Originally posted by nevergoingback
what about the bug that allows black cidelts to freeze goblin zepplins? will you not allow UD to create black citdels no more!
what about the TP bug that allows heros to be killed if they TP while morphing ( example: DH & MK )? Will there be a rule that we are not allowed to attack these heros when they are TPing.
Will you try to emulate these imbalances that need patched as well?
Is everyone really that unconfident against NE cheese? Roll with punches! If I remember correctly most tourneys are not won through the use of the Beastmaster, but through overall skill and experience!
It could be worse, the game is very close to being balanced. There are still a few issues that will rarely come up. Such as the ones mentioned. The beastmaster WILL come up however, since it is the easiest to use and requires no special dependencies. It only requires food and a wisp. I have seen many games won and lost over the beastmaster, many of them with me being at the recieving end of the loss. Pan, Faint (yes he is NE), and many others will believe me in saying that the beastmaster is unbalanced.
Any more posts than this about the beastmaster will be considered spam. I thank you for your concern but this is a tourny and if you actually want to have one it would be best to go along with the rules. I understand your guys' arguments but I think we are going to have the rule. Mainly because Blizzard has acknowleged the issue but has not fixed it yet. I am comprimising here saying that it cannot be used as the first hero. Removing him from the tourny was my original intent...however to compromise with the parties "for" the beastmaster, not allowing the beastmaster as the first hero will be the rule.
Maybe someday you can make a tournament and allow the beastmaster, but by that time he will be nerfed anyways so it wouldn't matter.