StarCraft 2: Rumors again!


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London, United Kingdom
It never dies down!

Claim: StarCraft 2 at May 19th

A new South Korean source claims that, according to a leak, Blizzard will be announcing StarCraft 2 at the World Wide Invitational, on the 19th of May 2007.

According to a post at, Blizzard will announce the sequel for StarCraft in the home land of StarCraft: South Korea. The World Wide Invitational (WWI) is a Blizzard event where top gamers are invited to play Blizzard's games, and that's where the announcement is claimed to be.

Blizzard's strategy for announcing new games have traditionally been by surprising the crowd at one of the major game events. According to Thisisgame, over 100 international media partners have been invited to the World Wide Invitational, and to the possible announcement of a sequel.

Here's the English version, freely translated, of the original source at

~ Starcraft 2 will be announced to the public on May 19th at the Blizzard Worldwide Invitation (WWI).

~ On April 25th, according to the game company Blizzard Korea Entertainment, it is confirmed that they will announce Starcraft 2 demonstrating it with both videos and images. Furthermore, the developers of Starcraft 2 will be there, and have time to answer the questions.

~ Starcraft 2 is being developed in 3D and there will be new race and some specific changes to remaining races. Details of only minor parts will be released at WWI.

~ Blizzard invited more than a hundred of broadcasting teams from around the world for this announcement. Prior to this very secret moment on May 19th, they will not release any information.

~ However, from the people who previously worked with Blizzard, there is trusted word about this information. A person who recently retired from Blizzard said there is development of Starcraft 2 and there will be an announcement.

~ The chairman of Blizzard Korea said “we cannot answer anything about Starcraft 2, we will have a new game on 19th so please come and find out”. He refused to answer if new game is Starcraft 2.

~ The shout caster “Um Jae Kyung” said “I expect it to be very balanced but have concerns regarding E-Sports, but I doubt there will be changes about E-sports in regards to Starcraft I. However, there will be most likely be another league for Starcraft II and e-sports will be much bigger. Since I’m one of the gamers, I’m very excited about this”.

~ The 3rd WWI will be on May 19th ~ 20th in Seoul, and it seems there will be a lot taking place.

No smoke without a fire

Whether or not these claims are true will be difficult to confirm because of the nature of the source (anonymous leak). Over the years there have been much said about the sequel - Blizzard has repeatedly mentioned that they have always been interested in "revisiting the StarCraft world". However, only recently has there been an increasing number of leaks regarding Starcraft 2, all hinting that it is indeed coming out soon. Here's the recent history:

~ December 2006: An 'Unannounced project' was what Chris Sigaty, Lead Producer of WarCraft 3 (and its expansion), said he was working with when GosuGamers met up with Blizzard in our recent interview called » When Blizzard started talking. He would not comment further on what project it was.

~ 8th January 2007, GosuGamers » reported about a claim that StarCraft 2 would be announced early 2007. That source also leaked a lot of other unconfirmed information to the gaming community, much which have turned out to be true.

~ Only days later, 16th January 2007, at the launch of the Burning Crusade, » a Blizzard representative made further, and this time public, hints about StarCraft II.

~ 9th April 2007, sources at FighterForum (» translated at TeamLiquid) claimed that information about a new race and 3D graphics being included in StarCraft 2 had leaked from the company and that a beta would be out by the end of 2007. It only contained claims for a new "Kerrigan" race and that the original units of StarCraft would be included in the sequel, but with a modification.

Thanks to Nal_CrayOn for help with translation. GosuGamers wish to remind our visitors the the source of this news is only claiming to have information about an announcement - there has been no official word from Blizzard as of now.​

Source: Claim: StarCraft 2 at May 19th, April 25, 2007


Our affiliate has also given us some details:

Big news today for Blizzard fans!

It took a good day of calls and emails, but Blizzard just got back to us about the rumor floating around that Starcraft 2 will be announced next month during their World Wide Invitation in Seoul, South Korea.

According to a Korean website, StarCraft 2 is being developed in 3D with a new race and lots of changes for existing units. The site went on to say that additional details would be revealed during Blizzard's WWI on May 19th in Seoul.

When reached for comment today this was Blizzard's official response:

We do intend to announce a new product at the Worldwide Invitational next month in Korea, and we appreciate the enthusiasm and interest in getting an advance look at what that will be, but players will have to wait until May 19th to find out more. Also, we have a very strong connection with the characters and settings of StarCraft, and we do plan to revisit that universe at some point in the future, but we don't have anything new to announce in that regard at present.​

So that's a yes on a StarCraft 2, eventually, and a yes to a product announcement next month. The only question now is are they one in the same. -Brian Crecente, from Kotaku​

So what do you guys think? A lot of people still believe it's gonna be Starcraft (which would be fine too because, honestly, who wouldn't love to see that game revisited just as much as Diablo?) but after a statement like that, I'm thinking it's gonna either be an announcement for Diablo 3 or a completely new Blizzard title. If it's not a Diablo or Starcraft game, I'm putting my money on Tacocraft.

Alright, let the speculation begin! May 19th simply cannot come soon enough.


Source: (untitled)


And even more!

Blizzard Working on "Next-Gen MMO"

A sharp-eyed reader points out that Blizzard added three new positions on their job openings page yesterday for a "next-gen MMO."

The company is looking for a lead engine programmer, lead tools programmer and lead technical artist. While the reader theorizes that this is for a console port of World of Warcraft, my money is on World of Starcraft or something like it.

Remember, yesterday was also when Blizzard told us that they intend to announce a new product at th Worldwide Invitational in Korea on May 19. They also said they do plan to revisit the StarCraft universe at some point in the future.

What do you think? A new World of Warcraft, a Starcraft MMO, oooh, maybe Lost Vikings the MMO? Brian Crecente

Job Postings [Blizzard, thanks Ryne]​

Source: Blizzard Working on "Next-Gen MMO", April 27, 2006



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