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l33t 0n3

Aug 12, 2002
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World Editor Lag... BEGONE!

in your handy world editor, you knoe hoe it takes SOOOOO long to load, and it lags like a shitcake...? Well, follow this easy step to make world editor almost virtually lagless with a decent comp:

On the top bar, go to Window, then deselect the "Brush List"
this is the left hand unit placement thing, just put up a palette, it works a lot better!

Why does this work? Every single edit, the brush list completely refreshes itself! also close ur palettes when editing units.


Jul 21, 2003
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How to add Upgrades to Heroes abilities!!!

Just figured out how to incorporate regular upgrades (long rifles, improved bows,.....) into usable hero abilities.

The attached map is an example of an ability that increases the range of Tyrande. The ability is based off of Improved Bows.

When you're looking around check the trigger, it's the only kinda tricky part of it all. Also, this ability wouldn't work for any map where Improved Bows was needed for archers and hippo riders. In such a case you would just make a custom UPGRADE and make it available to the hero of your choice under TECHTREE - UPGRADES USED...... Hope that makes sense!

:) I deleted the attachment here, go down two posts go get the latest map plz.


May 18, 2003
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Dont make a map with to much skins it will be to big to use on battle net. i believe the biggest is about 2mb that u may use.
(question, does it matter what quality u extract a skinned image with the size. i normally pick 100% quality but skins are about 120 kb each :( )


Jul 21, 2003
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This is an update to the attachment I posted just two rows up. Might sound very noobish but it was tough trying to figure out how to give more then 1 level to this ability.

The actual hero ability doesn't do anything, it's just used as an event in a trigger that makes an UPGRADE available to the player of the triggering unit. In this case the UPGRADE was Improved Bows.
This is the tough part, how do you setup event's and conditions to reflect each time a hero ability is upgraded? Say from level 1->2, 2->3,........ Eventually I setup an integer variable, placed it in another trigger and all my problems were solved.

This will be my final release of this map, lol ;)


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Kennewick, WA
Basic - Moving a camera around
Before beginning, you need to know that cameras will move from one to another, so you will not create the cameras using triggers. In order to move from a camera to another, use

Camera - Apply Camera Object (Timed)

Let's say you want to apply a camera automatically, and then move it to another's position, here's how to display it in the trigger editor:

Camera - Apply "Name of your starting camera" over 0 seconds
Camera - Apply "Name of your second camera" over x seconds
wait x seconds

The "wait x seconds" is there to make sure the camera isn't interrupted by anything else.

Camera - Apply "Name of your starting camera" over 0 seconds
Camera - Apply "Name of your second camera" over x seconds
Camera - Apply "Name of your third camera" over y seconds

in this situation, the second camera movement would be ignored because the third camera is instanly issued a command. You would have to display it like this:

Camera - Apply "Name of your starting camera" over 0 seconds
Camera - Apply "Name of your second camera" over x seconds
wait x seconds
Camera - Apply "Name of your third camera" over y seconds
wait y seconds

Giving cameras good locations
If you've ever noticed, you can move the World editor's camera around by holding the CTRL button, clicking the right mouse button and move around. This will be very helpful when placing your cameras more precisely. You can also move around with a simple right click/move.

Lock the Camera Orientation
This one isn't really complicated. Let's say you want to lock the camera's orientation to a unit:

Camera - Apply "Name of the default camera" over 0 seconds
Camera - Lock Camera orientation to "Name of unit"

The first camera command is to give the location of your camera. Then you will issue it to fix a certain unit. so this way, your camera will not move, but will always be looking at the designated unit.

Camera Controlling
You can never have enough Camera Objects
To make an extreme closeup, place the unit on the map and line up the view in WE to what you want, then make a camera there.
The very top and bottom of your cameras will be invisible in-game (letterbox), so it's best to put your target area away from the edges. Test using "X" in WE.
Never get TOO close, or you'll be inside the unit and that looks stupid.
There is a limit to how close you can get to a unit. If you want to focus on a person's eyeball it won't work...unless you do this lol: Create a custom unit of the same model, and set size to 10. Focus on the new unit's face, and then just delete or hide him when you're done.
The secret to good Cinematic Maps is faking things. Nobody cares about the norm, you have to make it look like you're doing the impossible.
The "Move unit" trigger makes a great knockback effect when used in small amounts in a periodic trigger .
Doodads can be risen by selecting them and holding ctrl and pgup. pgdn lowers them. Try things like lowering flowerpots to only see the flowers, or raise rocks to make spires. You cna even make a floating tree it you're weird lol.
Doodads can be moved ignoring clipping also, by holding ctrl and hitting one of the numpad directions. This is cool.
To make custom buildings by combining several other ones, make them ALL units using building models and turn and position them as you see fit. You can also add doodads, and even lowers and raised doodads to make a pimping shack .
Watch movies and TV, and then try to imitate the special effects and style they use. If it's good enough for the big screen, it's DAMN good enough for War3 lol.

Make fake stuff if doodads can't give the results you want
Create units and give them doodad models. This is very useful for city buildings since they cannot be rotated without being resetted by War3. Making them a unit allows you to scale it up to 1000% and rotate it the way you want.
This is very useful too using fire doodads. If you make them bigger, they will look very different.

Make fake stuff with player controlled buildings too
Do the same for normal buildings (Player controlled buildings), they cannot be rotated either, so make them units also! Sometimes merging them with doodads or other buildings give unexpected results.

The secret to timing things to your music is writing down marks on a peice of paper of what time each good part in your song is.
Once you have the time after playing, you can count the amount of Waits you have and make them equal. If a song gets heavy at 32 seconds, make your wait periods equal 32 seconds etc.
Rather than guessing how long it'll take for a guy to walk somewhere, it's best to make a seperate trigger with "unit enters region" event. This can be modified to suit all situations, but you get the idea.

When you create a Cinematic, you should always save space. That's why you should choose ONE main music that you use throughout different scenes.

Okay, so you don't think the music fits in all the scenes, but IT CAN! There is something called "Pitch", where you can adjust from:

a) The trigger "Sound - Set sound pictch"

b) From Sound Editor, double-click on your music to reveal the Pitch control column.

The pitch is the most underused option that can make a huge difference. The lower the number, the slower and more bass it gets. The higher the number, the faster and more treble it gets. So, if you want to use your main music for different scenes, try adjusting the pitch! It can sometimes sound even better than the original!

Playing unit animations infinitly makes dull conversation parts more interesting. If no animations suit talking, just change the cameras around like they do on TV.
Fade Filthers own! You can use them for pratically anything. Some examples that I've used are normal fading out, 50% transparency to look like the lights are out, flashing yellow to look DBZ-esque, sniper scope, pain, 1st person veiw, reality warping and more.
To make the world shake, use the Camera - Sway Camera Target trigger. Sway Camera Souce does a similar effect and you should see both to figure out which is better for you.
Setting unit transparency with the Animation - change unit vertex coloring trigger can make cloaked units or ghosts out of anything easily. You can also make someone flash multicolors like a crazy rainbow if you're weird.
Turning off unit collision can be a double edged sword. It can allow greater movement abilities etc, but sometimes they will walk right through a building or something and look retarded.
Hidden units can still cast spells. This is REALLY good for having Infernals appear or to bloodlust somebody or make a Blizzard or even a Tranquility rainstorm and more. Abuse this wisely.

Fade Filters
Fade Filthers are quite simple actually. They simply mask the camera with 1 of their designs.

Basics: Color can be changed using the color values. If you change the color of Black Mask, however, it will be really dark. White mask is used for normal colors. White mask is only actually white when the color is set to 100,100,100 .


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Kennewick, WA
You can also set the transparency of a fade filther. So many times I see scenes meant to be night that are as bright as day. TIP: Black Mask at 50% transparency = Instant Nighttime! There are many other options with them. Few people know what all of the Fade Filthers look like, so I reccomend looking at them all. Some of my favorites are Snipe (sniper scope) and Slash (FPS pain effect). They also have a Panderan pictre, but it's the dumb one from their site and is pointless in Map making.

TIP: Some nice flashing effects can be done with periodic triggers and these too.

You can also create your own fade filter is very simple as long as you know the basics of skinning.

Size of your image:
The warcraft3 screen properties are 2:1, so for a 800x600 resolution, you would get a 800x400 screen. So in order to have a proportioned picture, build your original in a 2:1 resolution.

Once it is done, resize it to wether 512x512 or 256x256 px, if you're using Photoshop, you'll have to uncheck "Constrain proportions" in order to resize your image properly.

Save your file into a TGA 32 bits pic and convert it to a .blp file using the image extractor.

Include the screen in your map:
This is just like normal skinning. What you'll have to do is to replace an original fade filter screen with your own.
path of fade filters:

Example: if I replace "Panda-n-Cub.blp", I'll type it like this:

In the world editor, I'll use the Panda-n-cub fade screen and here it is! The screen is summoned!

Importing sounds
This is a very general catagory, but since cinematic users are usually the ones working with custom musics the most I'm putting this here.

TIP: Always use MP3 format, there is NO reason not too.
TIP: There are many ways to shrink the filesize. The best are lowering bitrate to about 64K and timing your cinematic and then importing a song that lasts just 1 second longer than what is required so there is no wasted space.

I've heard alot of people ask about how to import MP3s, but the easiest method is just Sound Editor Import Sound/Music.

TIP: Music files silence other musics, but sounds don't. sounds also tend to be louder. Do some experimentation here.

Also, sometimes your map will become corrupted thanks to adding an MP3. I don't know WHY this is other than it's a file format issue. Download a new version of that song and try again.

CREATIVE TIP: Try to use rare musics, not ones that everyone on Earth has heard 50+ times. LotR music is about the only exception here, but even that is getting really old. Search for some OTHER songs made by Enya and Enigma, classical artists like Mozart, or even bands aint nobody heard of before. Sometimes searching for a TYPE of music can help you discover an awesome band that nobody knows about lol.

Unit transmission
On WE when you typ in what the unit is going to say you should always take the length of the message (depending on the lines) and times it by about 2.5 and convert it in to seconds.*EXAMPLE* unit says: hello, what's up. This takes up about 1/3 of a line so I would make the waiting time about 1 second long (it's OK to round off, but it's better to round off upwards, remember that if you are a fast reader that not all people read as fast as you).

Special Effects
Slow Motion
Periodic trigger every .02 second, pause game, wait .01 second, unpause game. This should make things go at half speed without the viewer being able to see any jerking around since it's going fast as hell

Storm Effect
Time - Every 12.00 seconds of game time

Cinematic - Fade out and back in over 0.50 seconds using texture White Mask and color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparency

Sound - Play LightningBolt1 <gen>

all it does is flash the screen and play a thunder effect (the sound's path is Doodads->Cinemtaic->LighningBolt->LightningBolt1), but it works well enough.

Hotkey Guide
A - Show Palette
B - Show camera Bounds (ON/OFF)
C - Lock to Game Camera (ON / OFF)
D - Go to Doodads Layer
E - (Un)hides Weather
G - Toggle Grid ( None / Small / Medium / Large )
H - (Un)hides Blight
I - (Un)hides Units Info Display
K - (Un)hides Sky
L - (Un)hides Lightning
M - Go to Cameras Layer
P - (Un)hides Pathing
R - Go to Regions Layer
S - (Un)hides Shadows
T - Go to Terrain Layer
U - Go to Units Layer
W - (Un)hides all Water
X - Toggle Letterbox Mode

SPACE - Toggle selection Brush
PRINTSCREEN - Take a Screenshot (WE stores this in you Warcraft3\Screenshots\ folder!)

HOME - Makes the Selected Doodad Wider
END - Makes the Selected Doodad Narrower
PageUp - Makes the Selected Doodad Taller
PageDown - Makes the Selected Doodad Shorter

F3 - Terrain Editor
F4 - Trigger Editor
F5 - Sound Editor
F6 - Unit Editor
F8 - Object Manager

ALT+F - File
ALT+F4 - Closes WE
ALT+E - Edit
ALT+V - View
ALT+L - Layer
ALT+S - Scenario
ALT+T - Tools
ALT+M - Module
ALT+W - Window
ALT+H - Help

CTRL+1 - Set Brush size to 1
CTRL+2 - Set Brush size to 2
CTRL+3 - Set Brush size to 3
CTRL+4 - Set Brush size to 5
CTRL+5 - Set Brush size to 8
CTRL+[ - Set Brush Shape to Circle
CTRL+] - Set Brush Shape to Square
CTRL+A - Select All (depends on what you're working with: units/doodads/etc.)
CTRL+C - Copy
CTRL+D - (Un)hides all Doodads
CTRL+F9 - Test Current Map
CTRL+M - View Camera Objects (ON/OFF)
CTRL+N - New Map
CTRL+O - Open Map
CTRL+R - View Regions (ON/OFF)
CTRL+S - Save Current Map
CTRL+SHIFT+C - Snap to Game Camera
CTRL+T - Toggle Terrain View (textured / Wireframed / Hidden)
CTRL+U - (Un)hides all Units
CTRL+V - Paste
CTRL+W - Close Current Map
CTRL+X - Cut
CTRL+Y - Redo
CTRL+Z - Undo

CTRL+NUM1 - Moves a Doodad/Unit Down and to the Left (ignores collision!)
CTRL+NUM2 - Moves a Doodad/Unit Down (ignores collision!)
CTRL+NUM3 - Moves a Doodad/Unit Down and to the Right (ignores collision!)
CTRL+NUM4 - Moves a Doodad/Unit to the Left (ignores collision!)
CTRL+NUM6 - Moves a Doodad/Unit to the Right (ignores collision!)
CTRL+NUM7 - Moves a Doodad/Unit Up and to the Left (ignores collision!)
CTRL+NUM8 - Moves a Doodad/Unit Up (ignores collision!)
CTRL+NUM9 - Moves a Doodad/Unit Up and to the Right (ignores collision!)

CTRL+PageUp - Increaes the Flying Height of a Unit/Doodad (Walking Units have a Flying Height of 0)
CTRL+PageDown - Decreaes the Flying Height of a Unit/Doodad (Walking Units have a Flying Height of 0)


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Kennewick, WA

-Create a start location and a hero of your choice (click on Layer and then Units to open the Tool Palette). v -Click on 'Camera palette'. Create 3 cameras and move them wherever you like (move them by clicking on the big blue box). If you double click on the box you'll see the camera properties (in addition you can right click on each of the cameras in the tool window).

The most important values are: Rotation: Rotates the camera by x degrees to the left/right Distance: The Distance away from the ground Roll: turns the camera (let's you see upside down for example)

-Next, click on 'Region Palette' in the window to your right.

-Click on the small rectangle and create a region. You should put this region near your character (so you know where it's at in the game). When the player walks over this region the cutscene will start.

-With the cameras in place open the trigger editor (under 'Module').

-Right click on Initialization and choose 'new category'. You don't have to do this, but it keeps your triggers organized. Name the category cutscenes.

-Right click on the cutscenes folder you just made and choose new trigger. Call it camera001. Do that two more times, the second trigger should be camera002, the third camera003. If the trigger's are not in the correct order click on each and drag them to the right place in your folder (it should be camera001, camera002, camera003 from top to buttom).

-Click on camera001. You should see 'events', 'conditions' and 'actions'.

-Right click on events and choose 'create new event'

-From the list select Unit - Unit Enters region. The event determines what activates the cutscene.

-Click on region there, and select the variable region000 <gen>. So far so good!

-You can leave the conditions field blank. However, if you create a new condition you could select unit - type comparison, unit - comparison and player comparison. Otherwise even enemy units could activate this trigger.

-Right click on action and 'create a new action'.

-From the list select 'Camera - Apply Camera Object (timed)

-Click on the camera and select camera001. It basically tells the editor which camera to use.

-Create a new action, select Cinematic - Letterbox Mode On (this turns on cinematic mode)

-Create another new action, select 'wait' from the top of the list

-You should also add a trigger - turn off. This will cause the cutscene to be played only once.

-Now we will connect this camera to the second camera. Select a new action, and look for Trigger - Run (ignoring Conditions). Click on trigger and select trigger camera002.

-Now, before we start our second camera make sure all these things are in the correct order.

Trigger - Turn 0ff
Camera - Apply Camera 001
Cinematic - Turn letterbox mode on Wait
Trigger - Run Camera 002

-Camera002 time! Click on camera002 (in the trigger editor). You don't need a new event.

-A new action, Camera - Apply Camera Object (timed). Choose Camera002.

-New Action: wait (default: 2 seconds)

-New Action: Trigger - Run (ignoring Conditions), select Camera003

-Check your order:

Camera - Apply Camera002
Trigger - Run Camera003

-Click on camera003.

-New Action - Camera - Apply Camera Object Timed, choose camera003

-Action: wait

-And, finally, Action 'Cinematic - Letterbox Mode Off' (to turn of the camera view).

-It should look like this

Apply Camera003
Cinematic - Turn off letterbox mode

-Save. Click on file - test map. It should switch between the three cameras!

===2=== How can I make a camera 'move'?

For this example we will take camera001 from the 'combining cameras' guide above, with a few changes.

The trigger is as follows:

Unit - Unit enters region 000

Trigger - Turn 0ff
Camera - Apply Camera 001
Cinematic - Turn letterbox mode on
Cinematic - Turn letterbox mode off

-Now, you should still have a region000 somewhere in your map (the region that activated the cutscene). Move Camera001 about a screen away from region000.

-The action that makes a camera move is: Camera - Pan Camera (timed)

Create it.

-Select the player for which this should work (Player 1 Red by default), the region the camera will go to (from its present location) and how long it will take in seconds (0 seconds will switch immediately, for this test you should change it to about 5 seconds).

-The new trigger should look like this:

Trigger - Turn 0ff
Camera - Apply Camera 001
Camera - Pan Camera (here it is!).
Cinematic - Turn letterbox mode on
Cinematic - Turn letterbox mode off

-Save and test your map!

===3=== How can I add text to my cutscenes?

We will take the above example once again.

Trigger - Turn 0ff
Camera - Apply Camera 001
Cinematic - Turn letterbox mode on
Cinematic - Turn letterbox mode off

The new action we're looking at is:

Cinematic - Transmission from Unit (or Unit Type)

(All Players)
The player who will receive this.
The unit picture that will appear.
The name that will be shown next to the picture.
Add a sound. More about that later.
What the unit will say.
How long it will be there.

The new trigger actions will look like this:

Trigger - Turn 0ff
Camera - Apply Camera 001
Cinematic - Turn letterbox mode on
Cinematic - Transmission from Unit
Cinematic - Turn letterbox mode off

Good luck! Save and test!

===4=== How can I make units move in cutscenes?

To make units move around in cutscenes you should do the following:

-create a new trigger (DO NOT add this to any of the above camera triggers)

-as an event choose unit - unit enters region, region000 for this example. The region should be the same as the one that activates the cutscene.

-action will be:
Unit - Issue Order Targeting a point
Select the unit and a region it must go to.


===5=== How can I make sounds work in my cutscenes?

-go to 'Module' and open the sound editor

-from all those folders select a sound .wav of your choice, right click on it and select 'use internal sound'

-Important: if your sound effect doesn't work in the game you should right click on it and select edit sound variable.
Deactivate 3D Sound.

-In the "How can I add text to my cutscenes?" tutorial you worked with an action called:

Cinematic - Transmission from Unit

It has an option 'no sound' by default. Click on it. Now select the .wav you chose in the sound editor.

Triple Post was done due to message lengths.


Oct 15, 2003
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i'm a newb with warcraft map editor trigers...starcraft trigs wer much easier..*sigh*


i made a trigger where when someone walks into a region (or location for SCers) it tells you you walked in but it dont work...its hard to explain whats suposed to hapen but ya...


BattleForums Addict
Oct 2, 2003
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OK coming from an expert (me, lol) here is all the possible ways to reduce lag...
theres a 80% chance theres at least one way you didn't know of yet...

- - -

In World Editor, go to Window and uncheck Brush List

Use Control+alt+delete to set the priority of worldedit.exe to a higher setting

Set undo count from 255 to much lower number (i.e. 10)

Don't overlap start locations

Turn off the Create New Map on start option

Don't build units/doodads over start locations

Don't place unbuildable terrain under start locations

- - -


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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All of this can be found in the **Ultimate Tutorial Thread**

-Frank :cool:
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