simpleforce said:
how bout my trapper vs ur trapper? anyone
once again i never said 2 claws aren't bad. but that nigma vs coh, thats a bad mistake
u have a trapper don't u wildfire... next i see we will see whats better
resist vs claw block
Ok I'll take that challenge, and I use enigma on mine.You once again are an idiot.
On another note, get some points into burst of speed, it will add to your cast rate making it faster. You also might want to think about a shadow for 1 point just in case. All the plus to skills will deffinitly make it good enough. Add charms for resistence, to make up for the CoH. also get a demonlimb for added elemental damage incase you need to melee. Check out Arreat Summit their is a section on items. In there their will be a link for unique weapons by character class and grades. You will find what item you are talking about and what the dex requirement is.
Here is a build guide for a great trapassin.
Burst of Speed - BoS
Charged Bolt Sentry - CBS
Cloak of Shadows - CoS
Death Sentry - DS
Fire Blast - FB
Lightning Sentry - LS
Mind Blast - MB
Shadow Master - SM
Shock Web - Sweb
Weapon Block - WB
LS/CBS/FB build
20 Fire Blast (FB)
18 Shock Web (Sweb)
20 CBS
20 LS
9 Shadow Master (SM), the target here is to cast her at level 17
1 point into DS, Fade, Weapon Block (WB), Cloak of Shadows (CoS), Mind Blast (MB)
Total skill points needed: 96
Character level needed to complete (all skill quests done): 85
Place to put points once build is complete: DS and WB
Damage counting +8 to trap skills
FB 1385-1700
CBS shoots 10 times, 11 bolts per shot, 3-477 damage per bolt
LS 5-3214 per shot, 10 shots
Skill point plan
Level 1-11*: 5 FB, 1 Sweb, 1 Claw Mastery, 1 Psychic Hammer, and 1 Burst of Speed (BoS).
Level 12-23**: 8 CBS, 1 WB, 1 CoS, 1 Fade, 1 Shadow Warrior
Level 24-30***: 9 LS, 1 DS, 1 MB, 1 SM
* Includes normal Den of Evil
** Includes normal Radament
*** Includes normal Izual
Beyond level 30 max LS first, then CBS. That will put you in your early 50’s. I’d suggest alternating between Sweb and FB until those reach the target goals.
The reason for only 18 points into Sweb? It’s only there to provide more bolts for CBS. You get 1 more bolt per shot with CBS for every 3 points placed into Sweb. Going to level 20 would not give any more bolts and Sweb itself is not used, so no need to max it out.
All throughout this you can feel free to give a pt here or there to your SM if you feel she needs a boost. You can get by without doing that if you take some time and shop for the gear suggested below. The casting target level of SM is 17. At level 17, the SM gets all of her rare items. Another approach is to cast her with a target level of 11 when she has all rare items except for one ring and her amulet. 8 +shadow skills is not at all unreasonable to figure on as 6 of those +skills can come from shadow claws. Those are claws with the +3 shadow skills mod on them and they can be bought from vendors in nightmare level once your character reaches level 50. That only leaves 2 more skills needed from your armor, helm, or amulet. That’s not at all unrealistic.