Mystic Sorcerer said:
This guy wasnt the only reason i think so. It is just one of the 1000 examples of me vs people in bnet in Azeroth and in me vs bnet Northrend. There are good players in Azeroth but they are much fewer than in Northrend. Sure there are shitty europeans. Look at clan GGL @ Azeroth. From the shams Incinerator is the best much better than the other shams.
Also I always thought Koreans are the best although some Europeans beat them. Koreans play the most standard and the first very strong UD i saw was 4k-Fov. Some of them mass towers in their expos and sometimes they use pther very stupud things (example: the mass tanks and Human tech with NE and DR lvl 6- the replay that VBadgirl posted ). Very good players ? Nice but the game was retarded.
i got your point, and i think you are kinda right. everyday i play against high leveled people.. i mean high like 38+, and man they are SHITTY, almost all of them. some fast tech to tier 3 with no units, others go necrowagons against mass elfs... and so on... i agree that there are a lotta high ranked noobies in azeroth.
but there are very good guys in azeroth too... skill is not a racial quality, asians are not better at games than we latins, or you americans, europeans or w/e. it's just that they practice ALL day long and earn money for that. if i earnt 5k dollars/ month to play WC3, there would be one more gosu in the world
inclnerator, invincible rice, skyward, myst, and a lot more of people from azeroth are great players =)