This thread is specifically for religious people

Mar 2, 2004
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I'm Methodist. I branch of Christian. However, I have one of the broadest views on the world. I think what happened to Kamikaze's freind and family members are wrong.
I believe everything came about through a chain of events. "The Big Bang" was setup by god.
When I see "Christians" who do such things as in Kamikaze's discription I feel sick to my soul. Jesus said through his actions & words "Love Thy Neighbor" and everyone is our neighbor. This whole "Damnation" and "Going to Hell" stuff is the words of Satin working through the exclusiveness in people. They are influenced so much that they begin to believe it. I wish everyone could just get along. I have freinds who are very much athiest, very much "Your going to HELL!" people, very much gothic, very much satanic, very much cultist. We get along because we have agreed not to push our belief on one another. Just because we feel one way is not any reason to make others to feel the same way. We should just try to understand each other.
There is a "preacher" in Tennissee. His name is Howard Hanger. He is non-denominational. He preaches from all belief systems. Not exactly the whole god existing or not but the values that they all share. I honor him for this because that is exactly how I feel the beliefs should be taught. Not one is beter than another. Not one will get you to heven and no other. That is the way of Satin trying to split the human race so he can conqure it.
You don't have to agree with me but that's what I think. I won't push my beliefs onto you.


Sep 5, 2002
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Wichita, KS
As I said in another thread, one about philosophically thinking about God, humans have free will. In the examples Kamikaze gives, yes the parents of the 2 individuals were bad when it comes to parenting. I have no idea what else they do in their lives, aka how they interact and behave with other people. I'm not going to defend them, as I said, I don't know them, so I won't try. I will say this though, a person who follows religious guidelines will be a good person IF they follow the religious guidelines. That's why I would say that in the theoretical situation given for this thread, I would still follow my religion because it is the right thing to do. It is a good moral code to follow, especially the 10 commandments, especially the ones about not stealing or committing adultery and loving your neighbor as yourself. They are good words to keep in mind really.

Also I want to say something in defense of science, note I believe in science and God (I was going to be a physicist but it was basically too boring to crunch equations and such for the rest of my life). Science is something that is exact or very close to it, science is an attempt to explain the known universe and REAL science is done through precisely measured experiments. Things such as the theory of evolution are theories but they really shouldn't be taken too lightly. A theory is not something you just dismiss because it's a theory. A scientific idea starts as a hypothesis and eventually becomes a theory after many tests/experiements/research have all come to the same conclusion. I can understand the theory of evolution, and I do believe it has many relevant points and do believe its relevancy in the world of the past and today. Science has not ruled God out of the picture, but the fact does remain that science can't prove God because you cannot just take God and say yes, here is God right here, we can prove through so-and-so evidence that he does exist. In some lines of thinking you can also say he doesn't exist or not exist because through evidence we cannot clearly prove his existence or non-existence, this is why scientists don't have a field devoted to finding out about God because the concept is not plausible. Faith is what is needed to believe in God (at least as a supreme, all-knowing being), and is not something that is tangible just as God and the concept of God are intangible too. Though I guess maybe one day it will be proven, it's good to keep an open mind and take into consideration all of the possibilities, and it is my belief that it is in God's plan (whether God is a supreme being or just an idea) that we keep our mind's open and strive to discover and make sense of ourselves and the universe around us.

Cobalt Wolf

New & improved!
Nov 7, 2002
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Kami, those people weren't christians.
They proved that with their actions.
It doesn't matter what you say you are
- you are what you do and say and
what's in your mind and your heart.
I probably shouldn't be saying that because
you're not supposed to judge others. :-/

I would tell you about the situation between my grandparents
and me but I feel it might be dishonouring them by posting it.
It doesn't matter what they have done or said to me and my boyfriend
- I'm still held accountable for my own actions.
I'll tell you this much though - they are southern christian
and they don't like the fact that I'm dating out of my own race.
They give me so much grief about it that it makes me cry.
I trust that being with him is worth anything that
anyone can dish out though. I don't regret it at all.

Dark Blade, that's the 'fire and brimstone' way of thinking. I look at it this way...
do something good and you will be rewarded in one way or another. :)

Ok, now for the moment you've all been waiting for...
my answer lol.
If science proved that God did not exist, I would question science.
I would question the word of man when it comes to science just as
I have questioned the word of man when it came to God.
All I know is what I am told... and what I feel.
If science proved that God did not exist, I would continue to follow
my religion because then I would know that science was a lie.
Until I started praying and before I asked God to come into my life
I used to feel so empty - like there wasn't a purpose to life at all.
But now that I know that he does exist, I can't deny him.
He has answered my prayers. I acknowledge that.
He may not have answered my prayers the way I wanted him
to but he does work in mysterious ways, so I've been told.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
-Albert Einstein.

Great quote.


Sep 21, 2004
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OKay, well I can honestly say I agree with what 'thebastardsword' said at the begginning. I would definitely still believe; one, because I too wouldn't believe a thing that science came up with and two because my religion has helped me through the toughest times and I can see a true impact, I wouldn't give it up for anything even if some scientist told me it was fake and provided me with a bagful of truth.

As an after note, I agree with 'AZN_FLEA' your avatar and signiture are definitely freeking me out, 'RoaCh Of DisCord'. Oh and I love 'K0r34n Jja Shik' signiture, so good.


Jul 19, 2003
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At My Computer, Where Else?
thebastardsword said:
if you post here and are not religious at all, please stfu and gtfo.

hypothetically science proves there is no god and that there was never a god to begin with. would you still be religious? would you still practice what your religion preaches or would you leave the religion completly?(im guessing religion would become more of a way to live your life than a religion if that happend)

Let me warn you again. If you are not religious, do not post here.

I think i would stay with my religion. Even if there was no god and he was proven completly wrong, because i feel that religion makes me a better person.

One last time, If you are not religious, do not post here.
Hypothetically, we absolutely no NOTHING. We think we know everything, but in reality we are so completely underdeveloped it is insane. There is no way to prove or disprove science or God. In 100 years, we will know n^3 of what we know now, if not more. This will disprove things we have thought up in our day and age.

In fact, they will all be laughing at us in 100 years.
Mar 2, 2004
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Some of us are laughing now... Some call me insane, others scary, others evil, others kind, but most say I'm the craziest yet most sane person they know. My actions maybe "crazy" and I might not be the coolest person but I at least follow my beliefs and let none tear me down. I relize things that others don't. Logic is but second my nature.

"God's existance is not something to question.
It is within me. It is apart of me. It is me.
So what is there to question.
Do I exist?
You can't see me. You can't touch me. You can't prove I exist.
So how do you know I exist and am not just a computer ghost?
Life calls us to respond with nothing but belief."
-Death Ringer

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