; D2HackIt.ini
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Main ini file for D2HackIt.
; <thohell@home.se>
; Misc options.
; Format:
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Autoload=plugin1,plugin2,...,pluginN
; InfoPrompt=ÿc3INFO
; ErrorPrompt=ÿc1ERROR
; VerbosePrompt=ÿc9VERBOSE
; Verbose=<on|off>
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; D2HackIt! *is* maphack 4.1 (or above) compatible since it can load
; it as any other plugin. Rename d2maphack.dll to d2maphack.d2h and
; move all files in your maphack directory to your D2HackIt
; directory. Since maphack is not specifically build for D2HackIt
; and may conflict with D2HackIt modules (bind.d2h for example) it
; should be loaded first, preferably first on the Autoload line

; If you do not want to do this, make sure you load maphack *before*
; loading D2HackIt. If you fail to do this, maphack will fail with
; 'Unknown game version' error.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Fingerprint definitions for D2HackIt v1.0. These fingerprints are
; working under 1.0cb.
; Format:
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Name=Module,patchsize,offset,fingerprint
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; The first character in the fingerprint determines what type of
; fingerprint this is:
; ! An ordinal inside (ex. !NameOfFuntion or !10)
; # An actual hexadecimal adress (ex. #6fba80b4)
; other Fingerprint pattern (see below)
; Patterns are interpreted as a string of bytes. The value 00 to ff
; represents an actual value. A byte represented as 'xx' is not
; important to the fingerprint and are masked out. Example of masked
; bytes are absolute addresses/offsets inside the code that are
; likely to change location on blizzard patches.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is now GrabIt! compatible.
; This lets us send packets even in single player games
; We hook this to set playerinfo when game starts/ends
; Just a pointer to playerinfo, available any time
; This is out entrypoint for displaying text
; This is the struct passed to us by the loader
; The modules searched for are actually: Game.exe, Diablo II.exe and D2Loader.exe
; This is used by bind.d2h
; Thanks to Techwarrior for this info
; Pointer to current game info, available at any time
wtf do i do with that shit