Hello everyone,
I know this is "sort-of" a re-make of a prior stat-module that was created quite some time ago in some distant patch (and that the mousepad deserves major credit for the great data-structures and memory-offsets), but I hope you will enjoy it anyway.
Having that said, let me introduce you to the info module. The info module will display various different stats and infos about your character (for example: the characeter MODE, which might be nice info for people fooling around with drophacks, obsolete x/y coordinates, aswell as many different stats, such as total MF / EG and so on). This is still an early version - and if people don't come complaining and moaning again - I will update it with more things.
Here is a screenshot: click
Here is the download link: click
Well, I hope you enjoy it and make sure you read the Installation.txt file!
I know this is "sort-of" a re-make of a prior stat-module that was created quite some time ago in some distant patch (and that the mousepad deserves major credit for the great data-structures and memory-offsets), but I hope you will enjoy it anyway.
Having that said, let me introduce you to the info module. The info module will display various different stats and infos about your character (for example: the characeter MODE, which might be nice info for people fooling around with drophacks, obsolete x/y coordinates, aswell as many different stats, such as total MF / EG and so on). This is still an early version - and if people don't come complaining and moaning again - I will update it with more things.
Here is a screenshot: click
Here is the download link: click
Well, I hope you enjoy it and make sure you read the Installation.txt file!