Revolution controller


Oct 11, 2002
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I want a simple controller with buttons. I'm going to buy a PS3 (Hey i have a year to save up?). Nintendo's new controller looks like a real pain in the ass and my dad is more-than-likely going to try and change channels with it :rolleyes

It looks terrible and it's functionality cant be that much better. I really really hate it o_O


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Unlike most people who say that, I've actually read up on it. I've taken the negative and positive comments and torn them apart. In general, the test audiences and developers who've spoken up about using it have loved the ease of use they find with it. Pretty much the opposite has been said of the current PS3 controller.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 2, 2005
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bamthedoc said:
Unlike most people who say that, I've actually read up on it. I've taken the negative and positive comments and torn them apart. In general, the test audiences and developers who've spoken up about using it have loved the ease of use they find with it. Pretty much the opposite has been said of the current PS3 controller.
the ps3 controller looks like i can throw it and have it fly right back to me. it look really uncomfortable. besides, all of sonys consoles are the same thing. controller, buttons, some mildly new technology and better graphics. if you wanna call it a next gen console make it different than the previous gen. and that what nintendos doing. the next generation is the revolution.


Feb 14, 2006
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_JaKE said:
hes accually right...:-/ now that i think of it.


btw that qj site, are all those games rumors, or announced?
are you talkin about the leaked Ubisoft rrelease scheds? i think that remains as a rumor but if you're talkin about the Raid Over the River, i bet it's been announced, there's a preview already. or is it just me thinking that? :rolleyes


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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_JaKE said:
the ps3 controller looks like i can throw it and have it fly right back to me. it look really uncomfortable. besides, all of sonys consoles are the same thing. controller, buttons, some mildly new technology and better graphics. if you wanna call it a next gen console make it different than the previous gen. and that what nintendos doing. the next generation is the revolution.
Read above. you think graphics is the only thing that improves each gen? i swear you guys are hilarious. Some of you'd go as far as saying that i am just spitting out insults.

bamthedoc said:
*yawn* Next, please?
Still ignoring reality and continuing to swallow Nintendos words i see. It's kinda sad to see you this way, really. Don't worry, you're not the only one in denial.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
If you want a reply, there's a simple way to do it. Take out the completely idiotic part. Here. I'll even do it for you.

ReiGn said:
Early demos/trailers from Gears of War and MGS4 already look fantastic and movie like but those are just from beta kits and are only first gen games, And they still have room for improvement, which is something the devs themselves claim.
Beta stages always have room for improvement :rolleyes Besides, I have never liked the MGS series... This goes back to when Metal Slug was SNES and Genesis, if my recollection is right. Gears of War doesn't look to be in a genre I generally like, either. I can't recall, however.

But having more realistic graphics isn't the only thing developers will achieve from having more powerful hardware. AI, Physics, HDR, bloom, ragdolls, havaing a huge, breathing world with tons of characters in screen at once, etc all add to a more fun gaming experience. DMC3 for example, the PS2 couldn't handle on the fly style switching because of the limitations of the PS2 hardware. with better hardware not only can they have better graphics but implement other ideas that they couldn't achieve before. And every generation requires an additional # of people in their staff and increase in production costs, obviously.
Graphics = Pixels + Polygons =/> 1/2 improved specifications

All that people seem to talk about is "graphics this/graphics that." That is what everybody is trying to draw attention to. High-Definition graphics are all that Sony (Blu-Ray) and Microsoft (HD-DVD) appear, superficially, to be pushing. Sure, developers naturally have more to work with, but HD isn't even standard enough to reduce a good "small" screen TV to under a grand, which means that, even though the PS3 price is semi-confirmed to be under $500, will cost you a minimum of $1500 just to fully enjoy those pretty pictures the systems are pushing.

The PS2 was handling things by the end of its lifespan that nobody believed it could do. RE4, though not looking or feeling nearly as good as the NGC version (personal experiance), was an accomplishment and a half to pull off on what people said were the limitations on the PS2. There are, obviously, things that can be done with a stronger processor, but two graphics cards in the PS3 tell the tale of what Sony's concentrating on. Blu-Ray (and HD required for full enjoyment) tell what Sony is concentrating on. This system can, as my boss would put it, do everything but "kiss ya and call ya shuga daddy."

For less than half the price, on the otherhand, you have a truely remarkable idea on "mere" Enhanced Definition, 256-bit graphics. The 360 and PS3 are also 256-bit, and they both can handle improved AI because of it. However, they have massive power directed towards HD processing; which, in the end, creates lack of power to be shared. The can handle more, but, in the end, I believe the Revolution, with less power devoted to massive graphics requirements, will be able to handle the same level of "additions" (AI, physics, et cetera) as the power-hungry systems. I will own multiple systems. The only question for me is: Will the 360 have more promise, game-wise, than the original X-Box to warrant it over the PS3 or in addition to, once prices are down low enough.

I know the games available will be awesome, no matter the system, but, for my tastes, the Revolution automatically has a place on my entertainment shelf because it'll have the largest library, no challenge, at over twenty years. For my tastes, I have more NGC games that I like, and I love the NGC controller, personally. I've read up on the N5R controller, and Sega, EA, Namco, SquareEnix, CAPCOM, et cetera are impressed by it. The test group(s) w(as/ere) impressed by it. The only people standing off from it are those who stopped where I got my first impression. "Oh! It's new... It's weird... I'm afraid." Actually, I never got to the second two (weird, afraid), but I was worried that it wouldn't work right in the market. Luckily, I don't just go by the word of the first place I read. I do read Nintendo's website and magazine, but I also read GameSpot and a few others (though tending to ignore IGN, but even IGN liked the N5R controller after a hands-on).

In otherwords, I know perfectly well what the new systems will be capable of, but I see all the focus on Sony's and Microsoft's on "Oh...pretty..." with lots and lots of drool. I like, personally really like, the direction Nintendo is going. It work with the DS, and I believe it will work here.

Why do you believe the industry is falling and needs rejuvination? Every console relased this gen and the last did nothing wrong to the gaming industry. Infact, it has grown into a much larger business since Microsoft and Sony came in the market. Believe what you will, but this generation was one of the best gens for gaming. Online console gaming is close to becoming mainstream thanks to xbox live and DC's online, even Nintendo is getting serious about online, the excellent 3rd party titles and 1st party games that MS, Sony and Ninty put out, all played using a regualar controller. You can argue all you want that games are getting boring but in reality they're just as fun as the snes/genesis era. Only those in denial are going to believe that. I mean surely you had fun with all those 1st party GC titles right?
I said "stagnating" not "stagnate". It's nowhere near as bad as the Atari days were masses of games were released with little to no quality control and the market for video gaming nearly crashed, but fewer quality games get to be seen. You get dull and boring gore fests and a concentration on "the only games worth getting are T and M" propoganda, which is why the awesome game selection of the NGC was ignored by the US audience as "kiddy", simply because they were "family friendly" at mostly G and T with few interlaced M.

With absolutely awful games like Halo, Grand Theft Auto, Fist of the Ninety-nine Dragons, et cetera released, there is no way this can be called the "best" generation of gaming. This generation had as many over-hyped and under-rated games as any other. Awesome games like Tales of Phantasia didn't even see translation until this year, on the GBA, and it is still ranked as one of the best RPGs Namco ever put out, and I love their Tales of Symphonia.

X-Box live was a failure when compared to what inspired Nintendo. Yes. It took off well in the US, but it practically made zero headway in Japan or Europe. DC Online was okay, but it's ultimate failure is what actually inspired Nintendo's true first foray into Online, Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1&2 that everybody seems to conveniantly forget. Nintendo wasn't into online, at first, because of such failures. Their main audience remains the Japanese audience, even the European audience, which made them, once US sales are included, the #2 console gaming company in the world and, when GameBoys are calculated in, the #1 gaming company in the world and, when DS are calculated in, the indisputable champion of gaming and hardware sales in the world.

The DS sparked new life into the industry, and that is something that can't be denied. It's done absolute wonders for even the lush Japanese video gaming market, with such key titles as Nintendogs. Though not as hot in the US (that title specifically), it proves that Nintendo is thinking outside the proverbial box. It proves that there had to be some stagnation in the market. How else can you explain one-million plus copies of Nintendogs being sold in a month's time? Obviously, the market enjoys an interesting twist on control. Interestingly, the new controller actually gives the Nintendo systems, DS and Revolution, a more computer-esque (ala mouse) versus the X-Box 360 Computer Entertainment system or PlayStation 3 Computer Entertainment System. The Revolution Gaming Entertainment System will be a breath of fresh air, and I hope that it'll be as well recieved as early reports indicate it should be (ala GameSpot and even IGN of all places).

Those in denial will certainly fail to admit that Legend of Zelda: Windwaker (NGC), Tales of Symphonia (NGC), Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (NGC), Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (NGC), Panzer Dragoon Orta (X-Box), Digital Devil Saga (PS2), Xenosaga (PS2), and many others are not enjoyable titles. Those are just titles I could name off the top of my head! That's not even including recent GBA and NDS titles, but we are talking about consoles. Aren't we?

NOTE: Tales and FF:CC are third-party as are all PS2 and X-Box titles listed.


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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MGS = Metal Gear Solid, why'd you mention metal slug o_o

If you watch the Sony E3 conference(didn't watch the MS conference) you will see that they are actually pushing devs to improve other aspects of games, not just the graphics.

There's two gpu's in the PS3? o_O

Sony isn't the only one that's gaining something by putting Blu-Ray on the PS3. Some developers are already embracing the 25GB capacity of a BR disc.

They might be power hungry systems, but they have the hardware to back it up. Cell and Xenos are both multi-core cpu's which can handle different tasks at the same time. The Cell's 7 SPE's for example, each SPE can have a specific task given to them, one can handle AI, one HDR, etc etc. Why do you think RE5 isn't on REV? because it doesn't support High Definition. 720p is standard for games now.

All of us don't know the full capabilities of every next gen console yet. It's only the 1st generation of next gen and 2 of 3 consoles aren't even out yet.

Rev will have the largest library? Like the GC and N64? I remember when Ninty promised more 3rd party support for GC, i got excited. i was hoping Ninty could bring back their 3rd party support and get some good titles, but that didn't happen. I still don't see a lot of games being released for it. They even ignored other games from their 2nd party like Too Human from Silicon Knights and Raven Blade from Retro so they can instead make/continue proven brand titles like more mario spin offs. They kept delaying Kameo and PDZ. this is why SK, Factor5, Rare are with other companies now. For all we know rev could be the same as N64 and GC, only a few 3rd parties(Capcom, specifically) will release games that are actually good titles(not some poor excuse of a game just for the sake of 'supporting nintendo'). And other than that all that would really make the rev shine is, as usual, the first party titles.

How can you say Halo is awful? It's clearly one of the best FPS in a console, even comparable to the N64 ones in terms of singleplayer/multiplayer experience. and you get to play it online. What's wrong with the GTA franchise? A completely new gaming experience in which you can do whatever you want, a franchise that gave players an open ended, free roaming experience. and it's one of the highest scoring games you can find anywhere. Other games like Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, God of War, Otogi, Rygar, RE4 made the Action genre even more popular. Platformers were rejuvenated thanks to Sonys efforts(you can't deny this, Sony has produced and published many great platformers this gen). If you actually broaden your view of genres instead of focusing solely on RPG's maybe you'll see this is one of the best gens ever. Panzer Dragoon Orta, Shenmue 1&2, Soul Calibur, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear Solid, Metroid Prime, RE4, Devil May Cry, Indigo Prophecy, Burnout, etc. If you deny that this generation
isn't one of the best then you must not be a true gamer at all. No offense meant.

I'd like to add that games like ICO and Shadow of the Colossus are innovative titles and have never been done before, yet they didn't need a gyro controller for it to be considered innovative, only improved hardware. Rev won't be the only "real" innovative console that would be released. There's still the matter of the next gen EyeToy. lmao at MS.

Awesome game selection? GC barely has any games being released for it. NGC was ignored because it lacked games, not because it was considered "kiddy". Twin Snakes, Eternal Darkness, RE4, Metroid Prime surely aren't kiddy.

Xbox live isn't a failure. 3 million subscribers so far and still increasing. Nintendo started online with the SNES, and PSO is made by Sega. It was quite unsuccessfull in the GC, because people already have the DC version.

I know the DS is really popular, which has already sold 10+ million units iirc. But i'm not sure if you've noticed, there are barely any games for it that uses it's innovative features effectively. Only games i see doing that are Nintendogs, Canvas curse, Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center and recently MP: Hunters. I don't know every game for the DS but i'm sure you get my point. Mario Kart, Advance Wars, Castlevania, etc, every one of those games almost doesn't even need the stylus to be played. The only title i see coming out that's taking full use of the touch screen is MP:H(correct me if i'm wrong, i'm sure there's more). I also noticed it's only Nintendo titles that properly uses the DS's innovation, with the exception of Trauma center of course. So when the DS's most popular games(Mario Kart, Advance Wars) keeps using the traditional controls and not it's innovative stylus how are people exactly going to embrace this 'innovation' nintendo is pushing :?:

As for me, the reason i'm getting a rev is because of the superb 1st party titles that Ninty puts out. but that's it. I'm interested in the concept of the controller, but i'm not waving around a remote for 1-2 hours.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
ReiGn said:
MGS = Metal Gear Solid, why'd you mention metal slug o_o
In the infamous words of Parfay of VanDread, "Me thinks me goofed..."

Same difference to me XD I'm not a big fan of either.

I watched each conferance (Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony), and I just got this whole feeling of "more power, GOOD!" from Microsoft and Sony. Sony even used that whole duck demonstration again. It's obvious where added power could go, but I find it funny when the whole debate turns into polygon counts. I saw them issue the challenge, but then I saw "Final Fantasy VII made pretty" as another demonstration. It kinda blew their whole arguement out of the water if they want to say, "We care about more than graphics."

Ala Dreamcast is the comparison I've heard. I'm pretty sure it was dual graphics cards, but it's likely they'd have to have dual processors to handle that...if I'm not mistaken.

I find it funny that one huge leap due to different means of storage impresses anybody that much. I'm sure there are people out there, of course, that simply leap at that storage. The truth is, however, AI scripts and audio (stored from moneral to 8.1) take up less space than physics and the three combined take up less space than graphics. That, however, isn't the point. The point is that the highly dismissed cartridge, also known as chip, medium has advanced to the point where gigabites of data can be stored in mere cubic centimeters of physical space. A physical disc does have a maximum storage capacity. With multi-layer technology, that may top out at over a hundred gigabites after proper compression, but there is a far more finite limit. That, however, is a rant for another day :ninja:

Resident Evil 5 isn't on the Revolution because of several reasons. One. CAPCOM is keeping pretty quiet about what games they are actually working on for the Revolution. Two. The deal concerning Resident Evil games has ended, and hopefully won't be repeated. I like Resident Evil 4, but I am generally not a survival/horror fan. I find the experiance...dull. If it were because of the Revolution's graphical capabilities, CAPCOM wouldn't have announced developing games for the system.

The idea that the Revolution doesn't support high definition is partially right but mostly misinformed. Nintendo has stated that the N5R will not ship with a built-in HD outputs. ED, however, is a logical addition. The NGC, first and second generation, had component output capabilies on it, so it's highly probable that such outputs will be available on the Revolution. Component connections are also standard on DVD players, which Nintendo has already said their system will be. Digital Coaxial and/or Fiber Optic audio is also standard on DVD players, but I cannot speak to the likelyhood of either of those being included. ED doesn't support the pixels that HD does, but it gets awfully darn close. Then again. I never cared for those pretty games that have no backbone, like Halo. Hah! I mentioned that sorry game again in a very negative connotation ^_^

The Revolution will have hundreds games available at launch (from NES to NGC and even N5R) =/ Try to beat that? Oh yeah... You can't. Go fig =/

Nintendo ignoring games like Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo that they advertised so heavily :rolleyes Now who's believing one source that was purely anti-Nintendo until 2004 (at the earliest), IGN?

Baten Kaitos, Tales of Symphonia, Soul Calibur II (Namco). Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventure Battle II, and Phantasy Star Online I&II (Sega). Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (SquarEnix). Beyond Good and Evil (Ubisoft). Lost Kingdoms and Lost Kingdoms II (Activision). Midway Arcade Treasures I - III (Midway). Various Shonen Jump games (Shonen Jump?). Robotech: Battlecry (TDK).

That's ignoring CAPCOM titles, and I probably missed quite a few. Why? I tend to dislike sports games, so EA isn't represented. There are also a few other companies that produced games that some might consider "good" but I loathed with a passion because (ala Halo) I found them too easy.

Oh. That last statement jumps right into this. Halo is an absolutely vile excuse for a game. It's a lot of pretty graphics with no backbone. The story is a snoozefest. The rest of the game is too easy. The Live players are egotists that think anybody who can beat them is a "cheating n00b". I played the game once and managed to beat all modes and get booted from a game because I was supposedly cheating =/ The way they "proved" it was to use their own "mods" (which I discovered much later was the only way to cheat?) to turn invisible. Heh. Funny.

Grand Theft Auto is just plain sorry. There are better ways to make a free roaming game, like Skies of Arcadia maybe. Oh! Yes ^_^ Insulting a vile game with a good one ^_^ I am much pleased ^_^

You also mentioned the one game I will pick up if I ever get an X-Box. Panzer Dragoon Orta. You shouldn't insult such a great game by putting it in the same paragraph as the ick games mentioned above. In fact, I shouldn't have mentioned Skies in the above paragraph... It may be a great way to insult that ick game, to mention such a great one, but ;_;

If you say that the NGC was ignored for lack of gaming selection, you show you ignorance.

I didn't say that XBL is a failure. I said it was a failure in Europe and Japan. Of those 3 million customers, nearly all of them are in the US. In the sceme of things, that's a failure on a worldwide scale. In the US. Wow! What a success :rolleyes

Let me name some DS games for ya.

-_-; which'll have to wait because Nintendo's website just went down, and that's the easiest way to check out games (pictures and organization).


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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The reason PS2 outsold both it's competitors combined is because it actually had games being released for it. It had something for everybody. GC recieves a filler game now and then from some 3rd party developer which isn't even worth playing.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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ReiGn said:
The reason PS2 outsold both it's competitors combined is because it actually had games being released for it. It had something for everybody. GC recieves a filler game now and then from some 3rd party developer which isn't even worth playing.
Reasons Ps2 sold well:
Early launch
DVD drive (something just becoming popular that the DC didn't have)
Ps1 games worked on it
Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, EA games.

Everything else just came along becuase of those above.


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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pan said:
Reasons Ps2 sold well:
Early launch
DVD drive (something just becoming popular that the DC didn't have)
Ps1 games worked on it
Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, EA games.

Everything else just came along becuase of those above.
GC had EA games too, Mario(a shit load of mario) and Zelda, didn't it? :confused:

You really think 100 million people bought all the FF and MGS games? those games didn't even break the 5mil mark.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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ReiGn said:
GC had EA games too, Mario(a shit load of mario) and Zelda, didn't it? :confused:

You really think 100 million people bought all the FF and MGS games? those games didn't even break the 5mil mark.
it was a combination of an early release and the fact it had EA games.

look at it this way, Dreamcast came out two years before it and sold incredibly well. It's problem was it had no support from EA games. when the Ps2 was announced, potential DC buyers decided to wait for the PS2, because it had EA support, and the Metal Gear Solid 2 video was so amazing at the time (kinda like how everone now shit thier pants for the MGS4 video). Gamecube is a nintendo system, and while it might have EA support, but anyone buying a system for EA games already had a PS2.

Also Ps2 before the xbox came out was sold as a DVD player, and not just a gme console, soemthing Gamecube couldn't, and xbox was far to expensive to do at the time of it's release. Ps2 was cheap and had a good backlog of games from PS1. It was also largely based on the success of the PS1. Now I won't deny the huge support for it from third party, but that wasn't a major selling point. Most PS2 top selling games are not from a large variety of differen't companies. Third party support just allows you to expand your library with often a huge number of terrible games.


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Gamers didn't just buy a PS2 for EA games. The DVD player i admit did give the PS2 an advantage but the xbox also has a dvd player. The PS2 only sold about 8-10 million units by the time the GC and the Xbox launched, and that's with competition from the DC. Now about 100mil+ PS2 units have been sold worldwide and the xbox and gc still haven't broken the 30mil mark and the DC is dead. What happened? content changed all that. All those excellent to good 3rd party titles is what helped PS2 gather all those sales. 3rd party titles is the biggest selling point a console could get.

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