I found out a nice scam just to **** with people. Preferably people who want to scam you. This one is really evil and cant fail once you agree on a trade.
- Use a Necro
- Agree a trade on a metal item, best is SS or IK armor
- Best is if person takes you to the scam spot at act 2 bar, and he tells you to go behind it. Do it. Tell him to drop first, he will cuz he thinks he's scamming you, you not being able to pick up the item but he is.
- Make an Iron Golem out of his item. Works on the "wall-scamming trading spots", and also the square near alkor in act 3 is a nice place for it, where people won't think they'll be scammed.
You'll have
A: Pissed off someone who tried to scam you (or just an innocent guy if you need a new golem lol)
B: A very nice and luxury iron golem.
I have made for example a Stormshield Iron Golem, and an IK Armor iron golem. It's worth making a necro with maxed iron golem for this evil and humurous scam.
Now the biggest challenge is to make someone drop an Eth BOTD or Chains of Honor for a sec on a safe place, "to check if it's legit and not just an image cuz a lot of tradehacking has been going on"