[color=royal blue]Ryu: If I were an ordinary planes-walker, I would not have brought it up. I have transported myself directly into the demonic pit and caught them unawares. It would take...
Ryu pauses to think for a bit. However, Trias is not satisfied.
Trias: They will know! They are strong.
Ryu: Well, if you don't like that suggestion, we can walk or fly.
Raele: Do I get any say?
Ryu: Of course, but, with your wings, I didn't think you'd object.
Raele: True...
Ryu: Raden, what do you think? We have some options, and I can make sure transportation through the planes is safe first.
Ryu summons a small pack of kobald warriors, just for fun. But he makes the point that they will be his test.[/color]