I_am_noob said:
shade is good . Thats right
but like you say . build a shade then unsummon , if that shade being killed , u have no shade . and build again , and unsummon . i thought it isnt a good strat
I said that, but I only said train shade and unsommun buiding ones in a game, I don't think that is necessary to use it again if the shade gets killed, even if u get your money back.
It is a very low chance for the shade to be spotted, except the case when u are patrolling his army, in this situations it can be spotted by owl scout, or thunder hawk or gyro, or sentry wards, but usually it is not detected. The thing is that the players don't get means against the shade, he is in danger when they get things to spot invisible units like burrowed fiends, because usually when the enemy is seeing that u have sacrifical pit thinks that u are going frost wyrms.