Q&A Batch 40!!!


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
I really couldn't give a ****. This... information is hardly pertinent. I don't care if i find out a day or two later, it's just a bunch of dumb ****ing people asking dumb ****ing questions; "Lol will ther b marines in sc2?????".
Some people actually do care. Clearly this site's new goal is to ride SC2's coattails in the hopes of becoming more popular, since all this major reconstruction coincided with the announcement that SC2 was in development.

Taking that into account, let's consider, is the game out yet? Oh, it's not? So what kind of content could possibly be posted about for a game that no one's played yet? Oh right, news. That's all there is, news, and the news that actually involves the StarCraft community, being the Q&A batches, is currently the most popular and most frequent.

I know it can be such an arduous chore to step outside your own interests for a second, but really, no one cares if the Q&A batches are inconsequential to you. They matter to a lot of people, a lot of people interested in StarCraft 2 who are going to find a different site to frequent if the entirety of the staff is too lazy to stay on top of the only content being released for the game.

It's somewhat moot at this point though, since Pan's already stepped in to fix the situation.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
This is officially the gayest thread on the site.


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