hmmm.....just what i was coming to look for. i have a smiter i was going to build but i was waiting on some more gear...but my chance to progress any further on NL East is coming against a wall, and elite/godly smiter gear is damn expensive. i am just going to move on and use what i have now, maybe you guys can help with suggestions.
I believe i am going to be using for now:
IK Gloves and Belt, Najs armour (or i may socket a 2 OS Dusk i have for Smoke) and Atlantean. I will also borrow a low Ravenfrost and Shako from one of my other chars as well as an SS.
So from that i will get +skills, FHR, IAS, cannot be frozen, STR/DEX/AR, ok DR,res and life.
That still leaves me looking for some boots, a ring and an amulet. I am missing some crushing blow and alot of damage which is next priority.
What do you guys think is the cheapest way to patch this up for now? and obviously i will not be tackling ubers....but its something to work with for now.