Originally posted by RoaCh Of DisCord
People take this whole saddam thing so personal...and it really isn't.
He was a shitty leader, granted. He may have abused his people, but to us directly, he's done nothing. What he does in his country is his business, not ours...unless we were under direct danger (which is QUESTIONABLE).
Honestly though, if people think this is some miracal...or is going to cure terrorism you're far off. It could possibly make matters worse.
This really hasn't done much, except fulfilled bushes revenge.
I was although, very surprized he was caught.
*sniff sniff*
*sniff sniff*
Yep, I smell ignoranced. Odd coming from you.
1) It is personal, to me and many others.
2) He abused and
murdered his people as well as go against many conventions of war (hence: War Crimes). He is going to trial for Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, and other such activities (genocide included).
3) He has "done things to us" and directly, too, I might add. I was eight years old and living in Germany when Persian Gulf War I started. Shortly before it started, in the short build up, and after it started, bomb threats from Saddam loyalists (many he personally payed and such) were made against US bases, complexes, private residences, and schools in Europe, Asia, and Eurasia. I don't know how many of those threats were carried out, but my school was one that recieved a threat (Ramstein AFB Elementary School -- threat not carried out). Think about that, won't you?
4) You're right; it's not a miracle. However, it is the answer to prayers of a good portion of the
World population, and most of the people of Iraq. It wasn't a miracle; it was good old fashion police work and intelligence use.
5) It won't cure terrorism, but it may stave off attacks in the
long run (note: prediction is of increased terrorist strikes in short term). Osama bin Laden is much more key to terrorism, but his capture won't end it as the Al Queda is
not the only terrorist organization in the world (and most certainly not in the region).
6) The capture of Saddam Hussien spells two things.
A - One step closer to our soldiers return home and the establishment of a base or bases in Iraq.
B - Speeding up the process of giving the Iraqis back their country.
Was I surprised he was caught? I have two arguements coming from different parts of my brain.
1) Yes, I thought he'd commit suicide or go out fighting.
2) No, he's a coward and only concerned with finding a way to survive.
was going down eventually. However, I'm actually somewhat pleased US forces (and would have been equally pleased with Coalition forces) captured him because now he gets to live to see trial and be humiliated before "his" people. If the Iraqis had found him first, there is a good chance he would have been shot even if he surrendered. A good, and I do mean good, portion of the country hates him.