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Notice to everyone:
1) This post is very long.
2) This post is not in anyway meant to insult anyone.
3) Please read the whole thing if you bother to post.
4) Thanks for your time.
The Roots of Hitler's Push Into WW2:
Under the terms of the armistice, the German Army was allowed to remain intact and was not forced to admit defeat by surrendering. The failure to force the German General Staff (their government) to admit defeat did in itself start the push to WW2. Although the German Army was reduced in size, it created its' own party as a political force dedicated to German nationalism, not the democracy forced upon the Germans. The majority of the German people supported the idea that the army had not been defeated on the battlefield and could have fought on to victory. They all believed that they were betrayed in Berlin by their own government. The 'Stab in the Back' belief being popular among many Germans who found it impossible to admit defeat. Hitler was obsessed with this idea, laying blame on Jews and Marxists in Germany for undermining the war effort.
Germany's people have little interest and basically no expereince in democracy turned their government into political turmoil. To add on top of this problem was when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. The terms of the treaty forced Germany to accept sole responsibility for causing the war and had to pay huge war reparations for all the damage. Germany also had to give up land to France and Poland. These terms humiliated Germany in front of every nation in the world. This humiliation led to a desire in many Germans, including Hitler, to have their nation's "shackles of the treaty" removed.
Main Points of this section:
1) Germany had humiliating terms forced upon them
2) Germany's government was in complete turmoil
3) Germany's economy was the worst industrialized nation's economy in the world.
Hitler's Economic Miracle:
As said above "Germany's economy was the worst industrialized nation's economy in the world". Hitler was able to take a broken and defeated nation with a useless currency and bring it out of the Great Depression. On top of this, he did it while spending less than 6% of the German budget on military uses (prior to 1938). After WW2 the media say that Hitler performed his economic miracle by "militarizing" the German economy, but this cannot possibly be true. Their is one main problem with this, militarizing an economy does not help an economy. This has been proven before in the failed Keynesian government. The Keynes believed that the government could stimulate the economy by spending more. The problem with that theory is that, in order for the government to spend more, it must also tax more, and thus government spending is generally a zero-sum proposition.
The foundations of Hitler’s mircale in the German economy were two fold. One foundation was currency reform. In 1933, the German currency was essentially worthless. It was not backed by gold causing the worthlessness of their currency. Furthermore, there was no gold left in Germany in order to back a new currency. This made it impossible for Germany to be brought into the banking system that was based on the gold standard. What Hitler did was unprecedented because he used a type of commodity other than gold, not because gold was not preferable, but because Germany's gold had been stolen through the terms of the treaty during World War I.
But the stabilization of the currency was only one of two foundations of Hitler's economic miracle. The second foundation was decentralization of the ownership of property through a system of criminal penalties for exploiters and the creation of the work camp system. The National Socialism encouraged the ownership of private property and the private ownership of factories, while attacking only those capitalist institutions that injured the peasants of Germany. In practice, this meant that properties which had been seized or bought up by largely Jewish real estate speculators during the Depression period were sold back to or returned to their original owners. The Jewish capitalist speculators were compensated for their property through no interest loans from the government for the original land owner. The National Socialist government took land from the monopoly banking interests and gave it to the peasantry as the peasant's own, encouraging the peasant to farm it and profit from it, and requesting only that a share of the profit necessary to repay their interest free government loan be turned over to the government.
The National Socialist government did not demand collectivization. Instead, it stated that factories were not permitted to exploit their workers, and placed a slew of social responsibilities onto factory owners, instituting and regulating unions in all the factories. The strongest legal tools the Germans had against factory owners were the right to seize temporary control over a factory if the factory owner was not treating his workers properly, and only for the purpose of reforming the industry's policies to create a sort of private social welfare policy that was required by law. There was no direct government control of industry.
In banking, the German government prohibited the practice of usury, and prohibited the mortgaging of property. Thus, by nullifying existing mortgages, and eliminating consumer credit debts that had been accumulated during the depression, the German government immediately decentralized wealth from the control of the bankers and placed it directly into the hands of the German people. Note the economic growth that resulted from this directly contradicts the free market theories that states: "...the accumulation of wealth by a monopoly is a result of the superior economic efficient of that monopoly".
Now the work-camp system, and the system of criminal punishments enacted for economic crimes, is the most disputed aspect of this system, but it is also the most necessary. A worker who didn't produce x amount of corn, for an example, on their corn farm could be arrested and sent to a labor camp. Under the National Socialist system, the arrest of workers for failure to produce was unprecedented. Instead, National Socialist prosecution of economic crimes focused on those who earned their living without working. In particular, land speculators, usurious bankers, and those who made their living profiting from vice were the primary targets of work camps; not surprisingly, these three populations were almost entirely Jewish. Failure to obey the restrictions of the Nuremburg Laws, which segregated Jews from the rest of society and forbid them to work in education, the media, politics, or sensitive economic activities, was a strong second cause of incarceration. There was, however, no general arrest of Jews, nor any law ordering 'all Jew’ to be placed in work camps, as the general talk of "Holocaust" propaganda. National Socialist Germany was a nation of laws, and Jews who were imprisoned were imprisoned because their actions, not their persons, violated those laws. Further, more than 2/3rds of the "liberated" from these camps after the Allied/Soviet occupation were re-incarcerated by the Allies and the Soviets for criminal offenses after the occupation. Savitri Devi, who spent time in an Allied prison after the war, notes that the majority of people in the Allied prison were Jews who were criminals and who had served time in labor camps under National Socialism.
So, after the National Socialist government had compensated the Jewish land speculators for their property and redistributed it to those Germans who had owned it before the Depression, a large portion of the Jewish population had been unhappy with receiving just compensation for their property, and had attempted to circumvent the law by continuing to own more property than the law allowed any person to own. These Jews were arrested for the economic crime of speculation, which was essentially for failing to work in a productive manner for a living, and instead choosing to live by stealing from and exploiting the poor. After the German government banned all people from engaging in usury, many Jews, rather than going to work for a living, continued to loan money to the peasantry at exorbitant rates, and live off the interest. They too were arrested and charged with exploitation of the poor.
Jews also dominated the abortion industry, and a very large number of the Jewish female populations of the German camps were abortionists. In Germany every child was loved, and every child had an economic future, and thus there was no excuse for abortion. Similarly, the kinds of Jews who today dominate the international child pornography trade, and who run white slavery rings through Israel from Russia and the Eastern European nations would have been arrested in Germany for exploitation of the poor.
Hitler's economic miracle was based on solid ground. First, there was a reform of the currency through the fixing of commodity prices on the international marker, and second, there was an abolition of those economic activities which tend to create class divisions and centralize the ownership of wealth and property in the hands of a few.
These being the truths about the National Socialist system it was superior to both the current social-democratic globalist system, and the Judaeo- Bolshevik alternative. This is one reason for Germany's massive 'rebirth' from "the worst industrialized nation's economy in the world" to the most powerful and productive in the world in under 5 years.
Note: This won Hitler the "Man of the Year.
Notice to everyone:
1) This post is very long.
2) This post is not in anyway meant to insult anyone.
3) Please read the whole thing if you bother to post.
4) Thanks for your time.
The Roots of Hitler's Push Into WW2:
Under the terms of the armistice, the German Army was allowed to remain intact and was not forced to admit defeat by surrendering. The failure to force the German General Staff (their government) to admit defeat did in itself start the push to WW2. Although the German Army was reduced in size, it created its' own party as a political force dedicated to German nationalism, not the democracy forced upon the Germans. The majority of the German people supported the idea that the army had not been defeated on the battlefield and could have fought on to victory. They all believed that they were betrayed in Berlin by their own government. The 'Stab in the Back' belief being popular among many Germans who found it impossible to admit defeat. Hitler was obsessed with this idea, laying blame on Jews and Marxists in Germany for undermining the war effort.
Germany's people have little interest and basically no expereince in democracy turned their government into political turmoil. To add on top of this problem was when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. The terms of the treaty forced Germany to accept sole responsibility for causing the war and had to pay huge war reparations for all the damage. Germany also had to give up land to France and Poland. These terms humiliated Germany in front of every nation in the world. This humiliation led to a desire in many Germans, including Hitler, to have their nation's "shackles of the treaty" removed.
Main Points of this section:
1) Germany had humiliating terms forced upon them
2) Germany's government was in complete turmoil
3) Germany's economy was the worst industrialized nation's economy in the world.
Hitler's Economic Miracle:
As said above "Germany's economy was the worst industrialized nation's economy in the world". Hitler was able to take a broken and defeated nation with a useless currency and bring it out of the Great Depression. On top of this, he did it while spending less than 6% of the German budget on military uses (prior to 1938). After WW2 the media say that Hitler performed his economic miracle by "militarizing" the German economy, but this cannot possibly be true. Their is one main problem with this, militarizing an economy does not help an economy. This has been proven before in the failed Keynesian government. The Keynes believed that the government could stimulate the economy by spending more. The problem with that theory is that, in order for the government to spend more, it must also tax more, and thus government spending is generally a zero-sum proposition.
The foundations of Hitler’s mircale in the German economy were two fold. One foundation was currency reform. In 1933, the German currency was essentially worthless. It was not backed by gold causing the worthlessness of their currency. Furthermore, there was no gold left in Germany in order to back a new currency. This made it impossible for Germany to be brought into the banking system that was based on the gold standard. What Hitler did was unprecedented because he used a type of commodity other than gold, not because gold was not preferable, but because Germany's gold had been stolen through the terms of the treaty during World War I.
But the stabilization of the currency was only one of two foundations of Hitler's economic miracle. The second foundation was decentralization of the ownership of property through a system of criminal penalties for exploiters and the creation of the work camp system. The National Socialism encouraged the ownership of private property and the private ownership of factories, while attacking only those capitalist institutions that injured the peasants of Germany. In practice, this meant that properties which had been seized or bought up by largely Jewish real estate speculators during the Depression period were sold back to or returned to their original owners. The Jewish capitalist speculators were compensated for their property through no interest loans from the government for the original land owner. The National Socialist government took land from the monopoly banking interests and gave it to the peasantry as the peasant's own, encouraging the peasant to farm it and profit from it, and requesting only that a share of the profit necessary to repay their interest free government loan be turned over to the government.
The National Socialist government did not demand collectivization. Instead, it stated that factories were not permitted to exploit their workers, and placed a slew of social responsibilities onto factory owners, instituting and regulating unions in all the factories. The strongest legal tools the Germans had against factory owners were the right to seize temporary control over a factory if the factory owner was not treating his workers properly, and only for the purpose of reforming the industry's policies to create a sort of private social welfare policy that was required by law. There was no direct government control of industry.
In banking, the German government prohibited the practice of usury, and prohibited the mortgaging of property. Thus, by nullifying existing mortgages, and eliminating consumer credit debts that had been accumulated during the depression, the German government immediately decentralized wealth from the control of the bankers and placed it directly into the hands of the German people. Note the economic growth that resulted from this directly contradicts the free market theories that states: "...the accumulation of wealth by a monopoly is a result of the superior economic efficient of that monopoly".
Now the work-camp system, and the system of criminal punishments enacted for economic crimes, is the most disputed aspect of this system, but it is also the most necessary. A worker who didn't produce x amount of corn, for an example, on their corn farm could be arrested and sent to a labor camp. Under the National Socialist system, the arrest of workers for failure to produce was unprecedented. Instead, National Socialist prosecution of economic crimes focused on those who earned their living without working. In particular, land speculators, usurious bankers, and those who made their living profiting from vice were the primary targets of work camps; not surprisingly, these three populations were almost entirely Jewish. Failure to obey the restrictions of the Nuremburg Laws, which segregated Jews from the rest of society and forbid them to work in education, the media, politics, or sensitive economic activities, was a strong second cause of incarceration. There was, however, no general arrest of Jews, nor any law ordering 'all Jew’ to be placed in work camps, as the general talk of "Holocaust" propaganda. National Socialist Germany was a nation of laws, and Jews who were imprisoned were imprisoned because their actions, not their persons, violated those laws. Further, more than 2/3rds of the "liberated" from these camps after the Allied/Soviet occupation were re-incarcerated by the Allies and the Soviets for criminal offenses after the occupation. Savitri Devi, who spent time in an Allied prison after the war, notes that the majority of people in the Allied prison were Jews who were criminals and who had served time in labor camps under National Socialism.
So, after the National Socialist government had compensated the Jewish land speculators for their property and redistributed it to those Germans who had owned it before the Depression, a large portion of the Jewish population had been unhappy with receiving just compensation for their property, and had attempted to circumvent the law by continuing to own more property than the law allowed any person to own. These Jews were arrested for the economic crime of speculation, which was essentially for failing to work in a productive manner for a living, and instead choosing to live by stealing from and exploiting the poor. After the German government banned all people from engaging in usury, many Jews, rather than going to work for a living, continued to loan money to the peasantry at exorbitant rates, and live off the interest. They too were arrested and charged with exploitation of the poor.
Jews also dominated the abortion industry, and a very large number of the Jewish female populations of the German camps were abortionists. In Germany every child was loved, and every child had an economic future, and thus there was no excuse for abortion. Similarly, the kinds of Jews who today dominate the international child pornography trade, and who run white slavery rings through Israel from Russia and the Eastern European nations would have been arrested in Germany for exploitation of the poor.
Hitler's economic miracle was based on solid ground. First, there was a reform of the currency through the fixing of commodity prices on the international marker, and second, there was an abolition of those economic activities which tend to create class divisions and centralize the ownership of wealth and property in the hands of a few.
These being the truths about the National Socialist system it was superior to both the current social-democratic globalist system, and the Judaeo- Bolshevik alternative. This is one reason for Germany's massive 'rebirth' from "the worst industrialized nation's economy in the world" to the most powerful and productive in the world in under 5 years.
Note: This won Hitler the "Man of the Year.