

Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Holy shit!! LMFAO!!!!! Clam Rulez!!!


Sep 3, 2002
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Originally posted by VegetaClam
Oh look what I found my Brothers.

-Vegeta Clam

Angry Dragon
Immediately after you blow your load in a girl's mouth, smack the back of her head and make it come out her nose. When she gets up she'll look like an angry dragon.

Arabian Goggles
A "seldom-seen" maneuver when you put your testicles over her eye sockets while getting head. (Picture it: ass on forehead) It may be anatomically impossible, but what the **** else is new.

The Bait N' Tackle
The sailors used this one in the old Navy days. Before you go off for a long, lonely voyage, get yourself a tall jar and fill it completely with earthworms. When you get lonely, open the jar and **** away. The earthworms will provide some slithery stimulation, and your protein load will keep them nicely fed. Gone fishing!

Takes some luck of the gene pool, but if you're able to do it, always great fun. While you are straddling her, take your nutsack and spread it out over her face like pizza dough.

Bear Claw
A synonym for extremely large pussy lips.

Beef Curtain
The shanked out remains of the labia after being stretched like Play-Doh from an hour or so of jimmy-jam.

Beer Dick
This is what most guys get after a good night of drinking. They tend to **** anything with a pussy while experiencing beer dick.

You need to find a real tramp to do this right. It involves having her sucking you off while you are on the shitter.

The Bronco
You start by going doggy style and then just when she is really enjoying it, you grab her tits as tight as possible and yell another girls name. This gives you the feeling of riding a wild bronco as she desperately tries to buck you off.

Brown Bagging It
Sometimes you meet a girl with a body like there's no tomorrow but a face like a mangy dog. Don't let that body go to waste and let her hideousness stop you from ****ing her though. Just draw the smiley face on a brown paper bag, place it over her head, and **** away while keeping your composure and piece of mind.

Brown Necktie
You're about halfway through ass-wrecking a chick, and instead of filling up her keister with your demonseed, you pull out and proceed to tittie **** her, leaving a brown streak between the funbags.

When a man puts his face between a woman's breasts and quickly moves his head back and forth while saying "Brunski" in a very drawn out and exaggerated manner. (There are many other variant names.)

The Bullwinkle
The sign given to a friend in hiding while doggie styling' some chick. It is performed by placing both hands over the head, with palms facing out and waving wildly. Can be supplemented by shouting "Hey Rocky." (Make sure to use appropriate Bullwinkle voice tone.)

Butter Face
When you see a chick with an awesome body, "but her face", is nasty.

The Canine Special
Liberally apply peanut butter to your dick and call over the family dog. Lick Ubu lick. Good Dog. Arf!

The Carpet Cleaner
While banging a girl doggy style, tie her arms behind her back, lift up her hips, and run around the room pushing her face first across the carpet. Not recommended with large women.

The Chili Dog
When you take a hot dump on a girl's tits and then proceed to titty **** her.

Chocolate Pizza
Happily discovering hemorrhoids while eating a shitty brown eye.

Cleveland Steamer
The act of leaving a shit stain on the rib cage of a woman while receiving penile pleasure from friction between the mammaries.

Apparently somewhat on the fringe in gay circles, but involves using thin, cylindrical items (thermometers, wire, rubber worms, etc.), and inserting them into the dick hole. Over many months, continue to gradually ream out the hole-at-the-head with larger items, thus ultimately allowing your "buddy" to obtain the goal of ****ing your urethra. Wow!

Cold Lunch
The act of vomiting directly onto some chick's head while she's performing fellatio.

The Concoction
First, ejaculate all over the floor. Next, have your psycho bitch girlfriend menstruate on your semen. Stir it with your finger until you get a nice thick pink mixture. Proceed to paint yourselves up silly, just as if you were in kindergarten again.

The Compton Gangbang
You meet a young lady at the bar. She tells you she has a boyfriend, but she ends up going home with you anyway for a one-night stand. When you take her to your place, tell your friends to wait outside your bedroom door. Just when she's about to get off, your friends barge in the room and plainly beat the shit out of her. That should teach her not to **** around. (Ladies, feel free to perform a Compton Gangbang on guys too. I know you've got some fat girlfriends to help you out.)

Cop's Delight
The act of taking a girl in the ass, pulling out, and spewing all over her "pastry buns", thus transforming her rump into the allusion of an oversized, quivering glazed donut.

The Corkscrew
Cross your fingers, middle over index. Twist your wrist back and forth and go to work on your desired orifice. With practice, you'll have the effectiveness of a dill press and within weeks you'll be able to bore through wood.

Originating from the fine campus of Cornell University comes this unique, rarely used term. Saying that a girl is "Corn" means, she is so ****ing hot, so beautiful, so utterly drop-dead gorgeous, that you would happily eat the corn out of her shit. Can be used as a great pick-up line or friendly compliment, for instance; "Baby, you're more Corn than Green Giant", or "Damn bitch, you are Corn!"

Couch Bombing
When you fill a small ziploc sandwich bag with Crisco (or your favorite lubrication) and place it between the cushions on the couch. You then proceed to **** the couch as if it were a woman...but no need to buy It dinner first

This occurs when you wake up in the room of a nasty wombat and you know you've got to give her the slip. However, you realize that your arm is wrapped around her. Therefore you must gnaw off your own arm to get out of the situation. Can be very painful.

Cum Dumpster
A quadriplegic whore.

Cum Guzzling Sperm Burping Bitch
The once in a lifetime act when blowing a hot steamy load down the back of the girl's throat, proceed to give her a large cold bottle of your most favorite carbonated drink and make her guzzle it down. Then, shake her head vigorously back and forth to create the Cum Guzzling, Sperm Burping effect. A great way to impress your friends.

Daisy Chain
Partner (A) is sucking off or eating out partner (B) who is sucking off or eating out partner (C) and so on until the final person is sucking off or eating out partner (A). Partners can be gay, lesbian or straight.

god damn dude where u find half this shit??? lol brown bagging it isnt so bad i mean ive done it....


Nov 18, 2003
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So be it Stony...make fun of whom you choose. I know, (as you do) flame me all you want. You also say making fun of screen names is the weakest form of flaming. Well, Mr. He who wishes he had sex, you were making fun of my SN. Or so I thought. If you werent, accept my apologies. If you were, you wont get much flaming from me. I am above flaming people hard core like you obviously think you can. Ha, I say.
So now I am a homo? And you know this how? Are you homophobic? Thanks for telling me I am brilliant...DADDY!!!!!!

Stone Cold1

Oct 18, 2003
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No I wasn't making fun of your SN. I thought I explained it pretty clearly. Guess not.

No I never said you were gay. You made the gay joke, dumbass. I was commenting on how lame it was.

Yes I am your Daddy. I am also your God. Now get down on your knees and prepare for your penance.


Nov 18, 2003
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You a God? Ha ha ...i just about died laughing my ass off....you are so lame dude. wake up and smell the roses. what are you? all of 12 yrs.? the only reason I have to get on my knees is to stoop to your height!!!!!

yes..you did call me gay..you said I was a homo.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2003
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Originally posted by fyrebush
Hey VC....why dont you tell where you really got this from? I wouldnt mind if you did.

Originally posted by VegetaClam
You can ride my coat tails but don't try stealing my fire, Brother Bush.

I can tell you where he got it From he stole it off another site. And he is claiming it to be his fire! Very bad taking credit for what is not yours. If you want to know the addy to some of the funniest links. I will tell you where including the very site this guy ripped off the terms from the "porn dictionary". All of his material is just other people work with a few words changed.


Dec 26, 2002
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Brother DateRape,

I said "look what I found".. I never claimed to come up with this list, only that i brought it here for my Brothers. As far as what I said to Brother Bush, that was between him and I. So you really can't be sure of the context... now can you?
I understand your pain better then any one else in this world. I wish that you would let me help you. In time you will. You just have to suffer untill then....

-Vegeta Clam


Dec 26, 2002
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Brother DateRape found himself a boy friend!
I always kind of thought he was straight.
Show's what I know.

-Vegeta Clam


Nov 18, 2003
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VC, who would that be?
why would you say that man?


Oct 25, 2003
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its because i made VC feel bad.

(Sarcasm) Poor VC, we should be nicer to him (Sarcasm)

Originally posted by VegetaClam
I always kind of thought he was straight.
Show's what I know.
I am a guy that means he would be gay, dumbass

Stone Cold1

Oct 18, 2003
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Originally posted by fyrebush
You a God? Ha ha ...i just about died laughing my ass off....you are so lame dude. wake up and smell the roses. what are you? all of 12 yrs.? the only reason I have to get on my knees is to stoop to your height!!!!!

yes..you did call me gay..you said I was a homo.
If this is the first and only thread you have posted in I will undertand why you assume I am so young, or short. It is funny how far off you really are.

Originally posted by Stone Cold1
And to combine it with the typical newb homo comment was pure brilliance. Good job, junior.
Is this where you think I called you a homo? If it is English comprehension is not your friend. Here let me help you. I was referring to how you made a homo comment in your post to me. It was your first interaction with me so you had to be "a typical newb and make a homo comment". Is that better? Does it all make sense to you?

And yes I am your God. I just proved it again by making you look retarded. Loser.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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"Obtain a female that has been dead for 2-3 days (the time period since death is important). Then place your mouth just outside her vaginal opening. Have a friend jump on her stomach, and try to catch as much stuff that comes out as you can in your mouth. "

That's funny
yet so wrong at the same time


Nov 18, 2003
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Originally posted by Stone Cold1
If this is the first and only thread you have posted in I will undertand why you assume I am so young, or short. It is funny how far off you really are.

Is this where you think I called you a homo? If it is English comprehension is not your friend. Here let me help you. I was referring to how you made a homo comment in your post to me. It was your first interaction with me so you had to be "a typical newb and make a homo comment". Is that better? Does it all make sense to you?

And yes I am your God. I just proved it again by making you look retarded. Loser.
Its funny how you put what you really feel about yourself onto me. If it makes you feel better moron, go right ahead and do so. If you made me look retarded, you make me look that way only in your little mind. STOP PROJECTING ONTO ME WHAT YOU YOURSELF REALLY ARE AND HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF.

If you really are my God, just make me vanish. After all, my God can do anything. Since I am still here, you must not be my God. So quit playing silly little childish games and grow up!! You who are really a little boy in a mans body!! sheesh...

Why dont you go outside and play little man who thinks he is a God.


Nov 18, 2003
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Originally posted by Stony Cold1
I think that should be Sister not brother.
This is your original post about me Stony Cold. Did you bother to find out if I was female or male? No, you didnt. Why? I can only think it was because you "THINK" you are some kind of God. If you were, you would have known I was male. As your post says, it says "THINK". So loser, you thought wrong.

Now if you want to continue with these childish games of flaming, you go right ahead. But I, will ignore your childish words. I will ignore your insignificant meaningless words. Now go play with your friends. If you have any. HA HA HA HA HA

Stone Cold1

Oct 18, 2003
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You really are dumb. Wow at first I thought it was a joke but now I can tell you are for real.

I made a comment about being your god and you actually took me seriously. BWHAHAHAHAHA! I made a small comment and you get all bent out of shape. Again I laugh at you. Now that more people have read this and seen how you react to a simple comment, not to mention your horrible grasp of english comprehension as I pointed out, they are laughing at you as well.

Your responses are, at best, that of a 15 year old fighting his hormones because puberty is playing some kind of cruel joke on him. You need to check yourself, dude. You are the feeble one here. You tried to defend yourself for the things you have said and done but when the evidence comes out you turtle. So just stay in your pathetic shell, little girl.

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