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Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
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Man, some of you really do have **** taste in music.


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Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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I couldn't subject my ears to that for more than 30 seconds


Side Projects Are Never Successful - Bomb the Music Industry

It was a hot June day, and my ass was sticking to the seat of my girlfriend's car.
Staten Island traffic in the summer, baby.

And when you stuff yourself into a suit and tie do you think the judge can see through the sweat as he gives you your fine for a post-panic attack speeding ticket on a 90 degree day in New York. And yeah, you're gonna drive home for three hours to work in a basement for tribute bands making posters to pay about a fifth of that price. It's just Staten Island traffic in teh summer. Oh!

That orange ball.
That burning orb of fire in the sky is gonna explode and we're all gonna die!
Except for the foolish few who will "think ahead" and drive their SUV's to their bomb shelters
Complain about air conditioning because "baby, we ain't got no more electricity."
They wanna rise when it's done, be a leader with a gun.
Be a leader of what? Like a hundred and one?
Well, **** it, I'm gonna hang out on the rooftop when it comes.

'Cause when it's dark, it'll be night time, baby.
And I'll get my ass on up out of this mess.
The only stores that are open, baby.
They gonna sell beer, and they're gonna sell ice cream.
And we'll drink drink drink and get drunk drunk drunk
and we'll talk talk talk about how much fun we had, yeah, when
we were ****in' the world.

Through the glares on our windshields, we can't see each others eyes, just McDonalds cups and wrappers that they're throwing at full speed. And yes, I long for a shadow. And yes, I always appreciate the irony that the only cool comfort that allows us to see is a goddamn billboard. Sing it with me.

A BILL BOARD IS THE ONLY THING PREVENTING US FROM BLINDLY CRASHING. And we'll never see a city not marred by advertisements, and we'll NEVER have a future not working for those companies, and it's sure as **** not getting better so we might as well accept it now, oh.

And that really doesn't cheapen anything because, baby, we're all born to be businessmen. Every Fugazi record has a catalog number and a price tag and every independent label is selling you another goddamn product. But, NO, WE'RE not slaves to the music. Oh no, WE'RE not slaves to the company, baby. We do what we're born and raised to do and when you create something, you're producing something and that act of producing is the creation of a product.

'Cause when it's night, it'll be night time, baby.
And I'll get my ass on up out of this mess.
The only stores that are open, baby.
They gonna sell beer, and they're gonna sell ice cream.
And we'll drink drink drink and get drunk drunk drunk
and we'll talk talk talk about how much fun we had, yeah, when
we were ****in' the world.
Oh we were ****ing the world.
Yeah, we were fu fu cking cking the the world world.

When the sun drops, you ain't gonna be hungover the next day.
When the comet hits, you ain't gonna have no bills to pay.
When the bomb hits, it's gonna be a four day weekend. Hey hey!
When it's all done I'm gonna feel great finally.

And when I finally got to work today, I ate my Subway sandwich, and I drank my Coca-Cola Classic, and then I ate my Sunchips and I thought about the weekend when I'd fill up my Ford van with Mobil brand gas and drive to the Clear Channel venue and I'd drink myself a Budweiser and play my Fender guitar through my Fender amplifier and tell the kids with a straight face through a Shure microphone and JBL speakers that corporate rock is for suckers.


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Feb 26, 2004
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I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was ( dun dun dundun lol )
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside

It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Ooh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Our hearts so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you
Gotta catch 'em all!

Every challenge along the way
With courage I will face
I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place
Come with me, the time is right
There's no better team
Arm in arm we'll win the fight
It's always been our dream



YouTube - Pokemon Theme Song


is ....listed
May 24, 2003
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Who knew Celbad was part of the riot grrl movement? 7/10. Sleater-Kinney rocks but that's not my favorite song.

I'm not posting a song because I don't feel like sifting through my library of **** for a song atleast one person might like.

Jim Morrison

Premium Member
Jul 11, 2003
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that songs down 8/10

Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
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I really really really can't stand Ska. Probably because theres 200000 ska bands that always take up all the good local venues with their HOURS OF CHRISTIAN SKA MUSIC FESTS! where every single singer sounds like his vocal chords are being shredded by a wild badger, and the guitars are just as bad.

That, and the whole "hey lets add some horns onto our songs!" is just retarded. Expecially if they only play like this tiny little part during the chorus or something that is completely inconsiquential and makes the song sound like ass anyway because they're always too flat to osound even remotly close to the proper pitch. But of course those idiots don't know a goddamn thing about music, so they get all their 15 year old fans to jump around and have a good time skanking and what not. Meanwhile, I'm talking to a promoter of one of the biggest 'music scene' bars in the town about getting my group (rap) up there, filling an entire night full of it, and promising at least 50 people that will all individually rack up 20+$ in a tab that night (Do the math, it's a guarenteed at least thousand dollar night for a place that only normally gets 200-300 unless they're hosting some kinda gala event in which case they're lucky to bring in a grand) and the refuse to let me play because "they don't want to upset the ska bands" whose only real "nightly income" for the bar comes from the entrance fee, which most of the time around 80% gets trickeled through all the bands anyway.

Pieces of ****, all of them. Even less than jake, FiF and all those "were too cool to be mainstream but secrectly we try to be anyway"


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Feb 26, 2004
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Andre nickatina - Train with no love

OMFG RAP ehh i like the story to it.

YouTube - Andre Nickatina - train with no love

eah, all aboard...
All aboard

I know it feels insane on a train with no love
Drugs all deep in the brain on a train with no love
I know it feels insane on a train with no love
...(?) deep in the brain on a train with no love

****, I know it feels insane on a train with no love
Drugs all in the brain on a train with no love
I know it feels insane on a train with no love
Drugs all deep in the brain on a train with no love

[Verse 1]
...(?), me and Jay Lee, That's my homie and we up about a ki (?)
Business is good, got a new wife, I could do this for the rest of my life
Hang with stars, drive fast cars, still wear a vest for protection at the bar
Smoke me a spliff, talk big ****, never in my life will I ever will slip
Don't test me cuz I'm fast with the steel, bullets come hot but they make cats chill
Ready to kill if a cat comes short, ***** lord oh mercy dead on the porch
I gotta do this cuz I can't hesitate, if I do it too early then I'm comin' in late
Called Jay Lee, he said "Cool, Man I'm glad you got rid of that fool"
He said, "There's a concert goin' downtown, The O' Jays, Whispers and James Brown"
"Before you come can you make this round, we got a package comin' off Greyhound"
I said, "We do? Why you didn't tell me?"
He said, "I was off with the family"
I thought for a sec then said "Okay"
That's the homie Jay Lee, that's the homie from the way
Got the information, got to the spot, picked up the drop then I got popped
They said "We got you", read me my rights, and all I could think about was my wife
Got to the station, called Jay Lee
He said "Ain't nothin' I can do for ya homie"
Hung up the phone, I heard the dial tone
Now I'm thinkin', "What the hell is goin' on?"

[Verse 2]
I had a good lawyer, I got five years, Jay Lee did it to boost his career
Gave me up, to get a bigger cut and I didn't even see it cuz I was caught up in the lust
Man this (?) made me broke, nobody's laughin' but I feel like a joke
My wife is there, she's filled with tears, She'll have a new man in five years
I got a cold heart, I ain't gon' lie, but that **** right there made me cry
Trapped in the cell, the first day in my cellmate shanked me in the back with a pen
I could feel it go in, I turned for revenge, he started screamin' I killed his friend
I started to shake, he started to fuss, he said "Over a god damn six hundred bucks!"
Man he could'a killed me, he started to laugh, he said I'm gonna have to live with my past
Let the demon sit up in my brain from bringin' that pain, from movin' that caine
I'm sittin' there bleedin', **** is misleadin', I'm in a hospital on the very first evening
Grittin' my teeth cuz life ain't sweet
Now I'm trapped in the belly of the beast, ****

[Verse 3]
Three sixty five, I did it five times and I walked out with a lie(?) in my mind
No red meats, I'm back on the streets, thangs done changed, it's a new game
Cats that I knew that was into books had flipped the script and turned into crooks
Homies would say that the playa Jay Lee would always say good things about me
I say "Fo' real?", They say "Fo' real"
Too bad the homie died in a dope deal
"He left you a key for a mailbox, he said sorry 'bout somethin' ...(?)"
I took the key to the mailbox, opened it up, and you know what?
Jay Lee left me ninety-two g's and a note that read what I please
"Forgive me friend, for I have sinned"
"Sometimes we forget what life we're in"
"I know money won't repay the hurt, but maybe it could wash away the dirt"
"Cuz we were born with hearts of gold, but as we get old, the heart gets cold"
I folded the note, and kept it with me so I could always be with the homie Jay Lee
I thought good things, like before I done drugs, and before the train with no love
I called my wife, she was surprised
She took me back, now how you love that?
And just like that, I'm out of the game
That was the last stop on that train
****, I'ma tell ya...
And that was the last stop on that train

T3h Sorrow

"Best ***s on the forum"
Nov 2, 2006
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Jim Morrison

Premium Member
Jul 11, 2003
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DONT POST **** likethat man

devin the dude - just chillin.

T3h Sorrow

"Best ***s on the forum"
Nov 2, 2006
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