Relationships, what has hurt?


Jul 30, 2003
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Originally posted by theyuw
I'm kind of confused why some of you peeps cut yourselves? I think its sad and demonstrates that many of you are "spoiled" as well. There you are killing yourselves over a break up etc... but not once did you ever stop to think how good you actually have it. Let's see, what would all of us choose? Starving to death in some third world country because we are so poor that we cannot afford or let alone get our hands on food or a break up with a loved one followed by a few days or at most a weak of dipression and heart ache. Please don't be such pussies...
i agree with the cutting self thing i mean i'd never even think of that. but the 3rd world country analogy is horrible. what would all of us choose? uhhhh we don't have to choose were not poor and were not in a 3rd world country.


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Dec 23, 2003
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Dust i completely agree with theyuw, there are people in 3rd world countrys that starve to death and struggle to survive they would never cut themselves over something so pathetic as that if they did they would probally die and theres you cutting yourself because you didnt get what you want, because something didnt go quite right. Yeah you are spoilt, if the 3rd world people had a choice they would take heart ache because it is nothing compare to what they go through everyday


Dec 20, 2002
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Pain is something totally subjective. Many people experience similar tragic events in their lives, yet some overcome those difficulties while some others commit suicide or start relying on drugs.

No one has the right to criticize the degree of other's feelings since it's mostly their nature that they're feeling it that way and their reaction is just their consequence of their intense feelings.

You may feel happy even if you're not eating three times a day at a 3rd world. And you may actually feel totally depressed even if you drive a Mercedes have a gorgeous bf or gf and lead a secure life. How one feels about their state is totally up to their subjective perception.

No one has the right to criticize others for their actions or perceptions of the world so long as they do not cause any harm to people around them.

You don't possibly know how much pain it takes to make you feel good to hurt yourself.


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Netxenur
Many of us go through life and many relationships, whether its with Males or Females(or whether your straight, gay, or Bi-Sexual.) There are heartbreaks, heartaches, lies, and... pain throughout all those. Some of you may flip out and hurt yourselves when you get upset, some of you may hit your lover, some may just laugh at it, and some will bawl their heads off.

Now, is there a reason for this thread? Yes... What has made you upset in your relationships, the one biggest thing that has affected you both in a big way. List as many as you want. Also, tell us what you did afterwords, Cry, hit, flipout... anything.

The one thing that hurt me the most is, me hearing that my Fiance was raped. She was up at Niagra University Dorms with her Aunt Jackie(Three years apart from each other, wierd, eh?) Well, Jackie and her friends left the dorm room with her and someone else that she didn't know at all. Everyone was smashed off their ass. The dude forced her down into the couch and just raped her... This happened three times that night, no one came back till around five in the morning, kid was gone as well. I cried for hours after I heard this from her, and everytime I think about it, I cry more...

People are such dicks sometimes, have to go to that kind of shit just to get layed. Why don't people think about other peoples feelings before they do shit like that? Think about how they affect other peoples lives before they do it? Why don't perverted arseholes like them just ****ing die, because really, I am sick of them all...

I hope he will die slow and painful, if something like this happened to me and i knew who did it then i would take the liberty of killing him or atleast making sure that he doesnt walk on his legs for much longer. Never felt anything bad then i broke up with someone, then again i started dating like 1 and a half years ago, well i was dumbed a couple of times but i guess i just accepted it and moved on. Never stayed single for long so that helped too.


Nov 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Netxenur
Many of us go through life and many relationships, whether its with Males or Females(or whether your straight, gay, or Bi-Sexual.) There are heartbreaks, heartaches, lies, and... pain throughout all those. Some of you may flip out and hurt yourselves when you get upset, some of you may hit your lover, some may just laugh at it, and some will bawl their heads off.

Now, is there a reason for this thread? Yes... What has made you upset in your relationships, the one biggest thing that has affected you both in a big way. List as many as you want. Also, tell us what you did afterwords, Cry, hit, flipout... anything.

The one thing that hurt me the most is, me hearing that my Fiance was raped. She was up at Niagra University Dorms with her Aunt Jackie(Three years apart from each other, wierd, eh?) Well, Jackie and her friends left the dorm room with her and someone else that she didn't know at all. Everyone was smashed off their ass. The dude forced her down into the couch and just raped her... This happened three times that night, no one came back till around five in the morning, kid was gone as well. I cried for hours after I heard this from her, and everytime I think about it, I cry more...

People are such dicks sometimes, have to go to that kind of shit just to get layed. Why don't people think about other peoples feelings before they do shit like that? Think about how they affect other peoples lives before they do it? Why don't perverted arseholes like them just ****ing die, because really, I am sick of them all...

My Current girlfriend said that what happened to her was mostly force, the guy said it was forced(to another girl), all his friends said it was forced, when I went and confronted him about it last night, he said it wasnt, and pulled a knife on me, at which time my friend hit his arm with a tire iron and I beat the shit out of him.

some of my friends said she did all of it and I should break up with her, one guy even made a joke about how funny it was that she "got raped" at which point pushed him up against a wall and threatened him.


Machine Gun Funk
Jun 15, 2003
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Originally posted by Misterwhippy
She's whipped as hell now, she doesnt do anything with out my permission now.
Heh, niiiiice...

When i broke up with my last girlfriend i felt like shit. Started cuttin myself again... drinking.... im out of it now.


Nov 23, 2003
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Re: Re: Relationships, what has hurt?

Originally posted by Misterwhippy
My Current girlfriend said that what happened to her was mostly force, the guy said it was forced(to another girl), all his friends said it was forced, when I went and confronted him about it last night, he said it wasnt, and pulled a knife on me, at which time my friend hit his arm with a tire iron and I beat the shit out of him.

some of my friends said she did all of it and I should break up with her, one guy even made a joke about how funny it was that she "got raped" at which point pushed him up against a wall and threatened him.
Now that is a right way to go about such things, good for you man, good for you, you have my respect.


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
this was taken from a thread i made in the asylum some tiem ago:

ok, the only real reason im making this is because ijust told my friend all this, and its a shame to let so much txt go to waste, ne ways, everyone, if ur up to it go ahead n post ur sad story if u got one:

me and sylvia met in gym last year, we hit it off instantly...she considered me her best friend after only 3 weeks. i liked her, she liked me, but i was suppose to move, so i said lets wait, one night (the night i was suppose to move) she had me come to her house...we hung out, i met her family...we watched movies n what not...then when i had to leave around 8 she wakled me out, and gave me a huge hug and started crying...she said and i quote: "if you dont move ill go out with you" *i know that sounds lame, but it ment alot to me, you have no idea how happy i was to hear that* ive never been 1 to cry...but a tear ran down my cheek when i was walkin home that ways...i wound up not moving...and she said she didnt think she was ready. so i said ok, i can wait, well time went on, and she said she didnt like me, but i was still madly in love with her. we started arguing one day...and she stoped talkin to me for a week. then one day at lunch she was like "david, can i talk to you?" we got alone and she pointed at a collar on her neck and said "this collar belongs to someone...someone that i call something...ya...i call something..." *she was scared to tell me* so i said "...your boyfriend?" and she looked down and said ya...she asked if i was ok and i just walked off sayin " fine" well things went on, she tried to talk to me but all she got was anger outa me, then she would get angry, we were both frustraited...well then her bf tells her she can no longer talk to me or else he would break up with her, basically he made her choose me or him...he won. sylvia began ignoring me, so one day i called her she sounded kinda sad but she laughed and said " not even suppose to be talkin to you...heh" and well, we quit talkin for like 2 months, about 1 month after we quit talkin her i got online and her friend *our friend actually* said "why were you ****ing w/ jason? *her bf*" ...i had no clue what she was talking about, so i talked to sylvia...she was furious with me and i had no idea why...turns out her SOB for a bf said that iw as going up to his job and starting shit with him. that was total bs...i xplained that to her but she didnt believe me...2 days later she calls me up appologizing saying she talked to her bf about it and he said he was joking, that she wasnt suppose to take him serious. thats bs cause theres no way in hell if he was joking about something like that, and if he was, she woulda known, and if for some reason she didnt realize it, when she got ubber-pissed he shoudla said somethin, so ya he lied about that and she believed him when he said he was joking. i hit a horribly low depression in my life...but near the last 3 weeks i started doin ok...i changed my view on life...instead of feelign sad all the time...i pushed out all emotions...i quit even thinking of sylvia...quit caring for everyone...became cold hearted if u will...learned not to think of ppl as ppl...but as objects...girls in particular (thats how i got faith i think, i learned to work my mac lol) but ne ways...i was suppose to move again...and sylvia comes up to me at lunch one day outa nowhere and just kinda looks at me as i wakl buy, i just walk by and ignore her...and after i pass her she says quietly "david...can we talk for a mintue" we walk outside and she loox at me and just starts crying and crying and crying...i dont even care...i couldnt care less...i almost felt bad...but only for not feeling ways before she started talkin i pulled this picture outa my backpack *i kept it in there cause i wanted to give it back to her cause i no longer wanted it, i figured if wer not friends ne mroe then why have it...o the pic...uh last day of school she managed to get me in a picture...i NEVER take pictures...and to her it ment something represented our friendship...and there were 2 copies...1 for each of us) well i handed her the pic and said i dont want it if this is how things are between us...she cried and threw it down...i picked it up and handed it back to her and said if we ever become friends agian to give this back to me...well ne ways basically that day she told me "im sorry david, im sorry for everything thats happened, i never wanted this to happen, i just wanted to stay friends like we were" i told her im wiling to talk to her again, but dont xpect a mirical *in other words dont xpect me to love you again* so now we talk sometimes...she tries her damndest...but i dont let her in...i dont think i efver will...i dont think ill ever let anyone in like that again, ive learned my lesson. now im just having fun, **** relationshipts...**** "love"...the only lovei want is the kinda u make in bed.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
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When it comes to rape, some women just want to keep the person to themselves. Which totally sucks. My Fiance right now does somewhat know who did it, but doesn't. She remembers his name every now and then but she forgets it before she can tell me it. She promised me once she see's the dudes friend again she would ask who the guy was, and then I am going to have him "hit" by a hitman...

Currently the person I used to purchase weed from has offered to do it for $7500.00... I have the money ready and waiting for the persons name who did it...

Yes, I have gone to all extents to get her the justice she deserves, the dude getting smacked in the back of the head with a bullet... God damn sick perverts, wish they would all die.

Another relationship ideal: My girlfriends bestfriend was raped for a year and a half when she was seven years old, by her brother in law. He made her suck him off, play with him, then he would shove it inside of her, this happened every week for a year and a half, she hasn't told anyone but my GF and I... Me and her BF are going to find him eventually and beat the shit out of him as well...

Sick of perverts everywhere... Bush must enact the "Perverts Torture Changer" act...



Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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This isnt really amusing lieing about rape its sick and sad, unless the country you live is one of the worst in the world... hitmans dont really exist there are a sort of myth... very rare anyway.... there are people will do it, 7500.... lol it wouldnt cost nearly this much. I really doubt more than a fraction of what you said is truth

FZ. | gOsu

May 21, 2003
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"it wasnt true...about me cheating on you, it was just something to say because i was scared and confused. I just didnt want to hurt you" and blah blah blah aboout thinking she might be the one and all....

thats what i would do

and if you do it right, youll be tapping it in a week...


Jan 1, 2004
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Mark that is exactly how i felt man, i know totally where you come from. I too have never met someone as beautiful as the girl i talked about.

Lol and yeh i should try tellin her that.

Im just afraid she'll be like "WHAT THE ****!!!!!!!"


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
This isnt really amusing lieing about rape its sick and sad, unless the country you live is one of the worst in the world... hitmans dont really exist there are a sort of myth... very rare anyway.... there are people will do it, 7500.... lol it wouldnt cost nearly this much. I really doubt more than a fraction of what you said is truth
If you think I am lying I am 100% fine with that. But you are just being ignorant by judging what I am saying, which is 100% truth... Ignorance is futile in the real world, better learn that Orc.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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You have just 'judged' what i said as 'ignorance' you ficking hipocrit. It isnt 10% truth let alone 100% truth. This is the most stupid lie i've seen in some time:

"When it comes to rape, some women just want to keep the person to themselves. Which totally sucks. My Fiance right now does somewhat know who did it, but doesn't. She remembers his name every now and then but she forgets it before she can tell me it. She promised me once she see's the dudes friend again she would ask who the guy was, and then I am going to have him "hit" by a hitman...

Currently the person I used to purchase weed from has offered to do it for $7500.00... I have the money ready and waiting for the persons name who did it...

Yes, I have gone to all extents to get her the justice she deserves, the dude getting smacked in the back of the head with a bullet... God damn sick perverts, wish they would all die.

Another relationship ideal: My girlfriends bestfriend was raped for a year and a half when she was seven years old, by her brother in law. He made her suck him off, play with him, then he would shove it inside of her, this happened every week for a year and a half, she hasn't told anyone but my GF and I... Me and her BF are going to find him eventually and beat the shit out of him as well...

Sick of perverts everywhere... Bush must enact the "Perverts Torture Changer" act..." Who thinks this is atual truth, not me. lol at "Currently the person I used to purchase weed from has offered to do it for $7500.00... I have the money ready and waiting for the persons name who did it..." So your saying that you have 7500 and your are going to give it to the guy that used to sell you weed and he is supposed to shoot him.... because someone raped your "girl friend" which her best friend had ALSO been raped..... that is the most stupidest thing i have ever heard


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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How did it happen twice, why cant I delte post? i ticked the box and clicked delete and this is what it said:"You do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
You do not have permission to access the page that you were trying to. Are you trying to edit someone else's post or trying to access administrative features? Check that you are allowed to perform this action in the Forum Rules.
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation."


Jul 29, 2003
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Past relationship:
I had to break up with this girl because I moved from my country to here, Miami. I didn't hurt myself or anythnig of the sort I just stayed in my room for days not wanting really anything out of anybody. I was really sad because I had to break up with her because I freaking moved. I still liked her and cared about her alot and to this day I still do, so I kinda feel like it was an "un-finished" relationship and all. I moved on in my own way and so did she. I now wish her the best and I talk to her whenever she's gotten in a new relationship like a sort of bestfriend on the matter because I wanna help her out and stuff, but I can't deny the fact that I want to be with her.

Present "relationship" or whatever the hell that would be called:
To messed up to start explaining here. I put too much thought into it, which is never good for anyone.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
You have just 'judged' what i said as 'ignorance' you ****ing hipocrit. It isnt 10% truth let alone 100% truth. This is the most stupid lie i've seen in some time:

"When it comes to rape, some women just want to keep the person to themselves. Which totally sucks. My Fiance right now does somewhat know who did it, but doesn't. She remembers his name every now and then but she forgets it before she can tell me it. She promised me once she see's the dudes friend again she would ask who the guy was, and then I am going to have him "hit" by a hitman...

Currently the person I used to purchase weed from has offered to do it for $7500.00... I have the money ready and waiting for the persons name who did it...

Yes, I have gone to all extents to get her the justice she deserves, the dude getting smacked in the back of the head with a bullet... God damn sick perverts, wish they would all die.

Another relationship ideal: My girlfriends bestfriend was raped for a year and a half when she was seven years old, by her brother in law. He made her suck him off, play with him, then he would shove it inside of her, this happened every week for a year and a half, she hasn't told anyone but my GF and I... Me and her BF are going to find him eventually and beat the shit out of him as well...

Sick of perverts everywhere... Bush must enact the "Perverts Torture Changer" act..."

Who thinks this is actual truth, not me. lol at "Currently the person I used to purchase weed from has offered to do it for $7500.00... I have the money ready and waiting for the persons name who did it..." So your saying that you have 7500 and your are going to give it to the guy that used to sell you weed and he is supposed to shoot him.... because someone raped your "girl friend" which her best friend had ALSO been raped..... that is the most stupidest thing i have ever heard.
What is even more dumb is the fact that you think someone in that situation would come to a gaming society and tell everyone about it, id rather be ignorant than stupid
I come around here and tell my problems cause I know people around here who have helped me out and can help me out when I am stressed out. And what you are judging on what I am saying is complete ignorance. If you don't believe what I am saying, that is fine with me. Do I care if you believe me or not? I do not believe so, as I do know what has happened and you do not.

Apparently there are more ignorant people in this world that I have recently found as of late. You are one of them. If something like this has happened to one of your best friends, girlfriend, GF's Best friend, you would also find a place where you can speak your thoughts. I have talked to so many people on here with my problems, such as Tweak, Crooked, Swooper, Galatia, Sicloan, Xjman88x, and PyroKid. Just because you cannot find any reason for posting your problems on here, I do have a reason, as I have friends to talk about stuff through.

Posting your problems around here can as well, help your stressful state of mind. Instead of letting it build up inside your head, you can let it out in here. Which you know why I cannot do that anymore, because of people like you who know nothing about how the world works because you have no social life. You newbies to the forums need to shut the f*** up or ship out, we don't need bullshit like yours. We were better off without you @$$holes.



Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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Another 12 year old kid that likes to act cool on the net..... if you didnt care then you wouldnt keep on replying. Pls come up with some more believable bullshit,
Which you know why I cannot do that anymore, because of people like you who know nothing about how the world works because you have no social life. You newbies to the forums need to shut the f*** up or ship out, we don't need bullshit like yours. We were better off without you @$$holes.
Wow you can make 'assholes' look so funky, grow up kid. We dont need bullshit like mine? Pls stop it with your hipocritical statements. Newbies? im surpised you still use that word, even a 12 year old should of grown out of that. Yes i have no life, i bother replying to some kid posting bullshit on a forum. The fact your still sticking by you imaginary story is pathetic.

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