The ultimate gaming comp.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Alienware has the ultimate gaming machiens


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2004
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Originally posted by CuStOm-OwNaGe
the man says it all :) when it comes to gaming... yea i love alientware :)
I have to agree with you to a certain extent. Yes, they are undoubtly the best gaming machine, but they cost so much, omfg. Check this comp out, it uses the best processor AMD has to offer right now:
If you just built your own using the parts shown in the link, it would only be worth around $1700 the least (without the case). The special alienware computer case is really great at cooling down your whole entire comp, but not worth the extra $1000. Inorder to buy such a machine, you must be a really rich mother****er with too much time on their hands (gaming time, which is the point of such a comp) while you have no knowledge whatsoever on computer parts.

In my opinion, Alienwares are godly crafted powerful machines, but not worth it for such a price at all. Just stick to building your own comps, atleast you'll know whats "actually" in it.

But seeing how people of today thinks more is better (not talking about this forum), the Alienware company probably makes alot of profit. I'll probably work for them someday for the pay. :)


Jun 24, 2003
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Posts: 133
well they r the ultimate gaming machine... thats y i posted it...

but i will bet u the 1000 xtra u spend that if u were to build a machine using there build hardware wise... the alienware computer would still blow ur comp out of the water... no doubts about it... b/c there programmers integrate the whole machine together to work as basicly 1 piece of hardware... this is y they are so much better... but if u dont have that kinda cash... then hell ya go with building ur own...


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2004
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Originally posted by CuStOm-OwNaGe
well they r the ultimate gaming machine... thats y i posted it...

but i will bet u the 1000 xtra u spend that if u were to build a machine using there build hardware wise... the alienware computer would still blow ur comp out of the water... no doubts about it... b/c there programmers integrate the whole machine together to work as basicly 1 piece of hardware... this is y they are so much better... but if u dont have that kinda cash... then hell ya go with building ur own...
The programmers integrated the whole machine together to work as one? I never heard of such, because how will you upgrade it with better parts in the future, especially with the new PCI Express on newer motherboards? Please post a link to show me where it says that. If thats true, then there is another reason not to buy it for such a price.:)

P.S. How could you even compare a comp build by an experience comp-builder to a teen who is taking BASIC in electronics right now.

Edited: Their cheapest Gaming desktop comp is not better than the best comp you could ever build, but better than the ones you can get from the store. It's not a poor man's type of comp though.

I check out the alienware site and it seems like you were wrong about the integrated part, however. They give the lastest drivers for their parts, tweak parts to run at its optimal (i guess this is where you got the integrate from), and the interiors of the alienware are nice and tidy, increasing performance. There are many more. Even for their cheapest desktop comp, they use some really good med-high end parts. The case is a nice full tower case with lights.
In my opinion, their cheapest comp is worth it. However their best comp they've built is too much ($4000 for all the high quality parts). But the choice is yours.

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