Its the ones that come over here, get first priority on the council housing list, dont pay tax, qualify for just about any finance benefit out there, can call local folk whatever the hell they want but if they retaliated it be "racist", dont even try to learn the language and expect us to adjust our culture so its a little more like theirs for them.
There are immigrants that are genuinely not like that, they come over here, find themselfs a reasonable job, learn the language and adapt to the community so well. Knew a muslim guy from an old job i talk to him every now and then, has exactly the same London / Essex accent as me, is now boss of 5 at a buisness starting financial company he's like a clone of me that doesnt drink, do drugs, squeaky clean record and everything. Much better person than me.
Unfortunately the majority of immigrants that come here fit in the first category and give themselfs a bad name, therefore making the whole race look bad including the decent hardworking people. Im not patriotic at all, ive been over fair bit of Europe and loved it, also showed you cant just catagorise one nationality on how a stupid fraction of them act.