wow i keep forgetting how serious you **** are here..the reason it was a 2 day thing was
A. Yes I took alot of acid...4 hits on a blowpop.
B. Trip ended sometime sunday night
C. have the joint pains/fatigue afterwards threw monday.
Well Bielive it or not I'm actually LIKED at my job. I'm a hard bartender to replace. Pbbbttt and crack jokes but its the truth. I'm good at what I do. Honestly though I shouldn't of taken that acid but I was so into the mood that night and half a bottle of black tattoo kinda weaken my will power. I was drug free for 2-3 months since then. I still havn't smoked pot rolled ect since then.
But seriously you guys are trying way to ****ing hard. You in particularly mike. ITs not insulting in anyways...Sadly I could drink everyone one of you under the table. Stick to your nappy beerbongs and dirt bong hits baldy. You never rolled with a true druggy before. I know. That life for me is almost gone.
ANd since you guys can't get your heads out of my past and will always label me as the dumb druggy...thats fine. Your all pretty pathetic. I'm leaving in two weeks and will be gone for good so you might as well rejoice and get all your hate out of your system now while you can. I'm moving on in the world. I'd advise you guys to do the same. Bf has be fun for me. But it's time for me to bury my glowpole image.
But you guys should seriously look back at yourself here. Whats the point of being a badass? why the hate? I live my life by plur.
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Clearcast should understand the concept since he's into my scene but I enjoy being different from you guys. I've expirenced more in my youth that all of you put together. I've made my mistakes and got carreid away in drugs really bad out of depressions..then found an art that I've been able to channel my energy into. I wouldn't want it any other way. But I'm celebrating the death of my former by heading out to deerfields, n.c for revolutions
It will be my last field rave/camp/420. Then I'm off to see the world. I hope this trip will be life changing for me. I will come back full of memories that guys onyl wish you could have. So let the hate continue to flow threw...I represent plur and will die by plur. As gay as it sounds its what keeps me from becoming another ******* in the crowd that only cares about what people think of me. The people I hang with aka my click are my soldiers at war armed with creativity. But be thinking bout who your hate target once I like i say again...bring it on and hate all you the end..I've become so much better than all of you and your denial brings me laughter
Im excited