Originally posted by Samsara
Im kinda biased against ya for the whole Summit incident (please for the love of god dont hijack this thread and go off on Summit)
here goes:
A: generic anime i guess? 6/10
S: 8-bit ff rules but i doubt that you made it 8/10
Being the dick I am, I'm going to correct you on a few assumptions:
1) A generic anime avatar would be more like that Spike guy from Cowboy Bebop. I don't know anyone else who likes the character in my signature, let alone know who he is. Generic in the least.
2) The only thing I messed with on the signature was the fighter guy and the Jihad thing; plus a few minor things. That's like me pointing at your signature and saying that you didn't draw those images (Oh Noes!).
3) Me and TheSummit are cool now, and I had no influence on his bunnification on the forums.
Read and weep, you evil man.