BattleForums Senior Member
Anyone want a picture of medoing the exact same thing except without the sock?
SlyFie said:How the hell are you going to pull that one off?
The pic of me pulling off a 69 with myself. Figure THAT one out.Darkmatter said:Nice try. You won't ever see it.
What was worse? VizjereiMage's ass or Hitsua's sockum friend?
Hes not as ugly as I thought he would be. Heh.Borat said:
Thats right im better than you.
you do realize that you're watching a show with some guy called "Shaggy"? Thats even worse than Hitsua's sock adventure...Andrew said:oh well, lets all watch some scooby doo to forget about that picture.
!!!....Borat said:
Thats right im better than you.
Your sig is amazing.SlyFie said:Borat doesnt look like a druggy...
Read the rest of the post. That's an old picture. I'm a blue belt. That's three belts higher than yellow belt.Anatomy Of Vice said:AHAHAHA you're only a yellowbelt.
How much do you weigh?Diatenshi said:ethanel, i'd love to fight you, now ^^
i got at least 50 lbs on you, but you know Tae-Kwon-Doe so it should end up even.
^_^Darkmatter said:Ethanael = teh secks! You could give me lessons anyday, baby.
You look cool sir, really cool.