me and my friend had just started out, he got to A2, and i was on the phone with him, and i kept yelling "TP TP TP TP TP" until he hung up
i thought he could tp to me from act to act 
Years ago I lost a lot of my mf char's items on a trade - when I was already 99% sure I was gonna get hacked [two people in a game, it was fishy, and i got an invisible item - which was commen at that time in d2 for hacks]... I played my odds and lost a lot of items for a... I forgot what it was - but it was godly. :dohSkuZZy said:Everyone was a newbie at some point in time... so what is the most newbish thing you've ever done?
same here, I sew a guy asking for a rush since I was in act 5. I told him Ill rush him. so I made a tp in act 5 and kept telling him to come to worldstone lvl 2. he was in act1 , he kept askin me wth am i doing untill he said noob and left.(lol) :nooobi thought he could tp to me from act to act
lol , thats a good oneËñdlë$$ SûFFërïñG said:put all my skills like say 1 point into everything on a sorc becasuse i wanted