South Ossetia-Georgian war


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
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Raleigh, NC
why mass medias of the united states regularly does show an absolute lie?

I live in 100 kilometres from the area of conflict and see that takes a place by the eyes. I ask me to be sorry for bad english.

Shortly speaking: Georgian military powers kill peaceful habitants, rob and destroy at home. To us bring refugees thousands, at majority there, in south ossetia, from hands georgian relatives and friends perished. It is thus rumoured, that georgians were not put restraint from short distance to shoot peaceful habitants, including children. They put to death 2 thousand peaceful habitants. That in your press name insurgents are the native habitants of these earths which georgians try from there to drive out, and it is practically succeeded by him, moreover on the stories of these people - georgians shoot the peaceful habitants of surrendering villages, in living remain only those, who looks like georgian.
South ossetia begs about the help of world association and uno. The habitants of south ossetia conduct the mass meetings, trying to come into a notice, but to them there is not attention a world association.

Please, very much ask you, tell about this everything. Only so the world can know a true about what be going on here!!!!
Говори по Русски я переведу. Небоись брат наши Орлы грызунов всех положат.


Respected Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Washington D.C
Spheres of influence all over again; US is pushing into what is perceived as the Russian sphere of influence (Estonia, Latvia, etc in NATO + missile defense) and Russia is trying to reach out into the Caribbean, the 'American sphere of influence'. It's just mind boggling as to how adding Georgia into NATO is in the interest of the US and how Russia strengthening ties with Cuba and Venezuela is in theirs. It's nothing but the two counties acting like children and it's going to push us into another Cold War. Spheres of influence is an outdated concept that both countries need to get over.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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A demographic invasion of a region that never belonged to Georgia in the first place? Ossetia was a part of Russian Empire separate from Georgia, it was Stalin who split it into North and South.

Actually this will drive the NATO members away from accepting Georgia, no one wants to actually enact the mutual defense pact and Georgia is a powderkeg. In either case Russia will respond adequately to the threats presented even if it means NATO expansion, if NATO expands into Georgia we will react to that once it happens which I highly doubt it will especially now.

Im not painting Georgia under glorious motherland light, I am painting Kosovo as such, hilarious or not that is how I feel about the issue and thats how most of my people feel about it. Pan-Slavism has never really died, how is it at odds with recent history exactly? Yes Yeltsin was a swine he sold out the Serbs, but that doesn't mean that we'll allow that to happen again, we help our brothers. Even in the Kosovo war there were thousands of Russian volunteers fighting for the Serbian, for our side. Plus this all started way before Kosovo. Im not sure yet but the Cossacks have been asking to mobilize for years now, I think they'll volunteer themselves in this conflict as well.
The people of Ossetia are "russians" because Russia gave them free russian passeports. This is akin to the american government offering american nationality to Cubans, then stepping in Cuba gun blazing, to defend them from the "evil cuban government". Its not a legitimate methode.

Georgia rightly think it is being abused when Russia is working to dissociate Ossetia from the rest of the country. Russia in the same time is also abusing its mission as a peacekeeper there, by maintaining a peaceful statu quo that alows it to safely work toward Ossetia's secession. Maybe Georgia's methodes and strategic decisions were arguably stupid, but Russia is not a savior nor a protector here. Its just another bastard power meddling into a weaker country. Which by my standards is perfectly fine. It just ticks me off when people like you want to paint the situation under a whole different light. Russia doesnt have moral high ground here.

Panslavism is at odd with recent history, like I said, because if you look at the last century, slavic countries have either suffered under german expensionism, or soviet expensionism. The satelisation of slavic countries by the URSS as been a generational nightmare for the countries affected by it, and as a direct consequence, we ca see how easily western influence, in the form of NATO and EU, can now creep in Russia's traditional neighborhood. So much for slavic solidarity.

Panslavism is just a fairy tale based on outdated notions of blood, race and ethnicity, and indeed, panslavism never manifested itself under any meaningful form, unless you count the tyranical unification forced by the URSS. Meanwhile, westward, European unification is proceeding ahead, and they're on the verge of founding a functional presidency and an unified military and foreign policy. If panslavism isnt dead, where's the equivalent? There isnt. The slaves will join the EU before they get their **** together and form an equivalent institution.

As for Kosovo and Serbia; blame the muslims before you blame the West for what happened. Its not our fault the region got conquered through demographic means by muslims. We just aborted the ethnic cleansing attempt that was going on, as if we could have let such a thing proceed at our doorstep.


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
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Raleigh, NC
The people of Ossetia are "russians" because Russia gave them free russian passeports. This is akin to the american government offering american nationality to Cubans, then stepping in Cuba gun blazing, to defend them from the "evil cuban government". Its not a legitimate methode.
But they accepted those passports and for a good reason too, Georgians want to ethnically cleanse the region.

Georgia rightly think it is being abused when Russia is working to dissociate Ossetia from the rest of the country.
Georgia already dissociated Ossetia from the rest of the country in the 90s then they began a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

Russia in the same time is also abusing its mission as a peacekeeper there, by maintaining a peaceful statu quo that alows it to safely work toward Ossetia's secession.
How was Russia working towards Ossetia's secession? Please elaborate.

Maybe Georgia's methodes and strategic decisions were arguably stupid, but Russia is not a savior nor a protector here. Its just another bastard power meddling into a weaker country. Which by my standards is perfectly fine. It just ticks me off when people like you want to paint the situation under a whole different light. Russia doesnt have moral high ground here.
Heh, your position is exactly the same as mine on other issues but this isn't it, this is different, it just looks similar. It was Georgia that started this war, not Russia.

Panslavism is at odd with recent history, like I said, because if you look at the last century, slavic countries have either suffered under german expensionism, or soviet expensionism. The satelisation of slavic countries by the URSS as been a generational nightmare for the countries affected by it, and as a direct consequence, we ca see how easily western influence, in the form of NATO and EU, can now creep in Russia's traditional neighborhood.
Heh, throw enough money at a lie and you can make it into a truth, thats exactly what US funded politicians in those countries are doing.

Panslavism is just a fairy tale based on outdated notions of blood, race and ethnicity, and indeed, panslavism never manifested itself under any meaningful form, unless you count the tyranical unification forced by the URSS. Meanwhile, westward, European unification is proceeding ahead, and they're on the verge of founding a functional presidency and an unified military and foreign policy. If panslavism isnt dead, where's the equivalent? There isnt. The slaves will join the EU before they get their **** together and form an equivalent institution.
Kievan Rus, Russian Empire, USSR, ring any bells? Slaves? You mean Slavs. Russia doesn't care if our neighbors join the EU, EU is not a military alliance, now NATO is and thats what we have a problem with. Panslavism is not outdated and neither are the notions of blood and ethnicity, there the hell do you live there people aren't at all segregated by their blood and ethnicity?

As for Kosovo and Serbia; blame the muslims before you blame the West for what happened. Its not our fault the region got conquered through demographic means by muslims. We just aborted the ethnic cleansing attempt that was going on, as if we could have let such a thing proceed at our doorstep.
The ethnic cleansing attempt was going oh so right until you showed up, and you haven't prevented the attempts of ethnic cleansing by Albanians against the Serbs so yes you are to blame.


is ....listed
May 24, 2003
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I Invite all those who want to come with me in 20 days to Georgia to organise the "second" international brigades, as they were set up for the first time during the Civil Spanish War against Franco's forces.
Seriously? If you are seriously doing this please post pictures. I doubt anyone will show up, honestly. This sounds like a really silly idea. Or not silly, but a very bad idea. Sounds like a reason to get more innocent people killed.


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
Seriously? If you are seriously doing this please post pictures. I doubt anyone will show up, honestly. This sounds like a really silly idea. Or not silly, but a very bad idea. Sounds like a reason to get more innocent people killed.
He'll get killed, don't worry about it, him along with his Ukranian nationalist buddies from UNANSO who also volunteered and other eurotrash scum.


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
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Raleigh, NC
you are a facist lunatic!!
And yes of course, Im a fascist, why? Because I disagree with the illogical bull**** you're promoting? Who is the lunatic? Georgia will loose this war and no one in their right mind would say otherwise. Saakashvilli needs to be shown his place. So go ahead, whine about how Russia is evil and how it is bullying other nations, Russia doesn't care, I don't care, your whining and bitching is irrelevant to everyone aside from your own little clique of whiners and bitches. Russia is not the aggressor in this, Georgia is, Georgia is the one who fired the first shot and it will be punished for it.


Aug 9, 2008
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The people of Ossetia are "russians" because Russia gave them free russian passeports. This is akin to the american government offering american nationality to Cubans, then stepping in Cuba gun blazing, to defend them from the "evil cuban government". Its not a legitimate methode.
You are not right. In 1991 of the USSR disintegrated and in Georgia remained much tysyach' of Russians and naturally for them were and there are the Russian passports.

In Georgia turned off the TV channels and sites the CIS, all of facilities of information are taken under control of government, Georgian does not get the real information and sincerely trust that it Russians attacked on them. Do you consider what a government can be named democratic?
There is information that in Georgia the folk mass meetings began and exactly for that what to distract the Georgian people from internal problems the government of Georgia decided to arrange this carnage.

Whew from a few scums perish thousands in anything not guilty people

Do you name fascists those who did born on this earth, now send them and drove out from there, and many were put to death?
Do you simply want nothing to understand, you like to think that Russians are bad, and those who does kill Russians are saints!? Well so think so farther... If you do not want to know a true - give life in a lie.
We have the Western mass medias, kotoroye we (citizens Russian Federation) look, read and listen and draw a conclusion. When war was in Iraq we looked at this problem from every quarter: we vidili as Americans under the slogan of liberation of country killed locals, but it was desirable to trust that these zherty will bring the world to this region, believed in that, Iraq indeed has a nuclear weapon and it is wrong, but as a result appeared, that it all from oil and no nuclear weapon in Iraq it was not.
if does not want trust and now to the governments and mass medias and let the cold will begin wars or nuclear war - in fact you want it?


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
I Invite all those who want to come with me in 20 days to Georgia to organise the "second" international brigades, as they were set up for the first time during the Civil Spanish War against Franco's forces.
I've already begun grouping together the best i could find to join you sir.

never have i seen these pics belong so well.


is ....listed
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
The one on the right looks like he could do some real damage.


Aug 9, 2008
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I live in 100 kilometres from the area of conflict and see that takes a place by the eyes. I ask me to be sorry for bad English.

Shortly speaking: Georgian military powers kill peaceful habitants, rob and destroy at home. To us bring refugees thousands, at majority there, in South Ossetia, from hands Georgian relatives and friends perished. It is thus rumoured, that Georgians were not put restraint from short distance to shoot peaceful habitants, including children. They put to death 2 thousand peaceful habitants. That in Your press name insurgents are the native habitants of these earths which Georgians try from there to drive out, and it is practically succeeded by him, moreover on the stories of these people - Georgians shoot the peaceful habitants of surrendering villages, in living remain only those, who looks like Georgian.
South Ossetia begs about the help of world association and UNO. The habitants of South Ossetia conduct the mass meetings, trying to come into a notice, but to them there is not attention a world association.

Please, very much ask you, tell about this everything. Only so the world can know a true about what be going on here!!!!
ok first off you claim to live in 100 kilometers of south ossetia, which means you definitally do not live in georgtia, but the other side of the caucasus mountains, which means that you definitelly are North Ossetian, or Chechen, and I can not at all come up with any IDEA how the hack do you see what is going on here, unless mountains moved away and you got a big telescope pointed at us. Second, people like you spread disinformation around the world, and others really find it to be misleading to alot of people!! Third I am half Osetian, and for those who dont evven have a slightest idea Georgians and Ossetians LOOK ALIKE, there is no difference!! Russians compared to Georgians are more light, meaning skin and hair and they do stand out in Georgia South Ossetia.

And yes of course, Im a fascist, why? Because I disagree with the illogical bull**** you're promoting? Who is the lunatic? Georgia will loose this war and no one in their right mind would say otherwise. Saakashvilli needs to be shown his place. So go ahead, whine about how Russia is evil and how it is bullying other nations, Russia doesn't care, I don't care, your whining and bitching is irrelevant to everyone aside from your own little clique of whiners and bitches. Russia is not the aggressor in this, Georgia is, Georgia is the one who fired the first shot and it will be punished for it.
riiiiiight, I see, it seems that russia has something personal agaisnst Georgia, you guys claim to be helping Ossetia, while noone even mensions ossetia but some crap about georgian people being whinners, all of Russia will pay, for everything youve done, and dont think that if you live in some other country youlll be forgotten, GOD sees evreything, and Russia will crumble soon enough remember even Rome crumbled to pieces, and Russia is nt even close to that. you people dont regard others as humans, you people think that Russia is the highest race, you think that everyone else is below you, thats exactly what Hitler thought and yes he was a Fascist, here for some people to see how Russian "skin Heads" a.k.a. Fascists, or Neo Nazists take it up on People of Caucasia, and anyone that doesnt look Russian, and for the record they are sponsored, by members of duma, and recieve training in FSB (former KGB) training camps, here are some links from youtube YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
I dont even doubt that you are one of them! :getalife:


New Member
Aug 10, 2008
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Each man, Who knows historical aspect, must be agree with Uncle_Vanya. If you not, that means, you are just not educational man, and belive into you TV cannels very much.)

Do you really belive your TV cannel????(England and American espessially!!) Are they say the true??Are they shows to you all things, what happened? Why they show only Georgian" replics??? Do you Know, what means information war???


is ....listed
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Russia needs to wage war on some more people. It's good for activity and we've gotten like 3-4 new members because of it. This is cool.


New Member
Aug 10, 2008
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Do you really belive your TV cannel????(England and American espessially!!) Are they say the true??Are they shows to you all things, what happened? Why they show only Georgian" replics??? Do you Know, what means information war???


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
ok first off you claim to live in 100 kilometers of south ossetia, which means you definitally do not live in georgtia, but the other side of the caucasus mountains, which means that you definitelly are North Ossetian, or Chechen, and I can not at all come up with any IDEA how the hack do you see what is going on here, unless mountains moved away and you got a big telescope pointed at us. Second, people like you spread disinformation around the world, and others really find it to be misleading to alot of people!! Third I am half Osetian, and for those who dont evven have a slightest idea Georgians and Ossetians LOOK ALIKE, there is no difference!! Russians compared to Georgians are more light, meaning skin and hair and they do stand out in Georgia South Ossetia.
Refugees are streaming North Ossetian way you fool. You are the one spreading disinformation by claiming that Russia is the aggressor, disregarding the fact that Georgia was the one who started this war. Georgia occupied Ossetia for a long time but Ossetins are not Georgians.

riiiiiight, I see, it seems that russia has something personal agaisnst Georgia, you guys claim to be helping Ossetia, while noone even mensions ossetia but some crap about georgian people being whinners, all of Russia will pay, for everything youve done, and dont think that if you live in some other country youlll be forgotten, GOD sees evreything, and Russia will crumble soon enough remember even Rome crumbled to pieces, and Russia is nt even close to that.
Lots of wishful thinking on your side but nothing to back it up. Georgia attacked Ossetia, Russia prevented an ethnic cleansing and responded to an attack on its peacekeepers, you already lost this war yet you whine on and on. Russia will not crumble, it is rising and will surpass the Soviet Union in military aspect by 2020 according to western experts. Georgia will pay for this aggression, it will not go unpunished, if there is a God he is with us, we won this one unless you forget and 300 Gogi are now dead because of Sukashvilli decided to throw a hissy fit, I say good riddance, their deaths were well deserved.

you people dont regard others as humans, you people think that Russia is the highest race, you think that everyone else is below you, thats exactly what Hitler thought and yes he was a Fascist, here for some people to see how Russian "skin Heads" a.k.a. Fascists, or Neo Nazists take it up on People of Caucasia
Neo-nazies and skinheads are a minority, they are present in almost every European country and US, Russia speaks over a 100 languages and has many ethnic minorities that are allowed to keep their own language and culture. Russia is not fascist, Russia is simply strong, because the people within it are strong and have went through water, fire and metal tubes to gain their strength.

and anyone that doesnt look Russian, and for the record they are sponsored, by members of duma, and recieve training in FSB (former KGB) training camps, here are some links from youtube YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
I dont even doubt that you are one of them! :getalife:

Im not a neo-nazi nor a skinhead, nor are these conspiracy theories true, just more nonsense you crazies with an inferiority complex seem to push, you're the one whining, perhaps you need to get a life.


Aug 9, 2008
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lol you are a shmuk that will argue that white is actually black regardless, so I do not see how I can argue with you since you dont want to understand, you havent been to Georgia, or Osetia, or North Osetia for that matter, and from the comfort of your home and chair you think you have the right to say that should die and this should die, if you really think so take up the arms and go, but wait I think you are tooo scared to go anywhere, youd rather pee your pants, I was raised in war Ive seen what war does, Ive seen the madness, and many Russians like you who thought they were fighting for the good cause going mad in the war, you simpy are ignorant and I cant change that unfortuantely.
I pray to God that you and your family go through what my family and I went years ago, maybe than you will stop and open yourr eyes


Aug 9, 2008
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9 Georgian spies which during already long time conducted secret-service work and prepared the leadthrough of acts of terrorism in the different cities of Russia were today arrested.

When diplomat francii, being in Tbilisi ulcerated a desire to give a glance on the consequences of war in Georgia, Georgians at the head with a president by Michael Saakoshvili played off a theatrical: depicted that it to be afraid of raid of the Russian airplanes and fear for one's the life diplomats. Thus to visit Chinvali (city which was fully pranged by Georgians) diplomats did not want.

And it is not necessary to start a subject about nazism and about Skinheads. I am the Caucasian man and much know about matter-position with nazism in Russia: nazis are in Russia, but them so few and them so all of vokurug does not love that they are afraid to walk one by one, and the most important that the Russian nazis are ordinary criminals which rob and kill, such criminals are in any country.
In Germanium and France for example the real nazism prospers and here on it not whoever pays attention and nobody does not reproach them herein. The most important what I can not understand: why if all of native population of Ossetia and Abhazia wants to live without Georgian, why....why it is impossible to leave them in pokoee, they are necessary to kill and humiliate.

You tell me that I am distant from you, but I am near to those people of kotoroykh you kill, they are not insurgents and not criminals...they simply want to live on the earth. It is their earth, and if you remember about KGB that will remember that, how Ossetia and Abhazia appeared in composition Georgia.

If for you badly with memory - I will remind: Abhazia and Ossetia entered in the complement of Georgia for reshenyu Stalin. By the way if to remember history yet, it is possible to remember that Stalin - was thoroughbred Georgian!!!!

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