From what I've experienced, they are people who are botting or doing mf runs that want the bosses to be harder. The harder the boss, the better stuff he liable to drop.
ya this happend to me once, only a little different. i was offering an ok helm and he offered an ammy and we both put accept but his inventory was full enough that he couldn't hold it. he went to his stash and then came back with an indentical ammy that sucked but i didn't see it and i wanted to get the trade over with so i clicked accept and got ripped off. damn i don't like those people........this is what i think of them:Originally posted by Dakhion
Always watch for the switcheroo when trading....If someone puts up the item you want to trade for, then removes it, then puts it up again, BE SURE to re-look at it before hitting the check!
It's probably true b/c everyone's getting more creative in trying to trick people to download trojans. I think that's it's sad that they put so much effort into it. Don't trust anyone except the people who you know. The whole idea of clans is silly to me. I just don't see the point it it...Originally posted by azn-devil
Someone told me about this scam. It happened to my friend, can anyone tell me if its true or not?This is how it goes. 1 or 2 people spam a game name saying that there going to give out free items. People come into the game and the 1 or 2 scammer say "I got free items for who ever vote for me for clan leader". They give out a website where somthing is setup so that it looks like a poll for a clan leader. But when you submit your vote downloads a program instead and all your items drop. Is this true or jus bs?
I've never downloaded a trojan just by entering a site. I've checked a lot of websites from me work account, and if there was a trojan, believe me, it would catch it. Always be careful of what you click. Just b/c the button says it enters the site doesn't necessarily mean it. Right-click the entrance button, click Properties, and make sure that it's a link to a website (.html, etc) and not to a program (.exe, etc). If it links you to a program, don't click b/c it's probably a trojan.Originally posted by citre
it is possible, but i doubt it. there's a scam that involves activex. right when you enter the site, it uploads a trojan to yur comp, then runs it. but why would they make it so when you click Submit, why not right when you load the site?!