[color=sky blue]Lunaster grows angrier and angrier, which is not a good sign. His allies can see this rage building up, and soon a burst of energy explodes around him, throughing everyone on the mesa back. Where Lunaster the Archangel once stood, Despardo the Greater Daemon now cracks his neck as he twists it and opens his eyes. Destiny Bond has grown dim, though any close to Despardo can clearly see that it still works to contain the demon within Lunabright. Lovers fight to contain Brother, who has now morphed into a demonic blade of unbarable banal energies.
Despardo: I don't get to breath air much, so I'd better make this quick. ALL SHALL FALL AT MY HANDS!!
Despardo rushes at the vampires with blinding speeds as he jabs his blade into one after another. Each he impales exlodes in a burst of demonic light, and they fall to a wasted corpse. Soon, Despardo has slain a dozen of the lesser vampires created by Nix, and he is staring down Nix, himself. A smile crosses his lips as he feels his blood-rage.
Despardo: My enemies? I find the vampires annoying. I find the techies disturbing. I find the magi uninspiring. I think I'll start with the vampires. If I have enough time, I'll get to you and the magi.
Despardo laughs as he turns to some vampires who had decided to approach. They don't even quiver though they can feel the full demonic weight of the deranged Greater Daemon and defiled blade. Heaven's Wrath hasn't come because this is a lapse they would expect. Despardo should be overpowered soon and return to Lunaster. Despardo laughs inwardly knowing that few can even fathom how to return him to normal.[/color]