it depends what books you read, i believe. i read......dragonlance, terry pratchett (ahem, but the librarian kicks ass), douglas adams, dragonriders, LOtR (okay, yea, orlando bloom is hot
), and i really can't think of many more. ooh, and animal farm was just the best damn book. really.
however, if you read crap books, i don't know what like....babysitters' club *cough* gay *cough*.......anyway, books like that, or only books you have to read for school, like herm last year's book list was bridge to terebithia, call of the wild, anne frank (and EVERYONE read that *special* page at least 5 times, whether they were in the class or not), and i think that's it. those are all fine and dandy books, with plenty of blood and gore, at least one lead character always died.....but books you read for school you don't like as much as books you read for pleasure. really. i think it's all about freedom of choice. although, maybe for some school really helped them find their favorite genre of literature or something. who knows.
as usual, this is an incomprehensible garble of letters and symbols. hey, at least i'm consistent!