This thread is specifically for religious people


Jan 23, 2003
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if you post here and are not religious at all, please stfu and gtfo.

hypothetically science proves there is no god and that there was never a god to begin with. would you still be religious? would you still practice what your religion preaches or would you leave the religion completly?(im guessing religion would become more of a way to live your life than a religion if that happend)

Let me warn you again. If you are not religious, do not post here.

I think i would stay with my religion. Even if there was no god and he was proven completly wrong, because i feel that religion makes me a better person.

One last time, If you are not religious, do not post here.
Aug 29, 2003
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Ya I think I would stay with my religion for one thing I don't belive almost anything science has "proven" and I think the rules in religion(the commandments) are really good rules to live by anyway.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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If science proved there was no God, I would drop my belief in him. I am audacious in the way that I think God gave me intelligence for me to use, not to neglect. However, if I were Christian, I would still keep the set of moral values that the religion carries, that almost all religions carry, because I think that is the universal way to leading a righteous, fulfilled life.


BattleForums Addict
Mar 19, 2004
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Texas lol
I basically share the same opinion as c9h13no3. If science disproved God, I would no longer believe in him or worship him. However, I would continue living based on the morals that Christianity has taught me, simply because I feel it's the right way for me to live my life.


Mar 24, 2004
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Western Canada
thebastardsword said:
....One last time, If you are not religious, do not post here.
Are you going to E-jump through the internet and bash the brains out? E-thugging isn't good, polite is the key. stfu is quickly becoming the most aggrovating 4 letter word on the internet. This thread belongs in the assylum or the void.

In response to your question, my instincts are internal, my training from my parents you cannot remove. I would live the same day to day, probably just the same as any other day. Same moralities and everything. I'm too old to change :)


Sep 7, 2004
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Azeroth, where else?
But truly, science has not really proven whether the Big Bang Theory is true or not. And of course it cannot prove if God is real either, but that is the choice one must make, in whether to believe in a higher deity or the scientific theorum...

RoaCh of DisCord

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May 17, 2003
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If god was disproved by Science I would eat a sandwich. wouldn't affect me at all.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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discord your avatar and sig creeps me out.
on topic...
i wouldnt drop it because though science has proven there is no God, it has also proven that mental encouragement or confidence or similar shit can help you do extraordinary things. have you ever noticed in marathons that when you can see the finish line a burst of hope comes forth and wierdly enhances yor performance for the end? that is the same with mental enhancement or similar shit. therefore i wouldnt drop religon


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Azurio said:
But truly, science has not really proven whether the Big Bang Theory is true or not. And of course it cannot prove if God is real either, but that is the choice one must make, in whether to believe in a higher deity or the scientific theorum...
You act like things are an either or decision. You know you can be a scientist and be religious.... right?


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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God is a cop out, you can't prove god wrong. Take this for example.

A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage. I seriously make such an assertion to you. Surely you’d want to check it out, see for yourself. There have been innumerable stories of dragons over the centuries, but no real evidence. What an opportunity!

1. " show me ", you say. I lead you to my garage.You look inside and see a ladder, empty paint cans, an old tricycle—but no dragon.
2. " Where’s the dragon? " you ask.
3. " Oh, she’s right here ", I reply,waving vaguely. " I neglected to mention that she’s an invisible dragon. "
4. You propose spreading flour on the floor of the garage to capture the dragon’s footpprints..
5. " Good idea ", I say, " but this dragon floats in the air ".
6. Then you’ll use an infrared sensor to detect the invisible fire.
7. " Good idea, but the invisible fire is also heatless "
8. You’ll spray –paint the dragon and make her visible.
9. " Good idea,except she’s an incorporeal dragon and the paint won’t stick. "
10. And so on, and so forth. I counter every physical test you propose with a special explanation of why it won’t work.
11. Now, what’s the difference between an invisible,incorporeal, floating dragon who spits heatless fire and no dragon at all?

If there’s no way to disprove my contention , no conceivable experiment that would count against it, what does it mean to say that my dragon exists? Your inability to invalidate my hypothesis is not at all the same thing as proving it true. Claims that cannot be tested, assertions immune to disproof are veridically worthless
#Note I didn't write that


Jun 15, 2003
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Even if God didn't exist religion is still about the way of life and moral code, being good just to get into heaven is like sucking up to your boss to get a raise. People should do things to make other people/themselves happy or make the world a better place, not for their own gains.


Mar 24, 2004
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Western Canada
Forged, with that illustration you provided, what if you took the fire-breathing dragon word out, and say switch it with something else.

Like air, oxygen. I could bring someone into my garage and say the same thing about oxygen. To say a small child, they may look for this oxygen, look for steps, use a can of spraypaint, but in the end it's in vain, for that kid can't find oxygen. Yet, we know it's there, right? If I had the same line of thinking as the author you provided, I wouldn't believe or think there is such a thing as air, wind, my heart and my brain ect... because I can't see it with my eyes to believe it.

I don't know what that author is trying to say.


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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TreeFrog123 said:
Even if God didn't exist religion is still about the way of life and moral code, being good just to get into heaven is like sucking up to your boss to get a raise. People should do things to make other people/themselves happy or make the world a better place, not for their own gains.
some of the worst people i know are christians.
my best friends parents are very religious, their family goes to church twice a week... and they kicked my best friend out of the house when he was 16 because his mother didn't like who he was hanging out with. (it was me who he was hanging out with.. she didn't like me because i'm not religious)
my best friend was on the honor roll, was in 3 varsity sports, never drank, never smoked, never did drugs, never even swore but his parent kicked him out. he ended up getting a job as a janitor at his church to support himself and his parents being the good christians they are got him fired.
his life fell apart, he drinks constantly, he smokes, he not only does drugs he sells them too, and hes spent the last 6 years of his life selling hot dogs outside of the clubs... what wonderful people christians are.
he ended up living with 2 families.. 1 while he was still in high school and 1 after he dropped out of university because of his alcoholism.
neither family ever asked him for rent or money for food and he was allowed to saty as long as he need to.
one of those families was mine and the other was some comon friends... both of these families are atheists.

heres another story of great christians.

my sister and her husband lived in Alberta, about 3000 miles away from his and her families. she was pregnant and went into labour 4 months early, there were serious complications and the baby was born with autism. her husband lost his job and they had to move home.
my parents spent their entire life savings to help my sister and to travel back and forth between the 2 cities. when they moved home they lived with my family for 6 months for free until they had enough saved up to move out.
my parent as you remember are not at all religious.
his parents on the other hand are very religious.. they have in no way helped their son or their newborn grandson, they didn't want them staying at their house, and refused to go see their son even when it looked like his wife was and unborn son were going to die.
they refuse to have anything to do with their grandson because they cannot deal with him because of his autism.. my parent on the other hand look after him for free, 6 days a week while my sister and her husband work.

both of these great christian families are very well respected in the church and in the community, but they are disgusting human beings. wheres their moral code? they don't seem to have one.


6 years and going strong!
Jun 4, 2003
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Somewhere In Asia
religion yes sir will help you out as you get older and life starts to suck even more then it does now


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May 17, 2003
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In truth, I only say I'm Catholic because I was born that way and I don't want to get made fun of for being an atheist. Anyway, religion does not make you a better person. It's the fear of doing something wrong and getting punished for it that makes you a better person. Eternal damnation as such a punishment.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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"assertions immune to disproof are veridically worthless"

See, your example would work, except that millions of people don't gain inner peace from the dragon in your garage. If these assertions are so worthless, then why do people invest such large amounts of time maintaining them, and assert right back that it's added quality to their lives?

I could even say, look, of course God exists! I can see his effect on the 1 billion Christians running around this world.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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Kamikaze said:
some of the worst people i know are christians.
my best friends parents are very religious, their family goes to church twice a week... and they kicked my best friend out of the house when he was 16 because his mother didn't like who he was hanging out with. (it was me who he was hanging out with.. she didn't like me because i'm not religious)
my best friend was on the honor roll, was in 3 varsity sports, never drank, never smoked, never did drugs, never even swore but his parent kicked him out. he ended up getting a job as a janitor at his church to support himself and his parents being the good christians they are got him fired.
his life fell apart, he drinks constantly, he smokes, he not only does drugs he sells them too, and hes spent the last 6 years of his life selling hot dogs outside of the clubs... what wonderful people christians are.
he ended up living with 2 families.. 1 while he was still in high school and 1 after he dropped out of university because of his alcoholism.
neither family ever asked him for rent or money for food and he was allowed to saty as long as he need to.
one of those families was mine and the other was some comon friends... both of these families are atheists.

heres another story of great christians.

my sister and her husband lived in Alberta, about 3000 miles away from his and her families. she was pregnant and went into labour 4 months early, there were serious complications and the baby was born with autism. her husband lost his job and they had to move home.
my parents spent their entire life savings to help my sister and to travel back and forth between the 2 cities. when they moved home they lived with my family for 6 months for free until they had enough saved up to move out.
my parent as you remember are not at all religious.
his parents on the other hand are very religious.. they have in no way helped their son or their newborn grandson, they didn't want them staying at their house, and refused to go see their son even when it looked like his wife was and unborn son were going to die.
they refuse to have anything to do with their grandson because they cannot deal with him because of his autism.. my parent on the other hand look after him for free, 6 days a week while my sister and her husband work.

both of these great christian families are very well respected in the church and in the community, but they are disgusting human beings. wheres their moral code? they don't seem to have one.
there is always a black sheep to the family as ther will be a white sheep to a family. that means that every kind is faulted. you gotta agree that every thing we know is faulted...apart from eggs.

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