i have a fairly good record for RT in my opinion, i play rt because i want to have fun (which a lot of people forgot the point of wc) and I solo becuse I want to win even though its more boring. I made a seperate acct for ffa because i do like to have a sexy record and chances are you will lose from being teamed. and ffa with human is easy, i dont know whats so tough about it, you get dispel at tier 2, probably the 2nd best casters of the game- maybe even the best. you have the best heroes compared to any race with a nice 2 aura variety, and hero killing, spell casting, and armie owning. then your units are just amazing, you have almost anti peircing(footmen), anti casters(breakers and you can steal healing wards with control magic ; DDDD), anti air(dhawks+rifles), and you have slow, 1 sorc can slow maybe about 5 units. and the air is amazing, you have decent splash, good dmg, great anti air, a bit hard to kill, pending on your micro/healing abilities. and overall you have a well balanced army which is what is needed for ffas which what makes them so easy. i got like 5-2 record with the 3 hero/air/casters strat.
And dont even get me started on the batriders, they suck and theyre easy to kill, towers + heroes . tier 3 is hard to kill esp with the building upgrade.