

Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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I have NO idea how it got there... no one came over yesterday.. it wasn't there thursday (belive me I would have seen it) I still have it becuase I went to bed shortlly after my shower.. but man.. it was just crazy..
it just.. came out of nowhere....
Anyone in your house smoke? I went outside one day at home to smoke a cigarette and my whole ****ing porch stank of pot. It was...odd.

Anyway, I ended up getting stoned on the 20th. I was pretty much planning on smoking anyway, because the week was pretty stressful, I needed a break from work, and I didn't have any alcohol. It was much more relaxed than last year when I was rooming with a huge pothead and he insisted that we all trek out to the woods at 4:20am to smoke like 10 bowls... The woods are scary when its dark and you're stoned. :(

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