It's not so much "oh, lookie here I've got a little headache." It's "Jesus ****ing H Christ on a tapdancing unicycle I'm ****ing tired of these goddamn headaches!"
Seriously. Picture in your mind, an occasion in which you had a headache all day. It got pretty annoying, yes? Now picture that headache lasting for a week. Sound pleasant? Ok, now imagine you've had that same headache for a month. The dull pulse just never goes away. The only time you're free of it is when you sleep, and then when you wake up it's there again, like a little gremlin sitting on your shoulder tapping on your head. You want to kill that gremlin, but every time you take a swipe at him your hand passes right through him. It's infuriating. You just want it to stop. But it won't. For months and months that annoying little pest keeps tapping on your skull. You might think you'd get used to it, but that's not how it happens. Instead you get more and more agitated, which makes it tap even more persistantly.
Would you not try everything available to get rid of that pest? Would you not do everything in your power to kill that irritating little beast? I would. I did. And that's why very little in the way of OTC pain medication does a whole lot for me anymore.