Never said it was better or worse. And I basically already said that you needed to adapt, but that you needed to adapt years ago, and you didn't and that's why you're dying. I mean, I'm sure in hindsight the dinosaurs realized that they should have adapted. But now they're dead and no one gives a ****.
Yes. Take a look at blizzforums (remember when they were a thing? and we were all like "oh **** we have to compete with blizzforums"):
Diablo Discussion - Last post 2 Weeks Ago
StarCraft Discussion - Last post 1 Hour Ago
Warcraft Discussion & Strategy - Last post 08-03-2010
World of Warcraft - Last post 4 Weeks Ago
Same. ****ing. Boat. It's almost like people are able to get gaming information through sources other than forums. You're welcome to try whatever you want to revitalize this place, but unless you're sitting on some sort of grand ingenuity here, it's gonna end up being pretty pointless. I'm not trying to discourage you; I'm just trying to be realistic. Enjoy it while it lasts, but I wouldn't go pouring yourself into something that's doomed to fail.
From my view, we need to either a) become completely focussed on providing unique and useful information (and be dedicated to that), OR, shift our focus because it isn't working, and become more of a community based forum that encourages and promotes active and *lighter* discussion in the realm of gaming.
I mean, there is no one problem -- but you made a huge point. The internet in general is quite different than it use to be..and we've never adapted. I also think you hit the nail on the head with your point on gaming information. Clearly, people get it elsewhere -- and like I said, we need to either provide a mass amount of unique (and up to date) info (which in reality, isn't going to happen), or we should turn away from that, and become more of a community that's all about chatting/discussion, without the *expectation* of providing that information.
As far as I see it..we currently have a bunch of empty, bland, generic sections on a dead forum. If people come here looking for something, chances are they aren't going to find it. And with that, all of the non-active forums aren't helping. People don't join forums like this and intend to be an active member. There's really no incentive.
So yeah..BF needs a major overhaul. At this point, there's really nothing to lose, either.
-edit, but at the same time, that creates even more questions. If you go down the community route, and overhaul things..where does that put blizzard? Is there enough to talk about, to keep up an active forum? Or do you revamp, and go down a general gaming path, and get rid of the blizzard related forums? And then with that, what does DD think. There's a lot to it, and probably several methods one could attempt. It depends on an array of things.
I guess that's why we need to get a chat together.