Ok, fakenamehere: this is it
Briefing: 8/10 x2
Gameplay: 9/10 x4
Originality: 9/10 x2
Replayability: 6.5/10 x2
Total: 83
Comments: I like the idea, a TON of units that you don't control and really add a lot of flavor and give you the sense of a HUGE battle. One thing was, it seemed VERY hard, and there was not much skill to it, all you did was send your unit at the enemy(from what i understood of it) and pray you win. It seems like great fun the first couple of times then since there is no human opponents or major skill involved, it would probably get boring. I would suggest downloading it, very high marks.
If i am missing something here and it actually DOES take major skill, then i messed up BIG.