ok, the only real reason im making this is because ijust told my friend all this, and its a shame to let so much txt go to waste, ne ways, everyone, if ur up to it go ahead n post ur sad story if u got one:
me and sylvia met in gym last year, we hit it off instantly...she considered me her best friend after only 3 weeks. i liked her, she liked me, but i was suppose to move, so i said lets wait, one night (the night i was suppose to move) she had me come to her house...we hung out, i met her family...we watched movies n what not...then when i had to leave around 8 she wakled me out, and gave me a huge hug and started crying...she said and i quote: "if you dont move ill go out with you" *i know that sounds lame, but it ment alot to me, you have no idea how happy i was to hear that* ive never been 1 to cry...but a tear ran down my cheek when i was walkin home that night...ne ways...i wound up not moving...and she said she didnt think she was ready. so i said ok, i can wait, well time went on, and she said she didnt like me, but i was still madly in love with her. we started arguing one day...and she stoped talkin to me for a week. then one day at lunch she was like "david, can i talk to you?" we got alone and she pointed at a collar on her neck and said "this collar belongs to someone...someone that i call something...ya...i call something..." *she was scared to tell me* so i said "...your boyfriend?" and she looked down and said ya...she asked if i was ok and i just walked off sayin "ya...im fine" well things went on, she tried to talk to me but all she got was anger outa me, then she would get angry, we were both frustraited...well then her bf tells her she can no longer talk to me or else he would break up with her, basically he made her choose me or him...he won. sylvia began ignoring me, so one day i called her she sounded kinda sad but she laughed and said "...im not even suppose to be talkin to you...heh" and well, we quit talkin for like 2 months, about 1 month after we quit talkin her i got online and her friend *our friend actually* said "why were you ****ing w/ jason? *her bf*" ...i had no clue what she was talking about, so i talked to sylvia...she was furious with me and i had no idea why...turns out her SOB for a bf said that iw as going up to his job and starting shit with him. that was total bs...i xplained that to her but she didnt believe me...2 days later she calls me up appologizing saying she talked to her bf about it and he said he was joking, that she wasnt suppose to take him serious. thats bs cause theres no way in hell if he was joking about something like that, and if he was, she woulda known, and if for some reason she didnt realize it, when she got ubber-pissed he shoudla said somethin, so ya he lied about that and she believed him when he said he was joking. i hit a horribly low depression in my life...but near the last 3 weeks i started doin ok...i changed my view on life...instead of feelign sad all the time...i pushed out all emotions...i quit even thinking of sylvia...quit caring for everyone...became cold hearted if u will...learned not to think of ppl as ppl...but as objects...girls in particular (thats how i got faith i think, i learned to work my mac lol) but ne ways...i was suppose to move again...and sylvia comes up to me at lunch one day outa nowhere and just kinda looks at me as i wakl buy, i just walk by and ignore her...and after i pass her she says quietly "david...can we talk for a mintue" we walk outside and she loox at me and just starts crying and crying and crying...i dont even care...i couldnt care less...i almost felt bad...but only for not feeling bad...ne ways before she started talkin i pulled this picture outa my backpack *i kept it in there cause i wanted to give it back to her cause i no longer wanted it, i figured if wer not friends ne mroe then why have it...o the pic...uh last day of school she managed to get me in a picture...i NEVER take pictures...and to her it ment something special...it represented our friendship...and there were 2 copies...1 for each of us) well i handed her the pic and said i dont want it if this is how things are between us...she cried and threw it down...i picked it up and handed it back to her and said if we ever become friends agian to give this back to me...well ne ways basically that day she told me "im sorry david, im sorry for everything thats happened, i never wanted this to happen, i just wanted to stay friends like we were" i told her im wiling to talk to her again, but dont xpect a mirical *in other words dont xpect me to love you again* so now we talk sometimes...she tries her damndest...but i dont let her in...i dont think i efver will...i dont think ill ever let anyone in like that again, ive learned my lesson. now im just having fun, **** relationshipts...**** "love"...the only lovei want is the kinda u make in bed.