Not that this is the main point, but Iraq is linked to terrorism. The problem was the UN inspected it. Warheads & Mustard + Serine(sp?) gas warheads were found in Seria and Jordan, linked to Iraq, aswell as the fact that Suddam had more than 500,000-2,000,000+ people killed KGB style for speaking out against him.
To the main point, I'm glad Russia is helping end terrorism. Someone had to light the fuse, and the ****ing Chechnyan terrorist morons killed their children. My personal philosophy is this:
You kill a single one of our men; we will kill all of yours.
You kill a single one of our women; we will kill all of yours.
You kill a single one of our children, and I will show no mercy upon your people.
Shame I'm not a world leader. I'm fairly ruthless when pushed.
Its also a shame that the fuse had to be lit this way:
"At least 326 people were killed, about half of them children, and 727 wounded,"
Either two things can happen. Russian can go UN-pussy whoring, which I doubt, or they will go ****ing psycho and kill everyone :wasted