Youcanextract the tracks with the World Editor. Open the WE up (I know some of you don't know its existance ) and hit F5 (Sound Editor). Then go to the Internal Music branch and find the song(s) you want. Right-click them and click some extracting option or something. Then save it as an MP3.
God I hate that song! N_LegenD), sorry that I wasn't able to get your sig done, things got hellish after....well, they got bad for a bit there. As for me, the songs I listened to when I played where more Soundtrack based off of anime's and stuff. Hellsing soundtrack fits perfect with Undead and NE!
If Chibi is freed up for Sig making then I guess he could make mine >.>...
I usually have all my songs that i've got downloaded on shuffle/loop or have the radio on..I can't stand the Undead theme but the Human one is okay..Sounds like im in a church if i listen to it for very long.
put it this way, beautiful ppl like those posted in x42's avatars would never play war3, but then again serial thriller, vbad and sweet[saint] are exceptions.
sweet[saint]....who is this? I have heard of Thriller, and I know Vbad, but this....[saint]...I know not of her....I hate going away for months and coming back to find things going 180.
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