I like to think of myself as an original map maker. Some of the things I've made:
This was definitely original, a lot of people were impressed by the hitting system, which was really accurate for SC (used burrowed units and locations to lower the area of "good" hits
Splash Defense
Basicly you built units that would shoot at you (firebats, tanks) and kill enemies only through the splash (caused by them shooting at you). You had to aim the fire, it was a defense map that required skill... too bad it leaked before it was done.
Grapple Defense
Ok So I liked making defenses. This one exploited the bug that leaves units isnide bunks at the original location when bunks are moved. You would move bunks so you could stack men, sorta neat.
Truer Diablo 2 Rpg
I always though the "true" rpg wasn't good enough, so I made one with a weapon/armor system, among other things. A very original RPG... a lot of things most people can't do. I actually met the author of true d2 and he liked my map, even suggested a few good ideas.
Harvest Moon
Based on the nintendo 64 game, this was an awsome emulation of the real game.
Desert Castles
I took cold castles and improved it (had author's permission). Added gates, potion mixing, and what-not.