People come, go, or stay for many reasons, when you start looking at this place from a demographics point of view, it's staggering.
As for removing inactive members, it all comes down to numbers, and numbers mean money.
ChrisUK the owner does not want inactive members deleted, he uses the numbers of members and listings for business purposes.
What these purposes are do not concern me, since they do not infringe on my everyday life, cyber, or real.
Unless he changes this policy, we won't be deleting users.
There's is no way I know of to search the forum database for members on the invisibility setting, but I have seen a few accounts where this was being used.
Also while trolling the forums, I have occasionally looked into some of the members that were viewing a forum, and seemed new because I didn't recognize the name from posts.
They turned out to me members with accounts several months old, but maybe 3 posts.
I am assuming these may be members that would rather read, or are shy about posting.
Either way, I'm not too inclined to slam a door in someones face, who could turn out to be one of the best posters we have, when he sees a thread that truly sparks his interests.
If one of you are reading this please feel free to participate in our family discussions, new insights are alwasy appreciated.