I'm not leaving, I just feel this deserves to be reposted, as a reminder that the members of BattleForums were able to cause an admin to be removed. Let that never be forgotten.
Title: "Ok, that's it... I'm taking BF out of my favorites"
(Thank you Adam DeJaray for an excellent template to post a final thread)
I swear, this site is falling apart. Every time I visit, it seems battleforums has had something done to it which just makes me cringe. First it was the re-ordering of the forum titles. Was this REALLY necessary? Did you guys actually change anything around, or just change some titles and merge some forums? Then there was the unjustified banning of random members Eric doesn't like. CB, LB, you know, people that actually contribute to **** around here. And deleting x42's posts?! To quote Half Life 2, "Eric, you've destroyed so much, but what is it exactly that you've created?". Nothing.
Well, this week, the hot topic is the Asylum reset and I feel like I need to make a post to, if nothing else, express my shame in how these forums are turning out. Good job Eric. Once again you've managed to piss off more people. Being an Admin is about 2 things. Keeping the forums functional, and dealing with people. You've completely failed at dealing with people in a way that's made you public enemy #1, and exactly how are you keeping the forums running? You have nothing innovative to contribute. No new skins, no new implementations, so you spend your time looking up people's IPs, and banning them when they're not on your "good side". A spoiled little rich kid with his own Admin Control Panel. Yet another thing you never deserved.
It has to be said... these forums are being completely ruined. I swear, if this keeps up, i'm going to stop telling people I administrated battleforums. It's just too embarrassing now. There is no way this s***ty site is going in my bookmarks anymore.
For those that remain here, I recommend calling for the removal of Eric as a hypocritical, and quite possibly worst admin BattleForums has ever had. What he's doing is worse than a ****ing database corruption, forcing a rollback. He's systematically "editing the past" to create a new future. Is that future what you want?
It's been a very very long time since I've clicked the "Log Out" button on this account, but the time has come for me to do so one final time. Feel free to delete this account too Eric, I don't need it anymore.
~ Cortalos
P.S. - And thank you for buying my Mage's account. I knew you were a spoiled rich kid with $225 to throw around at whatever. Good luck trying to sell it, I sure as hell couldn't.