Come on guys.....
You guys need to give Blizzard credit. Starcraft "was" the best game for pc, then in 98, if i remember correctly, bw came out. that became the hottest most played online pc game. i think we all can agree that the single player mode sort of blew, but the "simple" graphics hit the spot for me. Now that i hear that a 1st person shooting game is coming out for game consoles, im getting pist. I mean sure, 1st person games rock, i just got tribulan assualt, and its amazing. but when i here starcraft, im looking for that birds eye veiw of a 150 unit army getting the SH|T blown out of them. I definetly am looking forward to a "Last Planet" or some shite with better graphics and more units. Now even better, make a ps2 game with online capabilities. so give credit to sc and bw, but untill another one of them come out, i aint buyingn blizzard material. I think they need to work on a Starcraft III. well, tel me what u think. and by then way, all TM's sucked cept for black. thats amazing.