Okay, lord. I coulda sworn they had dropped the -res on cold mastry, but apparently I was wrong, in the other direction. It has actually gone up quite a bit. So.....
20 in Orb
20 in Cold Mastry
1 in Ice Bolt
1 in Ice Blast
1 in Frost Nova
1 in Glacial Spike
1 in Blizzard
are pretty much no-brainers.
Now you've got to have teleport, and you've gotta have E-Shield.
1 in Energy Shield
1 in Teleport
1 in Telekinesis
1 in Charged Bolt
1 in Lit
1 in Chain Lit
and Warmth is also 100% necessary, so:
1 in Warmth
So that leaves you with 44 skill points left at level 85.
At level 85, with the gear you have (if you have no mana on charms) you will be running at 1216 mana (assuming you have a 15 mana//7% FHR jewel on your spike). So that leaves you a bit short. If you have 10 perfect 17/20 charms you'll end up with 1573. With that kind of mana you probably won't need to pump warmth very hard. If you can't get hardly any mana from charms, pumping warmth might be an option you'll want to consider. I'd always try to pump warmth before putting points in energy. It's more beneficial. So that really depends on you gear, so I can't really say before I know what kind of charms you have.
Now assuming that your mana situation will be fine, all the rest of your skill points should go to increasing your damage. Now it is my belief that anyone who dies to TS will be able to be killed by some other spell (like orb). But I know it can be beneficial, so I'll cover both builds (Orb + TS, Orb + Blizzard) so you can pick.
Orb + Blizzard:
With 44 skill points left, I would drop 19 into Ice Bolt for the Orb and Blizzard synergy. Then 19 into Blizzard. I find blizzard is extremely useful as you can't run from it, and it is a good way to make people move from their current spot (but not as good as hydra). It does a LOAD of damage per shard. If you name lock an opponent, you've got a really good chance at dealing them a large amount of damage. It's also quite useful against teleporters if you can predict where they will tele to next, and place a blizzard waiting for them. It works a bit better than orb since it will stay a bit longer. Not to mention it's leaner on skill points, will buff up your orb more, and will allow you to have more mana (because it uses less skill points).
20 in Orb
20 in Cold Mastry
20 in Blizzard
20 in Ice Bolt
1 in Ice Blast
1 in Frost Nova
1 in Glacial Spike
1 in Energy Shield
1 in Teleport
1 in Telekinesis
1 in Charged Bolt
1 in Lit
1 in Chain Lit
6 in Warmth
96 Total
If you need more points in warmth, just take them out of blizzard.
You could also drop 1 point into TS and Mastry to nub over the people who forget about lit res. But like I said, if they don't know to wear max lit res, you should be able to kill them anyways.
Orb + TS:
This gives you a dual element attack, and is also more useful for newer sorcs who haven't yet gotten used to the art of placing orbs. Unfortunately, it's easily resisted, or blocked with a golem, bone wall, or other minion. However, with everyone teleporting these days due to enigma, it looks like a very viable way to go. I personally am not an Orb + TS person, but I know quite a few duelers who are and wouldn't do without it. And since you seem a bit inexperianced, I'm thinking it may be the way to go for you. Your final skill points would look like this:
20 in Orb
20 in Cold Mastry
20 in TS
20 in Lit Mastry
1 in Nova
1 in Static Field
1 in Ice Blast
1 in Ice Bolt
1 in Frost Nova
1 in Glacial Spike
1 in Energy Shield
1 in Teleport
1 in Telekinesis
1 in Charged Bolt
1 in Lit
1 in Chain Lit
3 in Warmth
So notice that with this build, your Orb is going to have less damage, and you'll also have less points in warmth. However, it's your choice, and if you decide you want a stronger orb, you can always take points out of Lit Mastry (or TS, whichever does less damage) and put them in Ice Bolt or Warmth if you want more mana.
Another idea to consider is hydra, but I personally don't have any play experiance with it. I have played against it, and it's quite effective at keeping your opponent moving instead of attacking, but you'll RARELY hit them. And if they have a nokozan relic in their stash, they can sit there and tank your hydra if he's low level.
But those are my two suggestions. Take your pick.