what realm is this, uswest non ladder sc? if it is, im in, unfortunately, i'll need a hand settin up my d2jsp nad yamb, im a bit of a newb when it comes to settin up bots. char stats are....
char name: xXxbod_hamsxXx
lvl:84 hammerdin(for now)
dmg:8.7k alone(needs 2 sojs and seraphs)
defence:9.2k without merc, 13-14k with merc

erfect hoto, hoz, shako, fcr rings, treks, magefist, highlords :'(, eneigma, spider.
i'll have more infor if you need it later today or tomorrow, havent been on at all today, had to get some runnin around done, but if were usin a bot it wont be a problem for me to be online 24/7.