, clicking the right mouse button and move around. This will be very helpful when placing your cameras more precisely. You can also move around with a simple right click/move.
Lock the Camera Orientation
This one isn't really complicated. Let's say you want to lock the camera's orientation to a unit:
Camera - Apply "Name of the default camera" over 0 seconds
Camera - Lock Camera orientation to "Name of unit"
The first camera command is to give the location of your camera. Then you will issue it to fix a certain unit. so this way, your camera will not move, but will always be looking at the designated unit.
Camera Controlling
You can never have enough Camera Objects
To make an extreme closeup, place the unit on the map and line up the view in WE to what you want, then make a camera there.
The very top and bottom of your cameras will be invisible in-game (letterbox), so it's best to put your target area away from the edges. Test using "X" in WE.
Never get TOO close, or you'll be inside the unit and that looks stupid.
There is a limit to how close you can get to a unit. If you want to focus on a person's eyeball it won't work...unless you do this lol: Create a custom unit of the same model, and set size to 10. Focus on the new unit's face, and then just delete or hide him when you're done.
The secret to good Cinematic Maps is faking things. Nobody cares about the norm, you have to make it look like you're doing the impossible.
The "Move unit" trigger makes a great knockback effect when used in small amounts in a periodic trigger .
Doodads can be risen by selecting them and holding ctrl and pgup. pgdn lowers them. Try things like lowering flowerpots to only see the flowers, or raise rocks to make spires. You cna even make a floating tree it you're weird lol.
Doodads can be moved ignoring clipping also, by holding ctrl and hitting one of the numpad directions. This is cool.
To make custom buildings by combining several other ones, make them ALL units using building models and turn and position them as you see fit. You can also add doodads, and even lowers and raised doodads to make a pimping shack .
Watch movies and TV, and then try to imitate the special effects and style they use. If it's good enough for the big screen, it's DAMN good enough for War3 lol.
Make fake stuff if doodads can't give the results you want
Create units and give them doodad models. This is very useful for city buildings since they cannot be rotated without being resetted by War3. Making them a unit allows you to scale it up to 1000% and rotate it the way you want.
This is very useful too using fire doodads. If you make them bigger, they will look very different.
Make fake stuff with player controlled buildings too
Do the same for normal buildings (Player controlled buildings), they cannot be rotated either, so make them units also! Sometimes merging them with doodads or other buildings give unexpected results.
The secret to timing things to your music is writing down marks on a peice of paper of what time each good part in your song is.
Once you have the time after playing, you can count the amount of Waits you have and make them equal. If a song gets heavy at 32 seconds, make your wait periods equal 32 seconds etc.
Rather than guessing how long it'll take for a guy to walk somewhere, it's best to make a seperate trigger with "unit enters region" event. This can be modified to suit all situations, but you get the idea.
When you create a Cinematic, you should always save space. That's why you should choose ONE main music that you use throughout different scenes.
Okay, so you don't think the music fits in all the scenes, but IT CAN! There is something called "Pitch", where you can adjust from:
a) The trigger "Sound - Set sound pictch"
b) From Sound Editor, double-click on your music to reveal the Pitch control column.
The pitch is the most underused option that can make a huge difference. The lower the number, the slower and more bass it gets. The higher the number, the faster and more treble it gets. So, if you want to use your main music for different scenes, try adjusting the pitch! It can sometimes sound even better than the original!
Playing unit animations infinitly makes dull conversation parts more interesting. If no animations suit talking, just change the cameras around like they do on TV.
Fade Filthers own! You can use them for pratically anything. Some examples that I've used are normal fading out, 50% transparency to look like the lights are out, flashing yellow to look DBZ-esque, sniper scope, pain, 1st person veiw, reality warping and more.
To make the world shake, use the Camera - Sway Camera Target trigger. Sway Camera Souce does a similar effect and you should see both to figure out which is better for you.
Setting unit transparency with the Animation - change unit vertex coloring trigger can make cloaked units or ghosts out of anything easily. You can also make someone flash multicolors like a crazy rainbow if you're weird.
Turning off unit collision can be a double edged sword. It can allow greater movement abilities etc, but sometimes they will walk right through a building or something and look retarded.
Hidden units can still cast spells. This is REALLY good for having Infernals appear or to bloodlust somebody or make a Blizzard or even a Tranquility rainstorm and more. Abuse this wisely.
Fade Filters
Fade Filthers are quite simple actually. They simply mask the camera with 1 of their designs.
Basics: Color can be changed using the color values. If you change the color of Black Mask, however, it will be really dark. White mask is used for normal colors. White mask is only actually white when the color is set to 100,100,100 .