The Revolution of Kalara


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Feb 14, 2003
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Rune: Nothing I am sure, going to await my troops and then get some sleep after giving them their orders. How about you?

-A waitress brings Rune a glass of water and sets in on the table to be nice. Rune then drinks some of the water and waits for Kudana to answer him.-


Jan 28, 2004
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right here
((wow...i leave for a while and now...nvm...))

*Kalrad wakes up from a nap ((my time away...)) and walks in to Ithilien and roams the streets for a little bit, trying to find a gun/armor/ammo shop. He doesn't find any and keeps roaming around. He decides to go to a bar he finds. As he enters a drunk goes insane*

Drunk: Yoush stupith Kalathiam!

Kalrad: Go nosm shuamda. ((**** yourself in Kalarian, pardon the language))

Drunk: Whats te flunks thet means?

Kalrad: Nosm yourelf!

*the drunk then passes out, and Kalrad orders himself a beer and starts up some good discusion with those who aren't too drunk. He leaves the bar and finds a bench to spend the night on. He hopes some of his clan mates ((yes, thats you guys)) find him latter*


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Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
*Bolldock walks from the inn, alone, wandering around Ithilien looking for a place to eat. Stubling upon a bar Bolldock enters and looks around and sees someone from the gunfight from before. Standing next to the table I ask to sit down.*

Bolldock: May I sit down?

Kalrad: Sure

*He sits down and begins conversation*

Bolldock: I understand you are fighting in the revolution. I have lost a friend and fighter to the cause. I was wondering If my men (( 2 others)) and I can join your little party. We will bring good manpower and the arms you need to fight this war.


Jan 28, 2004
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right here
Kalrad: hmmm... another person for this little war of ours... Well, I think we'll need all the people we can get! But first, I must ask you something. Most humans hate Kalarians. Why do you not seem hateful to me? A revolutionary from a long time back used to hate me and decided to have a one on one deathmatch. I think you know who won. You humans really confuse me...


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Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Bolldock: I have my sides. If there is something I believe in I will trust anyone who will fight with me. There is no sense in hating someone who has your back. There isn't a need to hate. There is a reason to kill. And I believe that reason has come.

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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Faramir: I think this world is confusing
*the 2 turns around and see a man but much taller then the average man*
Faramir: Faramir Captin of Ithilien, You two?


Jan 28, 2004
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right here
Kalrad: I am Kalrad. Hey, do you happen to know where I can find a weapon shop? I need some ammo for my gun. I may also need a book or two on wepon modding and armor modding. Know where any of that is?

*Kalrad lifts up his ears ((forgot to explain that Kalarians have long, elf-like ears)) as if he is waiting for a reasponse. he also looks like he forgot something*

Kalrad: Oh, yeah! This is revolution town, right? Well, I want to know if their is a place here that has the bounty price for some Republic leaders. Might want some extra money for the clan ((yes, he refers to us as the clan)).

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Kudana: Me? Ahh... Probably pick up some things that are waiting for me, maybe grab a drink, go out if I have time... I dunno. Guess I'll be seeing you around?

Rune: Yeah, alright.

"I got up and went to the counter. I paid my bill and hauled out to a local weapons shop. I walked in."

Kudana: Heya Bill. Got any ammo?

Bill: For your guns? Of course!

"I bought enough ammo to keep an army supplied. I also picked up a couple more grenades."

Kudana: By the way, did you get my package?

Bill: You mean packages? Yeah. Here.

"Bill brought me into the back where there were a couple of large packages for me."

Bill: WHat the heck are they anyways? It isn't like you to get this much stuff! Secret admirer or something?

Kudana: Nah. Just some more toys, tools, and a good ol' Plasma Fusion bomb.

Bill: !!! Why the hell do you have the components to that?

Kudana: Time to take the fight to the damn slavers and Republicans.

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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Faramir: ah u must be the group that Grimbold told me
* takes a look over his shoulder, looking suspiciuose*
Right ammo... uh we dont have any here or any thing you speak of...must take my leave see me in the tallest tower.. we will talk about your travels


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
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Boring Town in NY, Lockport...
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-Rune stands up and walks out of the diner after paying his bill. He then walks get's a call from the Captain on his radio.-

Rune: (Yes? What is going on? Is there a problem captain?)

Captain: (Yes General, the helicopter of troops was targeted by a stealth battle jet, they tried to defend themselves but they all died.)

Rune: (Damn it all to ****en hell, the Republicans are doing nothing but bringing war onto themselves from the Dezolis military, stupid. Report this to the president immediatly!)


-Rune goes and checks in at a hotel, he charges it with his Dezolis Military Visa, then goes up into his room. He sets his guns down then loads them up. He notices he may need some more ammo for his AK57, so he decides to go to a gun shop.-

Rune: Hey, I was wondering if you have any special import military ammo from the planet Dezolis?

Cashier: Um, that isn't asked very often here. You from there, may I ask?

Rune: Yes I am, I am a general in the Dezolis Military, section for free'ing slaves in different countries and worlds. I have an AK57 that needs more ammo for the war with the republicans and I also may need some more Desert Eagle ammo, twenty clips for each gun. I have two desert eagles and one AK57.

Cashier: Yes Sir, we do have those but they are quite expensive. May I ask how you are paying and do you have the money to pay with? And that AK57 you have is a very nice gun, very limited around these parts and has very good accuracy compared to other guns.

Rune: I will be paying with my Dezolis Military Visa, not snap on the ammo and no more questions.

-The Cashier goes into the back and comes out with sixty clips of ammo, he also brings a back pack for the ammo free of charge, since he is buying so much. He rings the order up and lets Rune leave. Rune then here's helicopters and fighter jets in the sky, with lights flashing down into the town of Ithlien.-

Rune: Republicans! Hurry, get ready for battle!

-Rune runs into his hotel room and gets his AK57 with his DE's. He then comes running back outside, running into Kudana. They both take position ready to shoot on sight. As they are ready, they feel the ground starting to shake, then they hear tank shots. (BOOM) Nearly one hundred feet from the both of them a shrapenal bomb blows up from a tank. Rune and Kudana take fire as they see Republican Military men trooping through the city.-

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Kudana: SHIT! I wasn't planning on this happening!

"I primed a frag grenade and threw it at the approaching sldiers and focused on an incoming bomber. My finger slipped down to my grenade launcher. As the bomber came shrieking in, I launched a nice plasma grenade at the bomber, which stuck on. As the bomber flew over the soldiers to turn around, the grenade went off along with the bomber's supple, easily blasting it to all holy hell, and pelting the soldiers with unwanted shrapnel and hot metals."

Rune: Dammit, we need to do something to get these bastards out of here!

Kudana: Yeah, but we don't have that much backup, now do we?

Rune: *Fires at a soldier and gets behind cover.* Well, what can we do then?!

"I held cover behind a building, and then rolled out. I shot at the oncoming force, and dodged into a doorway, into a building, barely escaping a frag. I calle dout to Rune."

Kudana: Rune! Get your skinny ass over here! I'll cover you!

"As Rune came from around the corner, I popped out of the doorway and shot at the troops. One was carrying a heat-seeking missle launcher. I took aim and fired, my first shot going down the tube, hitting the armed missle, blasting everything awaqy."

Kudana: Damn... I think I have a way, but my plan calls for a lot of time.

Rune: What?

Kudana: I have the components to a Plasma Fusion Bomb, back in a hotel room that I stay at every once in a while. If I can get to it and if I have, say, an hour, I could easily wipe out every Republican here.

Rune: Along with us. Does it look like we have an hour and a half?

Kudana: Nope. That's why we need to acquire a tank. We can drive through the city with it, I can arm the bomb inside of it, drive it down to wherever the hell these Republics are coming from, and blow them to hell and back.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
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Boring Town in NY, Lockport...
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Rune: Then I got you, let's get this done so we can get those ****ers out of here.

-Rune reaches into his bag and reloads his AK57, he then takes fire at two oncoming tanks, killing both the gunmen on the deck. As the cannon takes aim Rune and Kudana run for the tank, the tank fires and knocks down a gunshop, then blowing everything up inside of it. Rune jumps on the tank and looks in, then shoots the driver.-

Rune: Hurry up, get in while I try to take the other tank... I'll try to get on after I am done.

-Several Revolutionary soldiers coming running out of the alleys after hearing the gun shop explosion. They then take first trying to stop oncoming troops. The force of the troops are tremendous.-

Rune: Hold them off while we go get something. I'm going into the tank.

Soldiers:Sir yes sir!

-Rune runs for the tank, jumping on the back and pulling himself up. Kudana is driving into a group of Republic Soldiers, Rune takes fire on them, then gets shot on his leg and falls through the hole.-

Kudana: Nice going, get yourself shot against these horrible soldiers. Let's hope we can get down there for I can whipe them out.

Rune: Okay, I'll take care of my leg. -Painfully-

-Rune then gets the Medic pack and starts on his leg.-

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
"I drove and drove... the cannon was near useless, we didn't have a gunner and the AI was out. I continued on to the abandoned hotel. When We arrived, I stopped."

Kudana: Rune, take care of this thing. We'll need it for later.

"I walked on into the hotel, gun drwan... nothing, not even a ghost. I went on down to my room and found the stuff. I dragged it out, one by one."

Kudana: Rune, open the tank's cargo compartment! I need to load this stuff in there and build it together!

"Rune popped the trunk, so to speak. I opened the boxes and put the things in. I got in as well and began to assemble te bomb. About 45 minutes later, a Republican patrol came upon us."

Kudana: Oh hell... RUNE, BEHIND US!


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
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Boring Town in NY, Lockport...
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Rune: It's fine, I got this covered. Just continue with the bomb.

-Rune looks out the cockpit and looks at the patrol vehicle. He then pulls out an Military ID for the Republic Military, with his picture on it.-

Rune: The town seems clear, sir. We will keep moving and patrolling, making sure sir.

Patrol Officer: Good, continue.

-Rune pulls out his D.E. then shoots the officer while walking away. Kudana gets done with the bomb while Rune was talking to the officer. Kudana starts moving the tank, as radars show where the military is coming in from, it seems they are camping there.-

Kudana: Get ready Rune, we are going to blow them out.

Rune: Ready as I could ever be, just tell me when to lock the cockpit and I will.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Kudana: I got the bomb rigged to blow, and a good weight for the gas pedal. All you need to do is get clearance into the area and I'll do the rest.

"Rune talks for a bit on the comms, and then continues on. The final part was coming up."

Kudana: Aight, Rune, when I say jump, jump out. I'll floor the gas, and when the tank gets close enough, we blow the bomb.

"A minute passes."

Kudana: Jump!

"I dropped a brick on the gas pedal and Rune jumped out. As soon as he cleared, I hauled my ass out as well. The tank topped 80 just as I jumped out. Rune and I started to run off. I turned around and looked behind us. I pulled out the bomb's detonator and hit the button. A bright blue flash with a nice, big mushroom cload went off."

Kudana: Go, go, go! The heat wave'll kill us!

"Rune and I continued on. Just up ahead was a 2 foot thick concrete barrier."

Kudana: Get behind that!

"Rune and I hopped the barrier and landed behind us just as the heat wave washed down and out. I tucked my feet under me and stayed towads the center of the barricade so that the heat wash would'nt roast them. Rune was having a harder time, but he pulled it off."

Khalaid Warrior

Sep 28, 2004
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Realm of Sarcasim
Lord Hishado said:
The Revolution of Kalara
History of Kalara:
The planet of Kalara is one of the Terran Republics biggest trading worlds. The Republic has set up a large millitary force on Kalara aswell. The economy is thriving, but only for the free. You see, the economy is slave based. The last commander of the planet decided that he had enough of owning slaves and decided to start a revolution, using his slaves as the first warriors. That was 100 years ago. Now, it is 3681 A.D., and the revolution is still going on, and more slaves are being freed for the revolutions effort every minute.

Character sheet:
Name: <insert name here>
Species: <insert species here, human, kalarian, orc, it doesn't matter, be creative!>
Age: <insert age here>
Gender: <insert gender here>
Class: <insert warrior type here. i.e., Rouge, Soldier, Knight, ect.>
History: <anything, could have been a slave, might not have been. be creative!>
Items: <duh... insert items here>
Home City: <make one up... your person SHOULD start there>

Heres mine:
Name: Kalrad
Species: Kalarian
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Class: Soldier
History: At a young age, he was sold into slavery. His old 'owner' was killed in the anti-revolution war. He got a new owner, who turned out to be a revolutionary person. His 'owner', now reffered to as 'General', offered him freedom. Kalrad accepted the offer to stop the hold of slavery.
Items: assult riffle and personal armor
Home City: unknown... he never saw it...

ok, i guess this will start with the next person...
btw, you can make up a quest as you go along, such as a raid on Republic building... this is an open rp
Age: 21(human years)
History: He has no Idea about his history except that of his race... People are known to fear him do to the fact he traveled From the world of Fearun :sly
Items:His family sword& small pistol
Home City:Waterdeep :sly


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
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Boring Town in NY, Lockport...
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-Rune pats himself down and then goes over to Kudana to make sure she is ok. He whipes a bunch of shit off of her from the blast then gets out. As hundreds of soldiers coming running out of the alleys, all you can do is see smoke rising from the ground where the bomb went off.-

Rune: We did good soldiers... Thanks Kudana for the help too... Now we must continue on to the Republic Capital, there we can overpower the government. Along the way I believe we can get hundreds more people. What you think Kudana?

Kudana: Everyone rest here for the night while we find the other captains and generals of this town. Early morning we will leave.

Rune: Good idea.

-Rune and Kudana start off to find the other officers.-

Khalaid Warrior

Sep 28, 2004
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Realm of Sarcasim
-You sundenly notice this time portal pop out of know where landing the spot in front of you. Horns, and demon tail pop out of the portal alond with this this sword and a hand some what similar to a human hand....

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: I'm not sure if a demon really belongs here, especially if that demon is from D&D, and even more if that demon came here from a time-warp... but that's up to the GM.

A little heads up. It's better if you post in 1st or 3rd person, instead of the "Godly Voice In My Head" mode.


"I eyed this new being wairily. I pulled up my M78."

Kudana: Who are you and what do you want?

Khalaid Warrior

Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Realm of Sarcasim
OOC:He's not a demon, he's tiefling which is a human with demon or divil(sp?) blood. Plus you shall see how well he'll fit in....:lucifer

Kalah Steps out of the portal," Well tat was an unplaesen't trip... What the hell... how did I end up here?" He streeches out, " You may call me Kalah, most just refure to me as 'Demon Child,' which I'm still trying to figure out. I'm not even a demon. Oh well, and you are with the weird looking weapon there?"

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