Calm down custom-ownage. Jesus christ, did I hit a nerve? So sorry
...wait, no I'm not. If you took that as an insult towards him, you're a total idiot. I wasn't personally attacking summit in the slightest. He, infact, was one of my favorite mods. He's pretty laid back, does his job, and just seemed like a cool guy. I could have easily gotten along with him. Granted, he was nice. Does that change the fact that he's quitting? No. I honestly doubt that I would quit, because I have patience, and that's what this forum lacks. I'm an admin at my own forum, and believe it or not...I deal with allot, even though I have few members. I run my website that I pay for. HTML is annoying, and I constantly have problems...but I don't quit. I get server errors, and downtime...but I don't quit. I'm hosting a bbs for a popular growing metal band, and I run that, along with my site, and deal with problems. Do I quit? The answer is no. The point is, I see so many mods leave...because their job get's stressful. You can say what you wish, but it is stress. BF needs people who can deal with stress, and that was my point.