The best of both worlds
Sorry to put a downer on you, but you won't get it done. What you want to do is completely rip everything out and start over, only using the engine.
If you really want to do that, you should go find a torrent for the D2 source engine and start from there.
It's easy to add items and change the item codes and everything, but what you want to do is make a completely different game. I'm pretty much 100% positive that you can't do that by just modding the game.
Sorry to bust your bubble
If you really want to do that, you should go find a torrent for the D2 source engine and start from there.
It's easy to add items and change the item codes and everything, but what you want to do is make a completely different game. I'm pretty much 100% positive that you can't do that by just modding the game.
Sorry to bust your bubble